mhIs9 rescued the lin-17 T and B cell polarity defects. |
mhIs9 males contain a lin-17::gfp construct that was expressed in the membranes of the T, B cells and their descendants as well as the F, P11, P12 and vuval precursor cells. |
membrane |
Isoform 1a |
See also WBPaper00045644. |
At hatching and during the time of Q cell migration, egl-20::gfp was expressed exclusively within a group of epidermal and muscle cells located in the posterior of the animal near the anus. These cells are equi-distant from either Q cell at hatching and are symmetrically distributed on the left and right sides of the animal. Both the level and the distribution of EGL-20::GFP are similar on the left and right sides of the animal. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The longest construct, containing 10 kb of 5 upstream region from the first lin-3 exon, expresses lin-3::gfp in pharynx; spermathecal-uterine junction core cells and later in the spermatheca valve; pre-anchor (AC)/ventral uterine precursor (VU) cells and later in the anchor cell in the somatic gonad; vulF cells of the primary vulval lineage cells; and F, U and some of the B progeny cells in the male tail. This expression pattern was not affected by the different genetic backgrounds (dpy-20, pha-1 and unc-119) rescued by the corresponding co-injected rescue plasmids, implying that the gfp expression pattern is established by the lin-3 regulatory region. LIN-3 expression in different cells was temporally distinct as well. Expression in the pharynx was observed throughout post-embryonic stages. Spermathecal-uterine junction core cells, which later form the spermatheca valve, started expressing lin-3::gfp at the late L3 larval stage. |
A hst-3.1 reporter displayed limited expression during early embryogenesis, but was visible in the pharynx and body wall muscle by the embryonic threefold stage. During larval and adult stages, the reporter continued to be expressed in body wall muscle, vulval muscle and the pharynx. In addition, we detected expression in at least six neurons in the head, including the NSM, RIH, RIS, and an unidentified pair of neurons as well as some select epithelial cells. No obvious expression was seen in either AIY or HSN interneurons. Additional expression is observed in the coelomocytes (cc), the distal tip cell (dtc), and rectal cells (U,F/K, B AND Y/PDA). In adults, expression is predominantly seen in body wall muscles, vulva muscles, the muscle arms, the pharynx, and the rectal epithelium. |
Picture: Figure S3. |
Expressed in the B, F, K, and U hypodermal cells, also anal depressor muscle. |
Picture: Figure S3. |
Expressed in the B, F, K, and U hypodermal cells, also anal depressor muscle. |
sox-2 expression is restricted to subsets of neuroblasts. sox-2 is expressed relatively late in nervous system development, in the progenitor of differentiated neurons, but not in earlier neuroectodermal cells. sox-2 is also expressed in some progenitors of non-neural tissue, in the head hypodermis and the arcade cells. sox-2 is expressed in several postembryonic blast cells that are generated in the embryo. These blast cells include the B, Y, F, U and K rectal epithelial cells and the seam cells along the body. Although expression of sox-2 is absent in the terminal neurons generated by these lineages, sox-2 expression extends beyond the blast cell stage [e.g. sox-2 expression is maintained in the V5 daughters (V5a and V5p) but is lost in the next division].sox-2 is expressed in the sensory neurons AWB, AWC, IL1, IL2, URA, URB, OLL, the interneurons AIM, AIN, AVK, RIH and the motor neuron class RME. The sox-2 fosmid reporter or sox-2 smFISH did not show any expression in the germ line or oocytes of young adult worms. Expression patterns obtained by smFISH were very similar to the ones observed with fosmid reporters. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
At the L1 larval stage CEH-6ceh-6 is expressed in four pairs of bilaterally symmetric neurons in the lateral ring ganglion of the animal. These neurons are the RMDDLR, RMDVLR, AUALR and AVHLR neurons. The expression in RMDD and RMDV is weaker than in AUA and AVH. ceh-6 is also expressed in the excretory cell, very strongly with the lacZ reporter construct but more weakly with the antibody, which is probably due to the large volume of the nucleus. Despite the nuclear localization signal in the lacZ construct, the beta-galactosidase was occasionally expressed at such high levels that the excretory canals were also stained. Posterior to the excretory cell, the neurons SABVLR in the retro-vesicular ganglion express CEH-6ceh-6. Additional CEH-6-expressing cells in the body and tail were observed only with the antiserum, indicating that the ceh-6 reporters may not contain all promoter elements. In the body region, expression was observed in dividing cells in the ventral nerve cord in L1 animals. The Pn.a