touch resistant anterior body
Animal does not respond to stroking in the anterior body region with a hair or similar fiber compared to control. In C. elegans, the anterior region is defined as the body region that lies between the posterior bulb of the pharynx and the vulva. |
nose touch defective
Animal fails to exhibit characteristic response after a nose-on collision with an object compared to control. In C. elegans, this is usually assayed with a hair or similar fiber. The nose is the anterior most tip of the animal. |
light body touch resistant
Animals do not respond to stroking to the head or tail with a hair or similar fiber, but does respond to stronger mechanical stimuli such as prodding with a fine platinum wire or similar tool compared to controls. |
harsh body touch resistant
Animals do not respond to prodding with a fine platinum wire or similar tool compared to controls. |
touch resistant tail
Failure to execute a characteristic response when struck or stroked in the posterior region. In C. elegans, animals move forward movement when struck or stroked in the posterior region, usually with a hair or similar fiber. The posterior region lies between the vulva and the tail. |