This construct expressed GFP ubiquitously in early embryos. The expression became progressively more restricted in older embryos and young larvae, and was not observed in adults. In larvae, expression was observed in dividing cells: ventral nerve cord neuroblasts, vulval precursors, dividing hypodermal seam cells, and the Q neuroblasts and their descendants. |
LacZ expression in posterior of the worm-consistent with in situ pattern. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). |
Expression observed in cells of Q lineage, at first expression is specific for the left Q cell lineage; No expression in QR or its descendants. mab-5::lacZ is not expressed in QL during initial mab-5 independent phase of its migration but is switched on in QL during the course of its migration. beta-galactosidase expression is strongest after first division and persists throughout the migration of the QL descendants. QL moves into a region of the body where ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal cells express mab-5-lacZ, QR migrates anteriorly into a region where only the juvenile neurons express mab-5-lacZ. After Q cell migration is complete expression observed in QL at low-level but not in QR. After Q cells have divided, QL descendants express high levels of the fusion. Staining persists in all QL descendants throughout migration and to end of L1. There is no expression in QR descendants. 0-2 hours after hatching No expression in Q cell. 2-3h expression observed in QL cells migrating up over V5. Expression observed in all posterior cells in which mab-5 function is predicted genetically, as well as the posterior intestine and juvenile neurons. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
[cam-1::gfp]. A functional cam-1gfp transgene that rescues the defects of cam-1 mutants. |
CAM-1GFP expression appears at the 200-cell stage in most cells of the embryo. Migrating ALM, BDU, CAN, HSN and ccM cells, which migrate embryonically and require cam-1 function for their migration, are likely to express CAM-1GFP, as most cells of the embryo express the transgene while these cells migrate. During the first larval stage, V cells often express CAM-1GFP at the time that they divide, and the Q-neuroblast descendents, which also require cam-1 function for their migration, express CAM-1GFP. During larval development, CAM-1GFP is highly expressed in the nervous system, as well as in intestinal, hypodermal and body-wall muscle cells and in parts of the pharynx. |
In non-neuronal cells, much of the protein appears to associate with the plasma membrane. In neurons, CAM-1GFP is detected predominantly in axons and dendrites. |
Fluorescence was first seen in some embryonic cells after gastrulation. All expression was confined to nuclei. Several cells in the head and tail, most of which appeared to be neuronal, were fluorescent in larvae and adults. The expression in at least some of the cells varied with time. Authors observed strongest expression and most continuous expression (lasting into the adult) in the FLP cells. The two HSN cells were seen in comma-stage to 1.5-fold stage embryos. Sometimes saw egl-1(+)-dependent expression in cells in the normal HSN position in L1 and L2 larvae, but never in L3 or older animals. In addition to these cells, GFP fluorescence was also found in 11 pairs of ventral cord neurons in the late L1 stage but not later. As many as 10 cells also fluoresced in the heads of L1 larvae. One cell in the tail also fluoresced at hatching, and two additional cells fluoresced at the end of the L1 stage and the beginning of the L2 stage. All of these cells lost their fluorescence as the animals matured. Unexpectedly, the touch cells also expressed the gfp::egl-46 fusion. This expression was transient (mainly in L2 larvae) and much fainter than the expression in the FLP cells (the postembryonically derived AVM and PVM cells fluoresced strongest). Some PVM fluorescence was seen at the L3 stage. gfp::egl-46 was also expressed in the PVD neurons. egl-46 is expressed transiently in the Q lineages. |
All expression was confined to nuclei. |
GFP-tagged Anillin (GFP::ANI-1) accumulates at the cleavage furrow and in the midbody during cytokinesis. |
COR-1::GFP is enriched at the leading edge of the Q cell. Quantitative fluorescence analysis showed that the COR-1::GFP intensity was 1.7-fold as strong in the leading edge of migrating Q cells as in the lagging edge. |
The toe-2 promoter (from -2 kb to the start codon). This promoter drove expression of GFP in the Q, Q.a and Q.p cells, in the daughters of Q.a and Q.p, and in the mature neurons A/PVM, SDQ and A/PQR. |
Lineage expression: sex myoblasts and their descandents. |
Expression of mig-2::GFP was first detected in early embryos, prior to the onset of morphogenesis (~300 min after first cell cleavage). At this time, expression was seen in nearly every cell with the exception of the intestine. At hatching, many but not all cell types expressed the fusion protein. In particular, mig-2::GFP was expressed in cells that undergo long-range migration during embryogenesis, such as the neurons HSN, CAN, and ALM. Expression was quite strong in the Q cells and their descendants during their migrations in the first larval stage. Expression in these neurons persisted through development. Many mesodermal cells, such as the embryonic migratory cells Z1 and Z4, also expressed mig-2::GFP, although one migratory mesodermal cell, M, did not. Weaker mig-2::GFP expression was also seen in many nonmigratory neurons and epidermal cells; however, no expression was detected in the intestine or germ line. In older larvae and adult hermaphrodites, expression was seen in the vulva, distal tip cells of the gonad, and the sex myoblasts and their descendants. Similar patterns of expression were seen in two additional independently isolated transgenic lines. |
Throughout development, the fusion protein was clearly localized to the cell periphery (plasma membrane) in most cell types, and no asymmetric subcellular localization was reliably detected. Interestingly, some mig-2::GFP-expressing cells exhibited cytoplasmic as well as membrane-localized staining. These were the HSN neuron, the distal tip cells, the gonadal anchor cell, and the granddaughters of the Q cells. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expressed on the surface of motile cells and pioneering neurons whose migrations are affected in unc-40 mutants. UNC-40/GFP becomes detectable on the surface of all cells at the onset of gastrulation (~100 min after first cleavage), and then gradually decreases. By the end of gastrulation (~290 min), the protein is barely detectable on all cells. In the neurula (~400 min), UNC-40/GFP is highly expressed on ventral cord motorneurons, including cell bodies and axons, undergoing axonogenesis. Additional neurons express UNC-40/GFP soon after, but are difficult to identify in the elongating neurula. This expression generally persists into the first larval stage and beyond, allowing unambiguous identification of most cells. Similar expression patterns were observed using unc-40 upstream regulatory sequences to direct cytoplasmic expression of soluble GFP. In first stage larvae, ventral epidermoblasts P1/2 to P11/12 (Pn cells) express UNC-40/GFP as they undergo planar movements within the epithelium. Similarly, neuroblasts QL and QR and their descendants express UNC-40/GFP as they migrate longitudinally along the epidermis. In second stage and later larvae, the distal tip cells of hermaphrodites express UNC-40/GFP as they migrate along the body wall. |
cytoplasmic expression |