excretory canal morphology variant
Variations in the form or composition of structures made by the processes of the excretory canal cell compared to control (Wormatlas). |
anus morphology variant
Any variation in the structural appearance of the caudal opening of the rectum in the tail compared to control animals. |
cuticle morphology variant
Any variation in the appearance or structure of the rigid external coating which is secreted by the hypodermis, seam and some interfacial epithelial cells compared to control (Wormatlas). |
tail spike variant
Any variation in the structure or appearance of the thin cuticle specialization found at the extreme posterior end of the tail compared to control. |
alae absent
Animals lack the small linear ridges running along the lateral lines of the cuticle, lengthwise along the body (Wormatlas). |
eggshell morphology variant
Any variation in the overall structure or appearance of the protective barrier which isolates the embryo from the external environment, compared to control . |
pseudocoelom morphology variant
Any variation in the appearance of the body cavity compared to control. In C. elegans , an aberrancy in the psedocoelom can involve an accumulation of fluids or fluorescent reporters. |
no cuticle
Animals lack the rigid external coating which is secreted by the hypodermis, seam and some interfacial epithelial cells (Wormatlas). |
dauer buccal cavity morphology variant
Variations in the form or composition of the cuticle-lined lumenal region which lies just behind the lips at the entrance to the pharyngeal lumen in dauer stage animals compared to control (Wormatlas). |