

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  descendent cell of P8, anterior Name  P8.a
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0006884

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.aa P8.aa   WBbt:0007267
post-embryonic cell of pedigree P8.ap P8.ap   WBbt:0007269
nucleus of pedigree P8.a P8.a nucleus   WBbt:0002547

0 Expression Clusters

6 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4201 This construct expressed GFP ubiquitously in early embryos. The expression became progressively more restricted in older embryos and young larvae, and was not observed in adults. In larvae, expression was observed in dividing cells: ventral nerve cord neuroblasts, vulval precursors, dividing hypodermal seam cells, and the Q neuroblasts and their descendants.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr862 At the L1 larval stage CEH-6ceh-6 is expressed in four pairs of bilaterally symmetric neurons in the lateral ring ganglion of the animal. These neurons are the RMDDLR, RMDVLR, AUALR and AVHLR neurons. The expression in RMDD and RMDV is weaker than in AUA and AVH. ceh-6 is also expressed in the excretory cell, very strongly with the lacZ reporter construct but more weakly with the antibody, which is probably due to the large volume of the nucleus. Despite the nuclear localization signal in the lacZ construct, the beta-galactosidase was occasionally expressed at such high levels that the excretory canals were also stained. Posterior to the excretory cell, the neurons SABVLR in the retro-vesicular ganglion express CEH-6ceh-6. Additional CEH-6-expressing cells in the body and tail were observed only with the antiserum, indicating that the ceh-6 reporters may not contain all promoter elements. In the body region, expression was observed in dividing P.na cells in the ventral nerve cord in L1 animals. The Pn.a expression is transient, appearing before the cell division of Pn.a and fading in the daughter cells. During the cell division, CEH-6 is localized to the cytoplasm of the dividing cells. It appears that the posterior daughters lose CEH-6 before that of the anterior daughter, as seen in the anterior Pn.ap cells. In the tail, CEH-6 expression in L1 animals is seen around the rectum in the five rectal cells B, Y, U, F and K. After K has divided, only the rectal cell K.a expresses CEH-6, though expression during the division was not monitored. At the L2 stage, a sixth cell becomes apparent that, based on its position at the very bottom of the rectum, is deduced to be P12.pa. Head and rectal expression of CEH-6 persists into adulthood. In addition, in adult animals four symmetric CEH-6 expressing cells are seen around the vulva, possibly one set of the vul cells, though did not determine their identity. During embryogenesis ceh-6 is expressed at the comma stage in two clusters one cluster corresponds to the ectodermal cells surrounding the anus (B, Y, U, F and K), and the other cluster corresponded to the cells in the head described above, many of which are located relatively close to each other at that stage in development.  
    Expr1921 REF-2 was first detected weakly in all 12 P cells just before P-cell migration. REF-2 was present in all P cells as migration occurred and remained in both P cell daughters after division in the ventral cord. This is also the point at which anti-REF-2 staining was strongest. REF-2 then disappears in the Pn.a cell lineage. REF-2 also disappears from the Pn.p cells, although it does so at different rates in different Pn.p cells. REF-2 is present for the longest time in the six unfused Pn.p cells P(3-8).p. REF-2 is also present in P1.p and P2.p shortly after those cells fuse with hyp7, although REF-2 decreases to an undetectable level soon after. REF-2 disappears most rapidly in P(9-11).p, with REF-2 being detectable in only some worms around the time of Pn.p cell fusion. In summary, REF-2 protein levels decrease around the time of Pn.p cell fusion, although they do so less quickly in the cells that remain unfused. REF-2 protein was also detected in the nuclei of the B and Y cells in the tail region during L1. nuclei
In the absence of food expression is very high in arrested larvae and then fades by 8-12h post-feeding. See Table 2 in the article cgc3201 for the stage/tissue type expression patterns of this locus. Lineage expression: SM lineage. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr608 First detected at comma stage in pharyngeal primordium as pharyngeal muscles begin terminal differentiation. Strong expression is detected in most cells during late embryogenesis when cells are either differentiating or undergoing cell cycle arrest prior to hatching. At hatching and in L1 animals maintained in absence of food expression detected in Q, M, Z1, Z4 and V cells. Expression in these cells fades after feeding when cell division resumes. Strong expression is observed in many postmitotic neurons and muscle cells. Stronger expression is detected in newly differentiated cells and then gradually decreases. cki-1 also expressed in dauer larvae. 1. Lateral hyodermal V lineage: V cells show strong expression until they divide in the mid L1 (fluorescence decreases significantly). Seam cells express at quite high levels during resting phases between molts and at a reduced level during division. Expression increases at L4 (coincident with seam cell terminal differentiation). 2. sex myoblasts (SM)lineage: High level of expression observed during SM migration, reduced during SM division and high again as the sex muscles differentiate. 3. P lineage: L1-molt progeny of Pn.a neuroblasts express high levels of cki-1::gfp. 4. Somatic gonad: Expression in Z1 and Z4 diminishes prior to cell division in mid-L1. Strong expression in Z1.aa and Z4.pp, the distal tip cells, beginning in L2, undetectable in the rest of Z1/Z4 lineage until the late L3 and early L4. Expression in somatic gonad increases dramatically at the onset of terminal differentiation. 5. Intestine: After L1-molt expression in intestine is seen throughout the larval stages 6. Vulva precursor cells: cki-1::gfp expression first detected in vulva precursor cells (VPCs) in late L1 or early L2 and peaks at L2 molt.  
    Expr15692 The transcriptional nlp-26 reporter was dynamically expressed in the VPCs and their sister Pn.a neurons in the VNC. In early to mid-L2 larvae, Pnlp-26-nls::lacZ::gfp was expressed in all VPCs and their sister Pn.a neurons. In addition, nlp-26 was strongly expressed in the hyp7 cell at all stages. By the late L2/early L3 stage, nlp-26 transcription was upregulated in P6.p and the P6.a neurons, while expression faded in the other VPCs. nlp-26 continued to be expressed in the P6.px daughter cells of mid-L3 larvae. Note that descendants of the 3° VPCs P3.p, P4.p and P8.p began to express nlp-26 after they had fused with hyp7.  
    Expr1516 About 8 hour after hatching, P cells descend into the ventral nerve cord and interdigitate to form a single row of cells of P1-P12. In both sexes, mab-5 was detected in P7-P10. In older larva, mab-5 was detected in P7-P12, but not more anterior cells. In hermaphrodites, expression pattern was similar to males with two exceptions. The p(9-11).app cells and p(9-11).p cells no longer express MAB-5 by L2. In male, descendants of P10 consistently express high levels of MAB-5, those of P9 and P11 express low levels, and those of P7 and P8 express barely detectable levels. P12 descendants express MAB-5 only until the division of P12.a. The descendants of P cells express comparable levels of MAB-5 with exceptions to Pn.p cells, they express lower levels than their neighbors. Expression levels in P descendants were similar to those seen in the neighboring juvenile motoneurons. Both sets of cells expressed MAB-5 in a graded pattern, tapering off toward the anterior. In newly hatched larva, in both sexes, mab-5 was detected consistently in nuclei of P9/10 and P11/12, but not more anterior P cells. mab-5 was also detected at high levels in the posterior juvenile motoneurons, located ventrally. MAB-5 is localized to the posterior of the body, including P7-P12 in the P lineage but not in more anterior cells. Within P7-P12, MAB-5 expression was graded with the highest levels in the P10 descendants. The descendants of any one P cell expressed comparable levels of MAB-5.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
The eighth (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. P8   WBbt:0006777
a cell that is born in a worm after hatching. post-embryonic cell   WBbt:0007030