We first show the localization of UNC-59 at the cleavage furrow (previously shown with antibody staining, (Nguyen et al. 2000)) during a time lapse of cell divisions in early 2- to 4-cell stages of embryogenesis and throughout embryogenesis (cleavage rings in older embryos. Septins are also important for gonad morphogenesis and distal tip cell (DTC) migration (Nguyen et al. 2000) where UNC-59 protein is detected throughout gonad development in the rachis (previously shown with endogenously tagged unc-59::mKate, (Priti et al. 2018)) and DTCs. We highlight UNC-59/Septin localization in the DTC (previously shown with a transgene, (Finger et al. 2003)) at the L2 and L3 stages where it is organized into bundles (DeMay et al. 2011) and ring structures. The two bilateral sex myoblast cells express UNC-59 during their posterior to anterior migration in the L2 and early L3 stage and continue to express UNC-59 in these cells as they differentiate into vulval muscles in the late L3 to early L4 stages. Lastly, we show UNC-59/Septin expression and localization in tissue not previously reported: in the pharynx (cells of the buccal cavity, anterior procorpus, and terminal bulb); in the seam cells, both in bundles and at the cleavage furrows, beginning in the L1 stage and continuing throughout development and into the adult; and in sperm surrounding an embryo that has exited the spermatheca. |
New Anatomy_term: sex myoblasts. Picture: Fig. 1C, 1D. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
A promoter region 2.9-kb upstream of the most 5' SL1 splice site of unc-53 was used, and strong GFP expression was observed in the excretory cell, in neurons in head and tail ganglia, and in several classes of ventral cord motoneuron, as well as in the sex myoblasts. |
mNG::LET-60 was present at high levels in VPCs during VPC induction in the L3 larval stage, where it localized predominantly to the intracellular region-cytosol and possibly endomembranes. We also observed that LET-60 levels were significantly higher in the 1° VPCs compared to the 2° and 3° VPCs during VPC induction where LET-60/Ras activity is higher (Shin & Reiner, 2018). Interestingly, mNG::LET-60 Ras was present at low levels in the uterine anchor cell and during early stages of VPC induction was largely found in the anchor cell nucleus. High levels of mNG::LET-60 were observed in the sex myoblast cells in the intracellular region and nucleus during the L3 and L4 larval stages (Figure 1F), where LET-60/Ras regulates sex myoblast migration and differentiation (Sundaram et al., 1996; Sundaram, 2013). High levels of mNG::LET-60 was also observed in tissues where LET-60/Ras is not known to function, such as nuclear and occasional nucleolar localization of mNG::LET-60 in intestinal cells in early larval stages, regionalized intracellular localization in the pharynx, and high levels of intracellular mNG::LET-60 accumulation in the spermatheca. Enriched intracellular mNG::LET-60 was detected in neurons associated with the nerve ring, consistent with let-60 mRNA expression and LET-60 function in olfactory neurons whose cell bodies and axons are located within the nerve ring (Hirotsu et al., 2000; Menini et al., 2010; Taylor et al., 2021). Finally, plasma membrane localization of mNG::LET-60 was found throughout the germline, in body wall muscle cells, and hypodermal seam cells, which are tissues where LET-60/Ras has known functions (Sundaram, 2013). We noted high levels of intracellular and nuclear mNG::LET-60 in the somatic sheath cells of the gonad, where LET-60 might regulate germline morphogenesis (Lu et al., 2008). |
In the absence of food expression is very high in arrested larvae and then fades by 8-12h post-feeding. See Table 2 in the article cgc3201 for the stage/tissue type expression patterns of this locus. Lineage expression: SM lineage. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). |
First detected at comma stage in pharyngeal primordium as pharyngeal muscles begin terminal differentiation. Strong expression is detected in most cells during late embryogenesis when cells are either differentiating or undergoing cell cycle arrest prior to hatching. At hatching and in L1 animals maintained in absence of food expression detected in Q, M, Z1, Z4 and V cells. Expression in these cells fades after feeding when cell division resumes. Strong expression is observed in many postmitotic neurons and muscle cells. Stronger expression is detected in newly differentiated cells and then gradually decreases. cki-1 also expressed in dauer larvae. 1. Lateral hyodermal V lineage: V cells show strong expression until they divide in the mid L1 (fluorescence decreases significantly). Seam cells express at quite high levels during resting phases between molts and at a reduced level during division. Expression increases at L4 (coincident with seam cell terminal differentiation). 