LET-653 is expressed by all vulva cell types. The ZP proteins FBN-1 and LET-653 showed somewhat complementary luminal patterns. Beginning at L4.2, and as previously reported for LET-653(PAN domain) fragments (Gill et al., 2016), LET-653 decorated a core structure in the center of the lumen that rises to the level of the vulD and vulE cells, along with lateral elements that connect this core to the vulA, vulB1 and vulB2 cells and to the surrounding epidermis. The central core structure could also be detected very weakly by DIC. This core changed appearance during vulva eversion, but remained visible in the most ventral, 2 ̊-cell-derived region through the L4.9 stage. Transiently, at the L4.3-L4.5 stages, LET-653 also weakly marked the apical membranes of most cells. Finally, FBN-1 overlapped with LET-653-marked structures near vulB1 and vulB2 surfaces, but otherwise was mainly excluded from the core area and instead filled the more dorsal part of the lumen above the core. During vulva eversion, FBN-1 became excluded from the dorsal-most portions of the lumen lined by 1 ̊-derived cells, such that LET-653 and FBN-1 together appeared to demarcate at least three separate luminal zones roughly corresponding to the regions outlined by the vulA/B cells, vulC/D cells, and vulE/F cells. |
Temporal description |
CDT-2::GFP is not detected in P cells at larval stage L1, but is expressed early in all Vulval Precursor Cells prior to their first division. The frequency of expression is lowest in P3.p cells, and highest in P6.p. After first division, the cells that adopted the vulval fate all express CDT-2::GFP, but the non-vulval cells generally do not. However, sometimes low expression can be observed in the descendants of P3.p, P4.p and P8.p. Interestingly, after second division (four-cell stage) CDT-2::GFP expression disappears from two secondary cells (P5.ppp and P7.paa); these are the only vulval cells that will not undergo a third cell division. Later, at L4 stage no expression is detected. CDT-2:GFP expression was also observed in the cytoplasm during the first mitotic division of P6.p, which quickly relocalised to the nuclei as the nuclear envelope reforms. The early CDT-2 pattern of expression is consistent with a role during vulval fate adoption, and its down regulation in cells that cease cell division is consistent with a role in DNA replication. |
The localisation of CDT-2 fused to GFP is predominantly nuclear in interphase and cytoplasmic during mitosis, which seems contrary with a function in endocytosis. However, the authors cannot exclude that a proportion of CDT-2::GFP below the limit of detection is cytoplasmic during interphase. |
Cbr-puf-2 is expressed in the pharyngeal muscle 7. The GFP signal could only be detected during a brief window from the late fourfold embryo to the early second larval stage. Cbr-puf-2 reporter expression is also seen in four vulval muscle (vm) cells starting in L4. It is expressed in the anchor cell and vulval muscles, but not in the vulva precursor cells (VPCs) themselves. |
tat-3 reporter signal first appears in embryos in the developing pharynx. In the fully formed alimentary system, very strong GFP fluorescence is observed in the muscle, marginal and buccal epithelial cells of the pharynx, the pharyngeal-intestinal valve and, with lesser intensity, the rectal epithelial cells. Seam cells display very strong fluorescence as soon as this lineage becomes established during embryonic development. In adults, moderate to weak fluorescence seems to arise from the XXX cells, some unidentified cells in the head and tail regions and the hypodermis. In the reproductive system, tat-3 reporter expression begins in the distal tip cells (DTC) in L1 and in the anchor cell (AC) in early L3. GFP signal is later visible in the dividing progeny of the vulval precursor cells (VPCs). In late L4, the anchor cell fuses with the uterine seam cell (utse), which does not express the reporter. The vulval cells continue exhibiting moderate fluorescence into the adulthood. |
Anti-EGL-30 antibody staining indicates that EGL-30 is most strongly expressed in neurons, and egl-30::gfp translational fusions also reveal strong expression in neurons, as well as muscle, and the differentiated secondary cells of the mature vulva. |
In adults the pattern of UNC-44C::GFP(ju1413) fluorescence was generally consistent with that described for UNC-44 common isoforms by immunostaining (Otsuka et al., 2002); however we also observed strong expression in muscles and in gonadal spermathecal/sheath cells. UNC-44C::GFP(ju1413) expression was detected from early embryos to late larvae. Immediately before the bean stage of embryogenesis, UNC- 44C::GFP proteins were expressed in epidermal cells, within which they localized to the cell periphery. At postnatal L1 stage, UNC-44C::GFP was evident at the peripheries of epidermal seam cells and gut cells. In late larvae and adults, UNC-44C::GFP was seen in cells undergoing morphogenesis or fusion, such as vulval and seam cells. |
