Picture: Fig. 5C. |
Punc-103::GFP transcriptional fusion was expressed in many neurons in the nervous system, including some motor neurons along the ventral cord. |
Picture: Fig. 4. |
pQC106, with the 3.0 kb promoter, showed expression in the same cells as pQC105 and also in rectal cells, vulva cells, the spermatheca-uterine valve and in body wall muscle cells and neurons of the ventral nerve cord. |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (1.6). Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head neurons, touch neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Intestine, anal depressor, head muscle. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo and larva. |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (3.0) and larva (2.8). Neuronal expression include: Bright in anterior ventral cord neurons, weak and mosaic in posterior ventral cord. Also expressed in other cells: Pharyngeal/intestinal valves, hypodermis. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (1.8). |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in larva (1.8); not expressed in embryo. Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head and tail neurons, touch neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Body muscle, anal depressor, sphincter muscle? Excretory gland cells?. Pan-neuronal: enriched in larva (3.2); not expressed in embryo. |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (3.5) and larva (5.1). Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord neurons. Pan-neuronal: enriched in larva (2.1); not expressed in embryo. |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (1.9). Neuronal expression include: L2 -- DA, VA, VB, VD, bright in touch neurons, head and tail neurons L3 -- all ventral cord motor neurons. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (5.9). |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (4.5) and larva (4.8). Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord neurons, head and tail neurons. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (3.5). |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in embryo; not expressed in larva. Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head and tail neurons, PLN. Also expressed in other cells: Pharyngeal muscle, vulval muscle, anal depressor, hypodermis. Pan-neuronal: enriched in embryo (1.8); not expressed in larva. |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (2.9); not expressed in larva. Neuronal expression include: Weak in head and tail neurons, ventral cord. Also expressed in other cells: Pharynx, sheath cells, distal tip cell. Pan-neuronal: enriched in embryo (1.9); expressed in larva. |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in larva; enriched in embryo (2.0). Neuronal expression include: Bright in head neurons, few tail neurons. weak in all ventral cord motor neurons. Touch neurons, PDE. Also expressed in other cells: Intestine, head muscle, pharyngeal muscle, hypodermis, distal tip cell. Pan-neuronal: expressed in larva; enriched in embryo(3.0). |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in larva; enriched in embryo (2.4). Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head and tail neurons. Pan-neuronal: expressed in larva; enriched in embryo (2.3). |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in embryo; not expressed in larva. Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head and tail neurons, touch neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Intestine, vulval muscle, pharyngeal muscle, anal depressor, body muscle. Pan-neuronal: enriched in embryo (1.8); not expressed in larva. |
Picture: Figure S1. |
Expressed in head neurons, ventral-cord motor neurons, body-wall muscle, vulval muscle, stomatointestinal muscle, anal-depressor muscle, tail neurons, etc. |
Picture: fig. S3 A. |
A transgene containing the sel-10 promoter driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeled a subset of neurons including the HSNL, which suggests that sel-10 is expressed in the HSNL. sel-10 promoter driven GFP is widely expressed in body wall muscles (not consistent though), intestine(not consistent), pharynx, distal tip cell, spermatheca, and within nervous system, it is expressed in HSNs, some ventral cord neurons, a bunch of unidentified head neurons and a few tail neurons. --Pers. Comm. from Mei Ding 11-20-07. |
Picture: Figure S1. |
Expressed in head neurons, ventral-cord motor neurons, body-wall muscle, vulval muscle, stomatointestinal muscle, anal-depressor muscle, tail neurons, etc. |
Picture: Fig S5. |
A transcriptional fusion of the unc-50 promoter to GFP is expressed in all cell types throughout development. unc-50::gfp expression was seen in the head of adult hermaphrodite. Expression is seen in the pharyngeal muscle, head neurons, and epidermis. Expression is also present in the gut, ventral cord motor neurons, and epidermal seam cells. In the mid body region expression is seen in the gut, seam cells, uterus, vulva muscles, and distal tip cell. In the tail region unc-50 expression can be detected in the epidermis and enteric muscles. |
