phasmid socket absent
Animals are missing the interfacial hypodermal cell (socket cell) of the phasmid sensillum pore. |
amphid phasmid neuron morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the quantity, structure or organization of the components of the neuronal cells of the amphid and phasmid sensilla from that observed in control animals. In C. elegans, these neurons are commonly assayed by dye-filling experiments using FITC, DiI or DiO. |
amphid sheath cell morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the structure or composition of the amphid sensillum cell that ensheathes the dendrite tips of channel neurons and wing cell dedritic processes, from that observed in control animals. Sheath cells in C.elegans have highly invaginated and vesiculated surfaces, which provide a specialized environment for the dendritic structures. |