path curvature variant
Animals exhibit variations in the extent to which the overall path of movement is curved, compared to control animals. |
The animal moves or rests with uncharacteristic loss of smooth sinusoidal motion or body posture. Movement is often characterized by severe bending motions, more sharply angled and/or much deeper than stereotypical sinusoidal body bends of the control animals. |
The body of an animal assumes a coil-like shape when it attempts to move. |
sinusoidal movement variant
Any variation in the propagation of the contraction sine wave along the body while an animal travels from one location to another, compared to control. |
The body of the animal rotates around its long axis as the animal moves, causing the animal to move in a circular pattern. In liquid media, wave propogation is helical rather than planar. |
spastic locomotion
Animals exhibit uncharacteristic muscle contractions during the process by which they travel from one location to another. |
directionality variant
Animals exhibit variations in the directional changes that separate consecutive runs, from that observed for control animals. In C. elegans, these aberrations include variations in the form or extent of omega turns or reversals (shifts from forward to backward movements). |