gonad morphology variant
Variations in the form or composition of a specialized tissue of the reproductive tract that produces the male or female gametes compared to control (Wormatlas). |
connection of gonad variant
Any variation that disrupts the connectivity between the somatic gonad and the adjoining tissues compared to control. In C. elegans this connnection is between the somatic gonad and the vulva in hermaphrodites and between the somatic gonad and proctodeum in males. |
male reproductive system morphology variant
Any variations in the form, structure or composition of a set of interacting or interdependent entities forming the male reproductive system compared to control. The reproductive system is involved in the generation of progeny which contain genetic material inherited from the parents. |
cloacal morphology variant
Any variation in the structural appearance of the epithelial chamber that links the genital and alimentary tracts to the exterior via the anus (cloacal opening) compared to control animals. |
hermaphrodite reproductive system morphology variant
Any variations in the form, structure or composition of a set of interacting or interdependent entities forming the hermaphrodite reproductive system, compared to control. The reproductive system is involved in the generation of progeny which contain genetic material inherited from the parents. |