neuronal cell fate specification variant
Any variation in the processes that govern acquisition of neuronal cell fates compared to control. |
vulva cell fate specification variant
Any aberrancy in the processes that govern acquisition of vulval cell fates compared to control animals. |
cell fate transformation
The cell takes on a different identity from which it was initially committed. |
cell induction variant
Variations in a cell's ability to influence the fate of another cell (often of different developmental potential or ancestry via short range signaling). |
loss of left right asymmetry
Bilaterally symmetric cell fail to acquire specific left-right asymmetric properties such as L/R specific cell position, cell death or gene expression. |
embryonic cell fate specification variant
Any variation in the processes that govern acquisition of particular cell fates in the embryo, from the time of zygote formation until hatching compared to control. |
VPC competence variant
Any variation in the ability of multipotent vulval precursor cells to respond to signals compared to control animals. |