feeding inefficient
Animals are unable to ingest nutrients at a rate similar to control animals. |
social feeding increased
Worms are found in clumps and/or crowded at the border of the bacterial lawn more frequently than control animals. This behavior is not due to mobility defects. |
eating variant
Any variation in the specific actions or reactions of an organism causing an alteration in the ingestion of food compared to control animals. In C. elegans the main food source is bacteria and alterations in eating behavior usually lead to malnutrition. |
solitary feeding increased
Animals disperse across a bacterial lawn and feed alone. When food is limiting, they can aggregate into swarms or clumps, but disperse once again when food is absent. |
satiety behavior variant
Any variation in the specific actions or reactions of an animal after completion of feeding, typically after a fast, compared to that observed in control animals. In C. elegans worms become behaviorally quiescent and cease feeding and moving when sated. |
avoids bacterial lawn
Lawn avoidance refers to behavior in which animals initially enter the bacterial lawn but later exit and remain near the edge of the bacteria. Lawn avoidance is often a response to bacterial food, that is pathogenic or low quality to the animal. |
feeding reduced
Animals consume less food than control animals |
food absorption rate variant
Animals exhibit variations in the rate at which food is absorbed by the intestine, as determined by a time-course recording of fat staining (by C1-BODIPY-C12, for example) normalized to controls |
conditional attraction to bacterial lawn
Animals show a stronger preference for a particular bacterium that has been grown under conditions that differ from a control lawn. |