egg laying response to food variant
Animals exhibit variations in egg-laying behavior in response to food compared to control. In C. elegans, well-fed animals lay more eggs compared with starved animals. |
glucose intolerant
Animals do not live or live poorly in the presence of glucose concentrations that normally do not have an effect on control animals. |
dietary saturated fatty acid intolerant
Animals exhibit intolerance (e.g. lethality or significant growth defect) when exposed to saturated fatty acids via the diet, compared to controls. |
food dependent growth variant
Animals exhibit variations in growth rate or the outcome of growth in response to food compared to control. In C. elegans, animals exhibit an increase or decrease in growth rate depending on the type of bacteria they are fed. |
food suppressed pumping variant
Exposure to food does not reduce pharyngeal pumping to the same extent as observed in control animals. |