Genes expressed in N2. |
Expressed transcripts were identified on the basis of a Present call in 3 out of 4 N2 experiments as determined by Affymetrix MAS 5.0. |
heat-shock hlh-1 |
Genes enriched in HLH-1 heat shock dataset. |
A two-class unpaired analysis was performed to identify genes that are elevated 1.7-fold or greater when compared with the reference for each dataset, at a false discovery rate of 1.8% or less for M0 and 1.2% or less for the M24 datasets. |
24 hours of AgNPs exposure. |
Genes downregulated more than 2 fold after 24 hours of AgNPs exposure. |
Statistical differences between the control and exposed worms were determined by a parametric t test, and a Pearson correlation test was performed for correlation analysis, using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, Chicago, IL). |
Genes that showed significantly decreased expression in daf-19(m86);daf-12(sa204) comparing to in daf-12(sa204), at L1 larva stage. |
BRB Array Tools were used to identify genes with statistically significant variation in expression. The probability threshold was set at a maximum of 0.05 (p-value <= 0.05) for genes to be considered statistically differentially expressed in wild-type and mutant populations. Genes with a signal variation of 1.5-fold or greater were selected for subsequent experiments. To reduce false discoveries, a class comparison test was conducted using a multivariate per mutation test with a confidence level of 97% (L1 analysis) and 90% (adults). |
Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression after 48 hour exposure to sAg-MNP. |
Data were screened for differences of each treatment (Ag-MNP, sAg-MNP, and AgNO3) from control using one-way ANOVA with contrasts. The false discovery rate (FDR) threshold was set at 0.2 and the fold change was required to be greater than 1.5, and a P-value <= 0.05. The FDR of 0.2 was selected to balance the protection against false positives while minimizing the rate of false negatives. Using Partek, genes that were significantly different from control in at least one treatment were then analyzed using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). HCA is a 2-Pass clustering method; the first pass is a K-means clustering and in the second pass the K-means clusters are joined by agglomerative clustering. |
UV irradiation: 10 mJ per square cm. |
Genes with significantly increased expression in xpa-1(ok698) animals after treated with 10mJ per square cm UV and harvested 6 hours later. |
Differentially expressed genes were determined by ANOVA analysis using the Partek software package. |
UV irradiation: 60 mJ per square cm. |
DAF-16-dependent genes as being significantly induced (FC > 1.5; P < 0.01) following UV treatment in daf-2 mutants and more strongly induced following UV treatment in daf-2 versus daf-2;daf-16, daf-2 versus N2, and N2 versus daf-16. |
Differentially expressed genes were determined by ANOVA analysis using the Partek software package. |