L2 L3 molt defect
Animals exhibit defects in the process of shedding, part or all of its cuticle, during cuticle replacement that punctuates L2 to L3 transition. |
L1 L2 molt defect
Animals exhibit defects in the process of shedding, part or all of its cuticle, during cuticle replacement that punctuates L1 to L2 transition. |
cuticle shedding defect
Animals exhibit defects in the process of shedding, part or all of its cuticle, during cuticle replacement. |
L4 adult molt defect
Animals exhibit defects in the process of shedding, part or all of its cuticle, during cuticle replacement that punctuates L4 to adult transition. |
L3 L4 molt defect
Animals exhibit defects in the process of shedding, part or all of its cuticle, during cuticle replacement that punctuates L3 to L4 transition. |