VNS::SYS-1 was not found in SGPs of newly hatched L1 larvae (n = 23) but was detectable ~1 h before their division (n = 48). VNS::SYS-1 was present in both nucleus and cytoplasm but was enriched in granules often localized to the proximal edge of the SGP. During the SGP division, VNS::SYS-1 localized to large puncta in each of the two daughters, at a position suggesting localization to the centrosome; no SYS-1 asymmetry was seen at this point. After the division, VNS::SYS-1 was easily seen in distal daughters but either was not seen or was barely detectable in proximal daughters. In the next division, VNS::SYS-1 was in the distal-most SGP granddaughters (Z1aa, Z4pp) but not their proximal sisters (Z1ap, Z4pa); by contrast, VNS::SYS-1 was not in SGP proximal granddaughters (Z1pa, Z1pp, Z4aa, Z4ap). VNS::SYS-1 was expressed in many cells during embryogenesis and larval development. Furthermore, SYS-1 was asymmetrically distributed in daughters of many asymmetric divisions, and SYS-1 asymmetry was the reciprocal of POP-1 asymmetry in all cases. For example, the E blastomere has lower POP-1 than the MS blastomere, but E has higher SYS-1 than MS. In addition, posterior daughters in the embryonic hypodermis and larval T cell have lower POP-1 than anterior daughters, but those posterior daughters have higher SYS-1 than anterior daughters. A similar situation holds true for distal daughters and granddaughters in the vulval lineage. |
As seen in the SGPs, SYS-1 localized to large puncta in each daughter at a predicted centrosomal position, and in all cases, SYS-1 levels were similar at the two putative centrosomes. |