germline nuclear positioning variant
Variations in the directed movement/or positioning of a nucleus to a specific location within the germline compartment compared to control. |
VNC nuclear positioning variant
Variations in spacing or location were observed between adjacent ventral cord nuclei or between ventral cord nuclei and another nucleus used as a reference point. In C. elegans, these nuclei are distributed equally and predictably, such that they can be unambiguously distinguished by their position. |
nuclear anchoring variant
The nucleus or nuclei are not positioned in a similar manner or pattern in the cell or syncytium to that observed in controls. |
nuclear position defective early emb
Embryos show defects in the placement of the nucleus to a specific location within the cell. |
pronuclear migration reduced early emb
Any variation in the movement/fusion of pronuclei in the fertilized oocyte compared to control. For example, lack of male pronuclear migration, female pronuclear migration variable, sometimes multiple female pronuclei, no or small spindle. |