expression is transient, appearing before the cell division of Pn.a and fading in the daughter cells. During the cell division, CEH-6 is localized to the cytoplasm of the dividing cells. It appears that the posterior daughters lose CEH-6 before that of the anterior daughter, as seen in the anterior Pn.ap cells. In the tail, CEH-6 expression in L1 animals is seen around the rectum in the five rectal cells B, Y, U, F and K. After K has divided, only the rectal cell K.a expresses CEH-6, though expression during the division was not monitored. At the L2 stage, a sixth cell becomes apparent that, based on its position at the very bottom of the rectum, is deduced to be Head and rectal expression of CEH-6 persists into adulthood. In addition, in adult animals four symmetric CEH-6 expressing cells are seen around the vulva, possibly one set of the vul cells, though did not determine their identity. During embryogenesis ceh-6 is expressed at the comma stage in two clusters one cluster corresponds to the ectodermal cells surrounding the anus (B, Y, U, F and K), and the other cluster corresponded to the cells in the head described above, many of which are located relatively close to each other at that stage in development. |
mab-9 is expressed in very few cells throughout development. In L1 larvae, mab-9::GFP expression is seen in the posterior hindgut cells B and F, the two cells that take on inappropriate lineage fates in mab-9 mutants. Expression is also seen in two posterior hypodermal nuclei of the large syncytial cell hyp7 and in the nervous system, where mab-9::GFP expression is evident in two neuronal nuclei of the lumbar ganglion. These are most likely to be the two nuclei of the interneuron PVC. In addition, mab-9::GFP expression is always observed in a single neuronal nucleus of the head ganglion. The neuronal and hypodermal expression pattern of mab-9 is the same in males and hermaphrodites. mab-9::GFP expression is observed in both B.a and B.p. In late larval males, the expression pattern of mab-9 is more widespread in nuclei of the proctodeum. In adult hermaphrodites, mab-9::GFP expression is maintained in the same six cells that expressed mab-9 during larval development. A construct in which a 5.2-kb mab-9 promoter-only cassette was cloned in front of GFP (vector pPD96.04) was found to have a very similar expression pattern when present in wild-type worms as an extrachromosomal array. mab-9 is also expressed during embryogenesis. mab-9::GFP expression is first seen at the 1.5-fold stage, 430 min after first cleavage, in three to four nuclei around the presumptive rectum [B, F, and hyp7]. In 3-fold embryos, mab-9::GFP expression becomes very intense in the nuclei of B and F, and weaker expression can also be observed in nuclei of the ventral cord. This ventral cord expression appears to be transient and is not observed reproducibly as larval development ensues. |
mab-9 localizes to the nucleus. |
mom-2 expression was observed in the male blast cells B, F, Y as well as P12.p, T.a, T.p, hyp7, hyp8 and hyp10 in syEx664 males. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
In two independent transgenic lines, expression was observed in embryos, larvae and adults in the posterior body region near the anus and in the tail. In L1 larvae, expression was seen in the rectal blast cells B, Y, U, F and K. HSN also expressed LacZ. |
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). |
Postembryonic expression is observed in the rectum epithelium. A major site of EGL-5 expression is in the rectal epithelium. At hatching, the rectal expression is in K, F, B, U and Y. In addition expression is seen in (Y differentiates into) PDA motor neuron, (K divides to rise to) part of dorsal rectal epithelium and a cell that becomes DVB motor neuron. In males male-specific neurons show expression. In males Ab staining is observed in B.a and B.p as well as Y.p and Y.p in L1 and early L2. It appears that most/all B, Y, U, F, K descendants express EGL-5. Ventral neuroblast P12, staining is first seen in P12.a and P12.p in 12-h worms. Staining is maintained in P12 descendants in 15-h until adulthood. Both sexes' mechanosensory neurons, expression is seen in PLM neurons throughout larval development. In addition two cells express EGL-5, one in anterior region of each lumbar ganglion, likely to be PVC interneurons. Both sexes' muscles cells, expression is detected in 4-6 left/right pairs of posterior body-wall muscle cells in L1 larvae at earliest examined time 10-12 h. At L2 staining is detected in 12 left/right pairs of nuclei. Staining is strongest in the most posterior nuclei and tapers of towards the anterior. Staining in posterior body wall muscle cells remains throughout larval development and into adulthood in both sexes. In L3 males, sex-specific muscle lineages and sex-specific muscles stain strongly. These muscles include the diagonal