Animals exhibit a greater number of bends in their body compared to control. C. elegans posture assumes more than a single sine wave. |
A semi-paralysed body phenotype in which muscle tone is lost and the animal fails to actively control its body shape (Wormatlas). |
body posture amplitude variant
Animals exhibit variations in body posture with regard to the extent of displacement measured from the mean position to an extreme position compared to control animals. |
body posture wavelength variant
Animals exhibit variations in body posture with regard to the distance between repeating units of a wave pattern compared to control animals. In C. elegans, characteristic sinusoidal body posture is sinusoidal. |
Excessive and often uncoordinated body wall muscle contraction leading to shortening of the body. |
track length variant
Animals exhibit variations in the length of the minimum enclosing rectangle surrounding the worm body on a solid medium, as viewed through the microscope. |
coiling variant
Animals exhibit variations in the occurrence of a coil-like body posture compared to control animals. This includes the amount of time spent in a coil, the frequency with which coils form and the inappropriate formation of a coil, for example when attempting to locomote. |