2. sex myoblasts (SM)lineage: High level of expression observed during SM migration, reduced during SM division and high again as the sex muscles differentiate. 3. P lineage: L1-molt progeny of Pn.a neuroblasts express high levels of cki-1::gfp. 4. Somatic gonad: Expression in Z1 and Z4 diminishes prior to cell division in mid-L1. Strong expression in Z1.aa and Z4.pp, the distal tip cells, beginning in L2, undetectable in the rest of Z1/Z4 lineage until the late L3 and early L4. Expression in somatic gonad increases dramatically at the onset of terminal differentiation. 5. Intestine: After L1-molt expression in intestine is seen throughout the larval stages 6. Vulva precursor cells: cki-1::gfp expression first detected in vulva precursor cells (VPCs) in late L1 or early L2 and peaks at L2 molt. |
Broad GFP expression occurred in young larvae including possibly all ventral nerve cord neurons from the L1 to the L3. GFP expression was also seen in body wall muscles throughout development, as well as in the sex muscles and the developing vulva. Intestinal expression was observed from the L3 onwards but inconsistently within and between individuals. |
GFP expression was observed from late embryogenesis to the adult. From L1 to adult, GFP was seen in several neuronal cell bodies in the head, tail and ventral nerve cord, and in cells in the body wall, in the hypodermis and possibly body wall muscle. In the L1, GFP was observed in what may be the M lineage. In L3s and L4s, GFP was present in developing sex muscles and other cells of reproductive system, and some of this expression continues into the adult. |
pax-3 reporter expression was first observed around 240 min post first cleavage in AB-derived cells. Specifically, on the left side of the embryo expression was seen in hyp4, hyp6, two hyp 7 cells, P1/2 L, P3/4 L, seam cell V3L, P5/6 L, P7/8 L, P9/10 L, and four cells clustered at the posterior end of the embryo (TL, hyp 7, PVQL, PHBL). pax-3 reporter expression continued in many of these cells to the end of embryogenesis. In agreement with Liu et al., in the newly hatched L1 larva pax-3 reporter expression was seen in eight of twelve P cells (P1/2, P5/6, P7/8, P9/10) (Liu et al., 2009). Interestingly pax-3 reporter expression in P cell pairs P3/4 begins to fade in the embryo and is absent in the L1 stage, and expression was never observed in P cell pair P11/12. pax-3 reporter expression continued in the Pn.a and Pn.p descendants of these P cells in the L2 stage, but disappeared in the P cell descendants by the beginning of the L3 stage. Using the rescuing pax-3p::pax-3::gfp reporter, evidence of pax-3 expression was also observed in the VulF cells of the L4 stage developing vulva, in the migrating sex myoblasts (SM) and their descendants, and in the developing male tail. In summary, pax-3 expression was seen throughout embryogenesis and early larval development predominantly in hypodermal cells, in particular the ventral P hypodermal cells. |
cwn-1 is predominantly expressed in the posterior body wall muscle (BWM) and in the M cell/SM lineage. On average, the wild-type SMs each express 50 transcripts of cwn-1 prior to the polarity choice of P7.p. |
cwn-1 was mostly localized to the posterior half of L1 larvae, in a pattern that was already present at the comma stage of embryonic development. cwn-1 was mainly expressed in posterior body wall muscle cells and in the M cell descendants that give rise to body wall muscle cells and the vulva and uterine muscle cells. In addition, several cells were found to co-express cwn-1 including the anal depressor muscle, the body wall muscle quadrants VL23 and VR24 and P11/12. Interestingly, it was observed that the two lateral canal associated neurons (CANs) simultaneously induce cwn-1 expression during late L1, an expression that persists throughout larval development. |
Expressed in ventral cord neurons, sex myoblasts, P cells, vulval precursor cells; 2 head neurons. |
Feature : "WBsf047653" // lin-39_temp_pJW5 |
pJW5 contains a 1.3-kb fragment located between 5.1 and 6.4 kb upstream of the lin-39 ATG that drives GFP expression in P6.p at the time of vulval induction and in the sex myoblasts descendants. |
We localized lin-44 by smFISH in C. elegans and saw expression in the sex myoblasts (identified by labeling with hlh-8::GFP (HARFE et al. 1998) and P6.px, and none in the uterus and anchor cell. |
Feature : "ceh-13/lin-39_temp_I4" |
Region I4 drove expression in the sex myoblasts through two cell divisions, as previously described by Wagmaister et al. (2006). Although expression was also reported in the Pn.p cells, it was not observed in this study, perhaps because I4 was not identical to the pJW5 region assayed by Wagmaister et al. (2006). |