meiotic progression prophase variant
Animals exhibit variations in any process necessary for the progression through prophase during meiosis compared to control animals. |
polar body extrusion defective early emb
Unextruded or resorbed polar body(ies) leading to an extra PNs in P0 and/or extra karyomeres in AB/P1. |
meiotic chromosome organization variant
Any variation in the process of chromosome organization that is involved in meiosis, compared to control. |
first polar body position variant
Variations in the placement of the polar body formed in the first division of meiosis of a primary oocyte, compared to control. A polar body is the by-product of meiosis (destined to degenerate) in female or hermaphrodite animals. |
meiotic DNA double strand break formation variant
Any variation in the creation of double-strand breaks that occur during meiosis that may result in the initiation of meiotic recombination. |
anaphase I progression variant early embryo
Compared to controls, embryos exhibit variations in the part meiosis I in which homologous chromosomes separate and migrate away from each other. |
meiosis metaphase to anaphase transition block
Oocyte chromosomes arrest in metaphase of meiosis I without transitioning to anaphase or producing polar bodies. |
no polar body formation
Animals lack the two small cells produced, each during one of the two meiotic cell divisions (Wormatlas). |
meiosis defective early emb
Animals exhibit defects in the progression of meiosis which ultimately result in embryonic lethality. |
meiotic spindle defective
Cells undergoing meiosis exhibit defects in the overall function or activity of the meiotic spindle. |