Expression is first detected in 4 neuronal cells at around 350 min post-fertilization, which is the time at which the BAG and URX neurons are born. Expression is restricted to these 4 neurons during embryogenesis. At the first larval stage, egl-13 expression is observed in the BAG and URX neurons plus occasionally in a small number of unidentified cells in the head and tail (including the AQR and PQR neurons). Later during larval development, egl-13 expression is observed in body wall muscle and vulval cells (data not shown). Neuronal expression is restricted to the O2 and CO2-sensing neurons in the adult. |
SNF-3::GFP transgenic worms displayed strong expression in the excretory canal, tail hypodermal cells, epidermis and vulval epithelia cells. SNF-3 was also expressed in some neurons, including the excretory canal-associated neuron, and some sensory neurons in the head including ILs, OLs, ADE and AQR. |
Transgenic worms containing the smf-1 pro::gfp construct demonstrated strong GFP expression at all stages of development, beginning as early as the comma stage embryo and continuing through larval and adult stages. Expression was spatially confined to intestinal cells, excretory cells, vulval epithelial cells, and neuronal cells. Fluorescence was largely observed at the apical ends of the adult and larval intestines; in neuronal cells, particularly in the head neurons and hypodermis; in H-shaped excretory cells; and in vulval epithelial cells. |
We tagged the kin-36 locus with a gfp::H2B::SL2 cassette at its 5' end, using CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering. We found that kin-36 indeed displays pan-pharyngeal neuron expression; expression is also observed in all other pharyngeal cell types, but no cell types outside the pharynx, except some unidentified vulval cells. |
Pedem-3::GFP expression was detected in the pharynx, nervous system, body wall muscle (mosaic expression), coelomocytes, hindgut and tail structures, sensory neurons, and CAN neurons. In young adults the expression became apparent in vulva muscle and vulval epithelium, uterus, distal tip cells, and hermaphrodite specific neuron (HSN). Pedem-3::GFP expression in the gut was transiently activated in L1 and L2 larvae, then faded and reappeared in older animals (mosaic expression). |
The expression of Ce-wts-1 begins at the comma stage and proceeds during the entire larval and adult stages. Ce- WTS-1::GFP was detectable in many tissues, including pharynx, gut, vulval, spermathecal, and seam cells. The subcellular localization of Ce-WTS-1 appears to be close to the membrane or membrane-associated, i.e., in gut apical membrane, vulval cell membrane, spermathecal cell membrane and seam cell membrane. However, the 'DAS' transmembrane domain prediction program predicted no transmembrane domain in CE-WTS-1. In addition, neither fly Warts or human LATS1 contains transmembrane domains. Therefore, Ce-WTS-1 is likely accumulated intracellularly near the cell membrane and may interact with membrane or membrane associated proteins. |
WTS-1 is likely accumulated intracellularly near the cell membrane and may interact with membrane or membrane associated proteins. |
We observed during the L1 stage mab-10 transcripts in the anterior and posterior bulbs of the pharynx as well as a small number of transcripts throughout the hypoderm. L2-stage animals showed increased expression of mab-10 mRNA in hyp7 and the rectal epithelium in addition to the nerve ring and the ventral nerve cord, where several cells contained one or two transcripts. During the early L3 stage, mab-10 was weakly expressed in hyp7 but showed high expression in the vulval and uterine precursor cells. mab-10 mRNA was also present within the distal tip cells and a pair of bilaterally symmetric cells that we believe to be the CAN neurons, based on their position and neuronal nuclear morphology. By the late L3 stage, mab-10 expression was almost absent from hyp7 but was high in the seam cells, distal tip cells and developing vulva. mab-10 transcript was also detected in the gonadal sheath cells. During the L4 stage, mab-10 transcripts dramatically increased in abundance throughout the pharynx, hypoderm and somatic gonad, including the distal tip cells. |
The transcriptional reporter line exhibited strong MLCK-1 expression in the pharynx, anal sphincter, vulval cells, spermatheca, and sp-ut valve |
