Expression of gfp::sem-2 was first detectable in a subset of cells of the E and MS lineages in early gastrulating-stage embryos. The gfp::sem-2 expression persisted through embryonic and larval development in many cell types, including vulval, hypodermal and intestinal cells. gfp::sem-2 expression in the M lineage was first detectable at the 16-M stage in the SM mother cells, M.v(l/r)pa, and remained in both of their daughter cells, M.v(l/r)paa and M.v(l/r)pap. The presence of GFP::SEM-2 in M.v(l/r)pap was transient: GFP::SEM-2 was not detectable after M.v(l/r)pap differentiated into BWMs. However, GFP::SEM-2 persisted in the nuclei of the SM cells and all their descendants until the 8-SM stage, and became undetectable at the 16-SM stage. |
The GFP::SEM-2 protein was nuclear localized, consistent with its predicted role as a transcription factor. |
Stellaris smFISH probes targeting acdh-1, a short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, are shown in red (Cal Fluor 610). DAPI/blue marks embryonic nuclei, and PGL-1::GFP shows the corresponding location of P granules surrounding germ cell nuclei (arrowheads, green). During embryogenesis (A), acdh-1 expression begins in the E cells (arrow, red). Expression continues in the developing intestine, shown in red, throughout embryogenesis. Intestinal expression of acdh-1 persists through larval development in the L1 (B) and L2 (C) stages. These results extend previous findings from Arda et al., where acdh-1 was shown to be expressed in the adult intestine. scale = 20μm. |
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Minimal end-1 and end-3 promoter::GFP fusions are sufficient to drive faithful E-specific expression of a reporter construct. |
elt-7 is expressed throughout the E lineage. |
nhr-57 is expressed throughout the E lineage and in other cells in the embryo. |
pax-3 is expressed in specific subsets of E lineage cells and in other cells in the embryo. pax-3, is expressed in the posterior-most cells in the E lineage in wild type (Earp and Eprp). |
ref-1 is expressed in specific subsets of E lineage cells and in other cells in the embryo. We found strong reporter expression in Eal and Epl cells but also weak reporter expression in both right daughters of Ex cells, with the level of expression correlated with the proximity of the cells to the MSapp cells. In wild type embryos Epl is further from the MSapp cell than Eal, and has a significantly lower level of ref-1 reporter expression (p-value = 6.2e-5). In addition Ear and Epr are yet more distant from MSapp and have still lower expression. Plotting ref-1 reporter expression versus distance from MSapp produces a high negative correlation. |
We detected expression of kynu-1 in the embryo early in the E lineage and epidermis. This pattern was maintained in the L1 stage, but starting at L2 through adult- hood expression was only seen in the epidermis . |