ammonium chloride chemotaxis defective
Failure in directed movement in response to ammonium chloride compared to control. In C. elegans, NH4Cl is an attractant. NH4Cl has also subsequently been used to assay for Cl- attraction in C. elegans. |
ammonium acetate chemotaxis defective
Animals fail to execute directed movement in response to ammonium acetate. In C. elegans, ammonium acetate is an attractant. |
sodium acetate chemotaxis defective
Failure in directed movement in response to sodium acetate. In C. elegans, sodium acetate is an attractant. Sodium acetate has also subsequently been used to assay for Na+ attraction in C. elegans. |
sodium chloride chemotaxis defective
Failure to execute characteristic response to sodium chloride compared to control. In C. elegans, animals move towards attractive concentrations of sodium chloride. |
lysine chemotaxis defective
Failure to execute characteristic response to lysine as defined by control animals. In C. elegans, lysine is an attractant. |
cAMP chemotaxis defective
Failure to execute the characteristic response to cAMP as defined by control animals. In C. elegans, cAMP is typically an attractant. |
anion positive chemotaxis defective
Animals fail to move towards attractive anions. |
cation positive chemotaxis defective
Animals fail to move towards attractive cations. |
cGMP chemotaxis defective
Animals fail to exhibit the same taxis behavior as control animals in response to cGMP. In C. elegans, this is characterized by the failure to move towards cGMP. |
biotin chemotaxis defective
Failure to execute the characteristic response to biotin as defined by control animals. In C. elegans, biotin is typically an attractant. |