muscles, muscles of spicule, gubernaculum and other sex muscles. Staining in these muscles persist until adulthood. HSN neurons, expression from L1 onwards through to adulthood. Male gonad, first detected in the male gonad in late L1 in a group of 6 cells at the anterior end. It appears that expression is clustered in a region that consists of both somatic cells and germ cells. Later at the beginning of the late mitotic period, staining nuclei lose their clustered arrangement. By 34 h, staining is seen in several dividing cells that form the primordium of the seminal vesicles as well as in two large nuclei in the valve region. In the nuclei of diving cells staining surrounds a condensed chromatin. This pattern persists until the end of the late mitotic period (35-37 h posthatching) when staining is also detected in sperm cells. No staining was observed in cells of the vas deferens. Lateral hypodermis, expression is seen in male seam from mid-L2. Staining first appears in V6.ppp at 20-22 h postembryonic development. Staining persists in V6.pppa and V6.pppp but at a lower level. Intensity of staining increases in R5 and R6 and to lesser degree in R4. Identification of staining cells in ray sublineages was not possible due to intense fluorescence of B-lineage cells lying in the same region. However it was possible to observe expression of a reporter gene in R4, R5, and R6 and also in cells of the R5 and R6 sublineages. |
Expressed in the nuclei. |
Picture: N.A. |
sem-4 is expressed in all rectal cells in L1s hermaphrodites (i.e., Y, U, B, F, K, and K') and in all rectal cells, including, in L3 or older worms. |
We confirmed the expression of this construct in F and U, but detected expression at lower frequency and level in other hindgut cells in hermaphrodites grown at 20C. Expression is also observed in K and K'. In wild type, cdh-3::gfp expression is never observed in Y. In contrast, the B cell expresses cdh-3::gfp at low levels in wild type. |
egl-20 was mostly localized to the posterior half of L1 larvae, in a pattern that was already present at the comma stage of embryonic development. egl-20 was expressed in the rectal epithelial cells K, F, U and B, in the anal depressor muscle and in P11/12, which is in agreement with previous reporter studies (Whangbo and Kenyon, 1999). However, it was found that in L1 larvae, egl-20 was also expressed in the posterior ventral body wall muscle quadrants VL23 and VR24 and the rectal epithelial cell Y. |
gfp is expressed in a variety of cells, including the HSNs; hyp 8, 9, and 10; B; F; rect D; DVC; some ventral cord neurons; cells in the head; and cells in the preanal ganglion. sem-4 gfp is expressed in the VPCs. Expression in the VPCs is first observable during L2 and persists in the vulval lineages until the vulval divisions are complete. Expression is undetectable again by the mid-L4 stage, before vulval morphogenesis has terminated. Expression of sem-4 gfp in vulval cells is often strongest in the descendants of P7.p. |
Interestingly, Y is replaced in the hindgut by, a descendant of the only P cell in which PEB-1 protein expression was detected in L1 larvae. No detailed description on cellular expression patterns in pharynx, try to find those information in Expr838. |
In summary, PEB-1 accumulated in L1 larvae in the nuclei of all hypodermal cells and the epithelial cells lining the rectal lumen. As in the pharynx, PEB-1 was not detectable in neuroblasts or differentiated neurons. PEB-1-expressing cells are not obviously related by cell type or lineage. Rather, one striking common feature of these cells is that they contact the cuticle on the exterior of the worm or lining the pharyngeal or rectal lumen. Like in the pharynx, PEB-1 was first detected in the hypodermal nuclei in comma stage embryos (approximately 400 min) and remained detectable until hatching. In 1 1/2-fold stage embryos, the PEB-1 protein was detected in the nuclei of most, if not all, hypodermal cells including hyp5, hyp6, and hyp7 and the H, P, and V cells. After hatching, PEB-1 remained detectable in most hypodermal cells although it decreased in later larvae and was undetectable in adults. In the L1 lateral hypodermis, the PEB-1 protein was detected in H0, H1, H2, V1 to V6, and T, and their anterior and posterior daughters, as well as in the nuclei of the hyp7 syncytium. PEB-1 was also detected in many of the dorsal and ventral hypodermal nuclei in the head and the ventral hypodermal nuclei in the tail. Notably, PEB-1 was not detected in larval P cells. In addition, PEB-1 was not detected in other neuroblasts including Q and T.p. PEB-1 was also expressed in cells lining the lumen of the hindgut. In 1 1/2-fold embryos (approximately 420 min), PEB-1 was detected in many nuclei near the posterior of the embryo. These likely include both the posterior hypodermal cells and hindgut cells, although these cells cannot be easily distinguished at this stage. In L1 larvae, PEB-1 was detected in many of the non-neuronal nuclei surrounding the rectal lumen, including K, K', U, F, B, and Y. PEB-1 was not detected in the rectal-intestinal valve or the anal depressor muscle. As in other tissues, the PEB-1 protein remained detectable in the hindgut throughout larval development but became progressively less abundant and undetectable in adults. Importantly, this progressive decrease in PEB-1 expression also occurs in Y, which withdraws from the hypodermis during late larval development to become a neuron. |