GPN-1::GFP was expressed in a smaller number of neuroblasts prior to epidermal enclosure. In later embryogenesis GPN-1::GFP was expressed strongly in the developing pharynx and in ventral cord neurons. |
Expressed in AVA, AVB, DVA, I5, RID, RIM, PVQ, SAA, SIA, SIB, SMB(?), SMD, ventral cord motor neurons, some unidentified neurons in the head. Also expressed head muscles (weak), body wall muscles (weak). |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other life stages. |
acr-8::GFP was strongly expressed in all body muscle cells as well as in anal and vulval muscles and ventral cord motor neurons. Expression was visible in the embryo. |
Strong and consistent expression was observed in a limited number of neurons in the head and tail and coelomocytes. Weaker and/or inconsistent expression of TTX-7::EGFP was detected in nerve cord motor neurons, intestine, and somatic gonad. The head neurons expressing ttx-7::EGFP include AFD and RIA neurons. Also expressed in ASH, ASE, ASJ, AWC, ADF, ADL, ASI, ASK, AWB, VNC motor neurons, etc. |
TTX-7::EGFP was diffusely expressed in the cytoplasm and was not localized to any specific subcellular compartment. |
Transgenic animals expressing SMI-1::GFP demonstrated strong expression throughout development, up to and including adulthood. SMI-1 was expressed in the gut at all stages through development. In addition, fluorescence was also detected in a subset of nerve cells in the head, in ventral nerve cord cell bodies and also in body-wall muscle cells. A high level of fluorescence was observed in vulval abnormalities, moulting defects and sterility. |
Expressed in ventral nerve cord cell bodies |
LIS-1 is expressed in all classes of neurons (GABA, cholinergic, glutamatergic) within the ventral cord of C. elegans. |
The NUD-2 fusion protein was expressed within neurons of the ventral cord as well as the pharynx, seam cells of the hypodermis, and in the vulva muscle cells. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other life stage. |
Expressed in ventral nerve cord at L2/L3, L4 and adult, pair of head muscle cells at L2/L3, ventral motor neurons from L2 to adult. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other life stage. |
Expressed in ventral nerve cord at L2/L3, L4 and adult, pair of head muscle cells at L2/L3 and L4, ventral motor neurons from L2 to adult. |
Expressed in touch receptor neurons, ventral cord neurons and the nerve ring in the head. |
Expressed in the cell bodies and processes of neurons. |
Expressed in touch receptor neurons, ventral cord neurons and the nerve ring in the head. |
Expressed in the cell bodies and processes of neurons. |
For dre-1::gfp, a 4 kb promoter was amplified with primers 5' -GGTACCCGAGGGGACATCGAGATAG-3' and 5' -GGTACCTTCCTGGCCAACCAGAGAC-3' and was cloned into Fire vector L3781 (BA 279). The dre-1 ORF and the dre-1 3' UTR region were amplified with primers 5' -GCTAGCATGTCGTCCTCTTCGTCAC-3' and 5' -ACTAGTTACTTACTCCACTCCACACAG-3' and were cloned into BA279 (BA280). Lines containing this construct included dhEx346 and dhIs442. To obtain the full-length promoter construct, authors substituted the promoter from BA279 with a 12.3 kb promoter by using primers 5' -GCGGCCGCGTTGCACACAAAACATTATTATTTTCTTTCTCTT-3' and 5' -TACGTATCTCGTCCCTGAGATCTCTCATTT-3' (BA508). Resulting lines containing this array included dhEx443 and dhEx452. --precise ends. |
First detected by midembryogenesis, expression was most prominent in epidermal and intestinal cells. By the 1.5-fold stage of embryogenesis, expression was additionally detected in neurons and other cells. During larval and adult stages, DRE-1::GFP was most visible in epidermal seam cells and hypodermis. Expression was high in larvae and low in adults. In addition, DRE-1 was strongly expressed in the P epidermal blast cells and descendents that give rise to the vulva. Weak expression was seen in the somatic gonad, including the gonadoblasts, the anchor cell, dtcs, and occasionally adult spermatheca and uterus. Notably, with another construct (dhEx346, 4 kb promoter, 4 kb coding region), dtc expression was stronger and commenced by mid-L3. In the musculature, DRE-1 was seen in the pharynx, anal depressor, sex muscles, and body wall muscles. Finally, DRE-1 was detected in neurons of the head, tail, ventral cord, and periphery. |
Generally, DRE-1::GFP was localized to both the nucleus and cytoplasm, and it was broadly expressed, including in phenotypically affected tissues. |
Expressed in Many head neurons, ventral cord and tail neurons, body-wall muscle, hypodermis, somatic gonad, intestine. |