female genital. |
Longitudinal bands of muscle cells surrounding animal body, with one band running in each quadrant of the body, regulated contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause locomotion. |
body wall musculature
body muscle |
the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine. |
esophagus |
a single, H-shaped cell which lies just above the anus and connects the roof of the anal canal to the dorsal bodywall; its contractions act to increase the size of the anal opening by lifting the roof of the rectum and hence facilitate expulsion of intestinal contents. |
anal depressor muscle
dilator muscle |
intestinal muscle cell, attach to intestine and body wall anterior to anus |
intestinal muscle
stomato-intestinal muscle |