nose touch variant
Variations in the ability of an animal to respond with characteristic backward movement after a nose-on collision with an object compared to control. In C. elegans, this phenotype is usually assayed via stroking with a hair or similar fiber on the anterior most tip of the animal. |
plate tap reflex variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to substrate vibration compared to control. |
slowing response on food variant
Animals exhibit variations in modulating their locomotory rate in response to its food , compared to control. Basal slowing response refers to when well-fed animals move more slowly in the presence of bacteria than in the absence of bacteria . Second , food-deprived control animals , when transferred to bacteria , display a dramatically enhanced slowing response that ensures that the animals do not leave their newly encountered source of food. |
touch resistant
Variations in characteristic response with respect to perception or transmission of a touch stimulus compared to responses in control animals. |
rubber band
When prodded on the head, worm contracts and then relaxes along its entire body without moving backwards, compared to a control worm which contracts its anterior end and backs away in response to prodding. |
mechanoreceptor current variant
Animals differ from controls in their electrical response to mechanical stimulus. |
sexually dimorphic mechanosensation variant
Any variation with respect to perception or response to mechanical stimuli in a sex dependent manner compared to control animals. |
differential touch sensitivity variant
Animals differ from control animals in response to mechanical stimulation targeting different parts of the same cell. In N2 wild-type animals, response to touch near the ALM cell body is reduced compared with touch of the cell area near the second pharyngeal bulb. |
touch-induced suppression of head movement defective
Animals do not suppress exploratory head movements in response to anterior touch stimuli, unlike control animals. |
precipice response variant
Animals do not respond to the edge or gap in the medium surface they were supported on in the same manner as controls. In Mitchell et al., the precipice response was defined to be that within 2 seconds of the nose moving off the edge of the agar chunk, the worm begins a reversal that completes at least one full sine wave. |
head withdrawal defective
Animals are deficient in the foraging response in which an animal quickly pulls its head away from a stimulus to the nose (Wormatlas). |