nuclei |
Lineage expression: sexmyoblasts and descandents. |
LIN-29 was detected in many non-hypodermal cells in the head, tail and vulval region of the developing hermaphrodite. In the head, LIN-29 accumulates in cells of the pharynx and in a subset of neurons. In the tail, LIN-29 accumulates in the rectal cells B, F and U. LIN-29 also accumulates in the sex myoblasts and their progeny, in the distal tip cells, the anchor cell, and in many vulval cells. Although the accumulation of LIN-29 in the hypodermis is restricted to the L4 stage, accumulation in several of these other cell types is not. For example, the accumulation of LIN-29 in the anchor cell and the distal tip cells occurs during the L3 stage. In addition, many, if not all, of the cells that make up the pharynx contain low levels of LIN-29, beginning in the L1 stage and extending to the adult stage. The anti-LIN-29 antisera recognized a nuclear antigen in lateral hypodermal seam cells in wild-type C. elegans. The anti-LIN-29 antibodies revealed a differential pattern of lin-29 protein accumulation during development. LIN-29 was not detected in hermaphrodite hypodermal nuclei prior to the L4 stage. Although it is possible that LIN-29 is distributed diffusely throughout the hypodermal cytoplasm during the L3 and younger stages, there are no difference detected in hypodermal cell staining when these animals were incubated with secondary antibody alone, relative to animals incubated with both primary and secondary antibodies. The earliest LIN-29 accumulation in lateral seam cell nuclei was shortly after their final division, during the L3- to L4-molt. LIN-29 accumulated in these hypodermal nuclei during the L4 stage, and remained detectable in the adult animal. At approximately the same time, LIN-29 was detected in the hypodermal nuclei of the head (hyp1-hyp6), tail (hyp8-hyp12), and the large hypodermal syncytium covering most of the animal (hyp7). The accumulation of LIN-29 in hyp7 was typically observed following accumulation in the seam, and the signal was usually less intense. In summary, LIN-29 accumulates stage-specifically, beginning during the L4 stage and persisting into the adult stage, in all hypodermal cell nuclei of the worm. LIN-29 was also detectable in late stage gravid adults, at a time when lin-29 mRNAs are greatly reduced in abundance. |
nuclei |
Expression of egl-20 is high throughout the entire life span of the worm and increases during aging. As in development, egl-20 expression was observed only in the posterior of the animal. The egl-20/Wnt is expressed in the anal depressor muscle and in the postembryonic rectal epithelial cells (B, F, K, and U) during aging. These cells also express egl- 20/Wnt during larval development (Gleason et al. 2006). However, the authors did not observe any expression in hypodermal or muscle cells, as previously reported. |
Pdaf-6GFP was expressed in the amphid sheath glia. Expression was also seen in amphid socket cells, the phasmid sensory organ sheath and socket cells, cells of the excretory system (the excretory canal, duct, pore, and gland cells), the vulval E and F cells, the K, K', F, and U rectal epithelial cells, and less frequently in posterior intestinal cells. |
In the amphid, DAF-6::GFP fusion protein expression usually persisted only up to the L1 larval stage, and the protein localized to the region of the amphid channel formed by the sheath and socket cells. DAF-6::GFP also localized to the luminal surfaces of tubes generated by other cells expressing daf-6. As in the amphid, expression in the phasmid sheath and socket cells usually did not persist beyond the L1 larval stage. Expression in vulval cells was usually restricted to the L4 larval stage, after the cells were generated and during or shortly after the vulval lumen was generated. Expression in the rectum and excretory system was observed throughout embryogenesis and larval development, but usually not during adulthood. DAF-6::GFP protein was detected in punctate structures within the cytoplasm of expressing cells. This localization was best seen in the vulva and in the excretory canal cell. Thus, DAF-6 may localize to vesicles as well. |
Picture: N.A. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expression of mpk-1::gfp was observed in the rectal epithelial cells, including F and U, in 100% of wild type L1 (16/16), L2 (19/19), L3 (15/15), L4 (21/21) and adult (16/16)worms. |
