

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Phenotype : WBPhenotype:0001250 amphid channel axoneme morphology variant

Description  Animals exhibit variations in the structure or composition of the microtuble-based fibrillar core, axoneme, of the cilia of the neurons that project through the sensillum pore to the outside of the animal, compared to that observed in control animals.

0 RNAi

0 RNAi Not Observed

1 Children

Identifier Name Description
WBPhenotype:0001251 amphid channel axoneme short The microtuble-based fibrillar-bundles of the amphid sensory cilia are reduced in length compared to those in control animals.

1 Data Sets

Name URL

2 Parents

Identifier Name Description
WBPhenotype:0001249 amphid channel cilia morphology variant Animals exhibit variations in the structure or composition of the dendritic projections of the amphid sensory neurons that traverse the sensillum pore to connect with the outside of the animal, compared to that observed in control animals. In C. elegans, amphid channel cilia morphology is frequently assayed by dye-filling experiments using FITC, DiI or DiO.
WBPhenotype:0000262 axoneme morphology variant Animals exhibit variations in the structure or composition of the microtubule-based fibrillar bundle (axoneme) that makes up the core of the middle part of the cilium (in a pattern of nine doublet microtubules attached to the membrane and a variable number of smaller singlet microtubules occupying the center). In C. elegans, the axoneme microtubules are arranged in a pattern of nine doublets attached to the membrane with seven smaller singlet microtubules occupying the center.

0 Phenotype Allele

0 Phenotype Allele Not Observed

1 Synonyms

Name Type
amphid channel axoneme morphology abnormal