3 Genes
WormBase Gene ID | Gene Name | Sequence Name | Organism |
WBGene00001078 | dpy-19 | F22B7.10 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00001609 | glp-1 | F02A9.6 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00003912 | pal-1 | C38D4.6 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WormBase ID | WBStrain00050638 | CGC Received | 2017-03-22 |
Genotype | pal-1(ct224)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III; ctIs33. | Laboratory | CGC |
Made By | WBPerson942 | Mutagen | UV+TMP |
Name | BW1927 | Outcrossed | x4 |
Remark | ctIs33 [pal-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpySteriles and dead eggs. Pick wild-type heterozygotes to maintain. ct224 homozygotes show Nob phenotype: approximately 80% of homozygous embryos arrest at about the time of hatching with fairly normal anterior development but a severely deformed posterior with a variable knob-like shape; approximately 20% fail to enclose and do not hatch. ct224 is a 4.2kb deletion removing exon 1 through exon 6 of the pal-1 gene. ctIs33 carries a non-rescuing pal-1::GFP fusion containing ~7kb 5' of the SL1 splice site through part of exon 5 fused to GFP. GFP expression is primarily embryonic and limited to a few cells; not visible except at high magnification. Reference: Edgar LG, et al. Dev Biol. 2001 Jan 1;229(1):71-88. | Species | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WormBase Gene ID | Gene Name | Sequence Name | Organism |
WBGene00001078 | dpy-19 | F22B7.10 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00001609 | glp-1 | F02A9.6 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00003912 | pal-1 | C38D4.6 | Caenorhabditis elegans |