3 Genes
WormBase Gene ID | Gene Name | Sequence Name | Organism |
WBGene00000252 | bli-2 | F59E12.12 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00001072 | dpy-10 | T14B4.7 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00006744 | unc-4 | F26C11.2 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WormBase ID | WBStrain00006395 | CGC Received | 1999-03-22 |
Genotype | mIn1 [dpy-10(e128) mIs14]/bli-2(e768) unc-4(e120) II. | Laboratory | CGC |
Made By | WBPerson154 | Name | DR2078 |
Outcrossed | x4 | Remark | WT gross phenotype, with GFP semi-dominantly expressed in 4-60 cell embyros, pharyngeal muscle and gut. Segregates WT, brighter Dpy GFP mIn1 homozygotes and non-GFP bli-2 unc-4 homozygotes. Pharyngeal and gut GFP is easily seen in a UV dissecting microscope; early embryonic signal requires higher magnification. mIs14 occasionally crosses off mIn1[dpy-10], apparently by double recombination. Pick WT, check for GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. mIs14 is ccEx9747 integrated into mIn1[dpy-10]. This is a three-construct element containing myo-2 and pes-10 promoters and a gut enhancer fused individually to GFP coding sequence. |
Species | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WormBase Gene ID | Gene Name | Sequence Name | Organism |
WBGene00000252 | bli-2 | F59E12.12 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00001072 | dpy-10 | T14B4.7 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
WBGene00006744 | unc-4 | F26C11.2 | Caenorhabditis elegans |