body size variant
Animals exhibit variations in the physical dimensions of its body compared to control animals of the same developmental stage. |
larval body morphology variant
Any variation in the overall structure or appearance of the animal as it progresses from hatching to adult compared to control animals. |
body protrusions
Any irregular swelling in discrete regions of the body region between the head and the tail. |
body vacuole
Vacuoles accumulate in the body. A vacuole is a closed structure, found only in eukaryotic cells, that is completely surrounded by unit membrane and contains liquid material. |
posterior body morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of the anatomy contained in the posterior region, compared to control animals. |
anterior body morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of the anatomy contained in the anterior region, compared to control animals. |
adult body morphology variant
Any variation in the overall structure or appearance of the animal after it has completed progression through the larval stages compared to control animals. |
body twisted
Any portion of the animal, between the head and the tail, appears distorted, usually due to uncharacteristic winding. |
body constriction
Animals contain body regions that are more narrow or drawn together than adjacent body regions. |