spicule insertion defective
Males exhibit defects in the insertion of the male copulatory spicules into the mating partner. In C. elegan spicule insertion behavior initiates when the male cloaca contacts the vulva. During most mating encounters, the spicule tips will prod the vulva continuously until they partially penetrate, which then causes the protractors to contract completely so that the spicules extend through the vulva. |
male response to contact defective
The inability of a male to respond properly to a potential mate after contact. In C.elegans, proper response includes apposing the ventral side of his tail to the hermaphrodite's body and swimming backward. |
sperm transfer defective
Any defect in the process whereby a male inseminates his partner by introducing sperm into the genital tract. |
mating latency increased
Any increase in the length of time required for a male to find a mate and initiate the search for the vulva. In C. elegans, the latency period includes the time males spend to find a hermaphrodite and pause to press its ventral side against the surface of the hermaphrodite and initiate a backing up search for the vulva. |