pachytene progression during oogenesis variant
Developing oocytes show defects in their entry, progression through or exit from the pachytene stage compared to control animals. Pachytene is a cell cycle process comprising the steps by which a cell progresses through the third stage of prophase I in meiosis, in which crossing over occurs between a chromatid in one partner and another chromatid in the homologous chromosome. |
homolog association variant
The association of homologs during diakinesis and the maintenance of their association through meiosis I as well as the preservation of centromeric cohesin between sister chromatids does not proceed as it does in control animals. |
diakinesis progression during oogenesis variant
Developing oocytes show defects in their entry, progression through or exit from the diakinesis stage compared to control animals. Diakinesis is a cell cycle process comprising the steps by which a cell progresses through the final stage of prophase I in meiosis; the transition to meiotic metaphase I. |
diplotene progression during oogenesis variant
Developing oocytes show defects in their entry, progression through or exit from the diplotene stage compared to control animals. Diplotene is a cell cycle process comprising the steps by which a cell progresses through the fourth stage of prophase I in meiosis, in which the homologous chromosomes begin to separate and the synaptonemal complex dissolves. |