hypoxia response variant
Animals exhibit variations in response to hypoxia, low oxygen conditions, compared to controls. |
organism osmotic stress response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to osmotic stress compared to that observed in control animals. |
organism starvation response variant
Any variation in the state or activity of an organism as a result of deprivation of nourishment, compared to control. |
organism UV response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to ultraviolet radiation compared to that observed in control animals. |
organism temperature response variant
Animals do not respond to changes in temperature or thermal stress in the same manner as control animals. In C.elegans this is often measured by changes in the expression of stress proteins or changes in life span. |
organism pathogen response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to disease causing agents, compared to control. Pathogen response includes prevention, damage control and recovery from the infection caused by the attack. |
organism oxidative stress response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to oxidative stress compared to that observed in control animals. |
cell stress response variant
Variations in the activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating the organism is under stress, compared to control. The stress is usually, but not necessarily, exogenous (e.g. temperature, humidity, ionizing radiation). |
organism response to pH variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response and ability to survive over a range of pH conditions compared to control. |
organism response to gravitational force abnormal
Animals exhibit variations in their response to changes in gravitational force, compared to control animals. |
organism desiccation response variant
Any variation in the state or activity of an organism in response to extreme dryness or drought-like conditions, compared to control . |
stress induced arrest variant
Animals exhibit variations in cessation of development when exposed to stress stimuli that induce developmental arrest in control animals. |
organism hypersensitive interstrand cross link agents
Animals exhibit increased sensitivity to interstrand cross-linking agents, such as HN2 (nitrogen mustard) and CDDP (cisplatin) compared to control. In C. elegans, increased sensitivity to these agents is often observed as a decrease in survival compared to control animals after exposure to the agent. |
organism ionizing radiation response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response ionizing radiation compared to that observed in control animals. |
methyl methanesulfonate response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to methyl methanesulfonate compared to that observed in control animals. |
stress induced lethality variant
Animals exhibit variations in survival when exposed to stress stimuli that induce lethality in control animals. |
rhythmic tolerance to stress variant
Animals exhibit variations in light/dark cycle recurrence of reactions to stress conditions compared to that observed for control animals. |
ethyl methanesulfonate response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) compared to that observed in control animals. |
anoxia response variant
Animals exhibit variations in response to anoxia, trace oxygen conditions, compared to controls. |
organism crowding response variant
Animals exhibit variations in their response to a situation when there is too high a density of nematodes to be supported by the available amount of food and space compared to that observed in control animals (Wormatlas). |
organism electrophilic stress hypersensitive
Animals respond to compounds that elicit electrophilic stress at a lower concentration or a shorter exposure compared to control animals. |