UNC-130 is expressed strongly in embryos and in L1 larvae. Expression is severely reduced or absent in later larval and adult stages. Embryonic expression is first observed at about the 60-cell stage, when it is expressed in the nuclei of four cells. As embryogenesis continues, UNC-130 becomes more broadly expressed in several cell types. Double-stained embryos with antibodies against the LIN-26 protein that stain hypodermal cells found strong UNC-130 expression in the ABp(l/r)aapapa cells, which give rise to the AWA and ASG neurons. At this developmental stage, UNC-130 is also expressed in several other neuronal precursors including the ABp(l/r)aapapp cells, which are the precursors to the AIB interneurons and the ASI chemosensory neurons. In addition, UNC-130 is expressed in other cell types, including the hypodermal cells hyp4, hyp5, hyp6, hyp7, H0, and H1, as determined by colocalization with LIN-26 antibodies. Colocalization of UNC-130 with ODR-7 and tax-2::GFP in wild-type animals failed to observe colocalization of UNC-130 with either of these markers. |
UNC-130 is localized to the nuclei of all expressing cells. |