Picture: Fig 4. |
This operon, when introduced as a transgene, fully restored bacterial adhesion and tail swelling to infected animals, and exhibited the same expression in cells K, F, and U, with a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution of the GFP reporter. |
Picture: Fig. 4. |
Transgenic animals carrying this reporter showed strong fluorescence in the presumptive rectal epithelial cells K, F, and U. This localization was confirmed using a hindgut-specific marker, lin-48p::GFP, which expresses in the same cells. |
The reporter construct exhibited a conspicuous punctate peri-nuclear pattern of fluorescence in these cells, consistent with localization to the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
At the beginning of embryonic morphogenesis, all ten pairs of lateral epidermal cells, the seam cells, express cdh-3::lacZ. cdh-3::GFP expression in these cells is observed at hatching and throughout subsequent postembryonic development. During the last larval stage (L4) the 15 pairs of seam cells generated during larval development fuse to form two continuous lateral syncytia, surrounded by hyp7. cdh-3::GFP expression correlates with seam cell identity during these postembryonic divisions; it is not observed in daughters that fuse with hyp7 or adopt other fates. In embryos undergoing morphogenesis, lacZ is expressed in a single large nucleus, whose size and position is consistent with that of the excretory cell. This identification is reinforced by the observation that in many newly hatched L1 larvae, low levels of GFP expression are visible in the excretory cell. This expression of cdh-3-reporter genes was observed only during late embryogenesis and in some newly hatched L1s (the latter may be due to perdurance of the GFP fusion protein), but not at later stages. Several other cells expressed the cdh-3 reporter constructs during embryonic morphogenesis; as in the seam cells this expression continued upon hatching. In the tail two cells, hyp10 and hyp11, show strong GFP expression that persists only during the first larval stage. Strong expression was observed in cells that form interfacial epithelia between the intestinal epithelium and the epidermis. Two cells that form part of the rectal epithelium, designated F and U, express cdh-3::GFP during embryonic morphogenesis and throughout larval development. In the anterior of embryos undergoing morphogenesis there were several cells expressing cdh-3::lacZ, and in larvae and adults, GFP expression is seen in nine cell bodies located just anterior to the first bulb of the pharynx. Processes extend anteriorly from these cell bodies and terminate at the level of the buccal capsule. Based upon the location of the cell bodies and the morphology of the processes, these cells were identified as the anterior and posterior arcade cells. Expression pattern of the pJP#38 construct in males indicated expression in the male tail and several male-specific neurons, however the expression pattern is complicated and the cell identity were not determined. cdh-3::GFP expressed in the developing hermaphrodite vulva. GFP first expressed in the anchor cell in L3 larvae. A little later expression were seen in those vulval cells that are closest to the anchor cell and are beginning to invaginate. As vulval morphogenesis continues all of the cells that invaginate to form the vulva are expressing GFP. During this period, the uterine epithelium closest to the invaginating vulval cells begins to express cdh-3::GFP and the anchor cell fuses with the multinucleate uterine seam cell (utse), which also begins to express cdh-3::GFP. Expression continues in these cells into the adult stage, though at somewhat reduced levels, which may perhaps be due to perdurance of the fusion protein, since older adults show much reduced fluorescence compared with younger ones. During the time that the vulva is forming, cdh-3::GFP expressed in the six VC neurons located in the ventral nerve cord and the two HSNs located just posterior and dorsal to the developing vulva. These cells begin to extend processes at about this time, and GFP expression continues in these cells and their processes throughout the remainder of larval development and into adulthood. |
In addition to hindgut cells, lin-48::gfp is expressed in the excretory duct cell, neuronal support cells of the phasmid and labial sensory structures and a small number of additional unidentified cells in the head. In the hindgut, these transgenes are expressed in U, F, K' and K cells. Male animals exhibit additional expression in the developing tail structures. lin-48::gfp expression is initiated in late embryogenesis and persists into adulthood. |
The chimeric LIN-48::GFP protein is localized to the nuclei of expressing cells. |