It has previously been reported that clh-1 is expressed in hypodermal cells, seam cells, D-cells of the vulva, and neuronal and glial cells of the head (Grant et al., 2015; Nehrke et al., 2000). These expression patterns were confirmed with a transcriptional reporter (clh-1p::nls4::mTFP). Of the head neurons, at least ASE, AWA, and AWC sensory neurons expressed the reporter. |
Other Strain: OH13870 |
ASK, ASI, vulval cells, B and Y rectal epithelial cells |
ASK, ASJ, AWA, vulval cells, sometimes hypodermis |
ASJ, AIB, head muscle, vulval cells?, PQR, PVT, ray expression in males |
A fusion of 6 kb of sequences upstream of the cog-1 start codon to gfp shows expression in the sites previously reported to express cog-1, namely vulval cells and head neurons, including ASER. |
Other Strain: OH14307 / OH14308 |
ADL, (FLP), one more head neuron pair, ALM, PHA, PHB, sometimes seam cells and some vulval cells |
At postembryonic stages, epg-11::gfp was widely expressed, including in pharyngeal, body wall muscle, intestinal, and vulval cells. |
EPG-11::GFP was diffusely localized in the cytoplasm during embryogenesis. |
Ce_MOB-4 is expressed ubiquitously in adult worms. To identify which tissues express Ce_MOB-4 in postembryonic stage, we expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP) under 1 kb upstream regulatory sequence. GFP signals were widely detected in various tissues including pharyngeal muscles, pharyngeal neurons, anterior intestinal cells, hypodermal cells, vulval cells and posterior intestinal cells. |
This high-sensitivity daf-2 expression reporter was readily detectable in most C. elegans cells, including the ones that had been missed by the DAF-2::mNeonGreen fusion protein marker (Expr16363), that is, the intestine, hypodermis, gonadal sheath, and body wall muscles (BWM). With NuGFP, expression of daf-2 was observed starting in 2-cell embryos, and the expression continued throughout development and adulthood. Also expressed in head neurons, germ line, vulval cells, tail neurons, ciliated sensory neurons, XXX cells. |
Expression of GFP under the control of the C09F5.1 promoter was observed through all developmental stages. In 3-fold embryos, GFP was localized in seam cells and hypodermal cells. In the larval stage, strong expression was detected in the sensillar region (lip), seam cells, vulval cells, intestinal cells, and tail neurons. Expression in the hypodermal cells gradually decreased as the worms progressed to L3 and L4 and almost no expression was detected in the hypodermal cells of young adults. During vulva formation, GFP was detected in a subset of vulval cells (mainly vulA) in L4. After completion of vulval development, overall GFP signal in the vulval region decreased and only persisted at the vulval junction. |
A 2052 bp fragment of this gmap-2 promoter drives GFP expression only in specialized epithelial cells including seam cells, rectal epithelium, vulval epithelium, and excretory pore. |
Animals carrying kpIs106 expressed GVD-1::GFP in various somatic tissues including the somatic gonad, vulva and seam cells. Subcellularly, GVD-1::GFP prominently localized to the nucleus but could be observed in the cytoplasm as well. GVD-1::GFP expression in the somatic gonad started at the L1 stage and persisted until the adult stage; its expression was clearly visible in Z1 and Z4, their progeny and the SGP at the L1, L2 and early L3 stages, respectively. In the vulval lineage, GVD-1::GFP was present in P6.p and its descendants. In late L3 and early L4 larvae, we noticed GVD-1::GFP in the spermathecal/uterine precursors. In adults, GVD-1::GFP could be observed in DTCs, Sh cells and spermatheca. GVD-1::GFP is seen in the developing uterus and vulva at the L3 stage, persisting in the uterus and vulval epithelium (VE) at the L4 stage. |
In contrast to UNC-44C::GFP, we did not detect expression of UNC-44L::GFP(ju1412) before the bean stage of embryogenesis. By the 1.5-fold stage of embryogenesis, we observed expression of UNC-44L::GFP mainly in the developing nervous system. UNC-44L::GFP became progressively more concentrated in the nervous system, predominantly localizing to neuronal processes and to the peripheries of neuronal cell bodies. UNC-44L has been previously thought to be exclusively neuronal, based on immunostaining experiments. However, we observed faint expression of UNC-44L::GFP in epidermal seam cells at the L4 stage, and in the gonadal anchor cell at L3 stage, as well as in neighboring vulval cells at L4. Thus the regulation of UNC-44L is temporally and spatially distinct from the more widely expressed UNC-44 isoforms, and is predominantly but not exclusively confined to neurons. |
NHR-25::GFP was evenly distributed prior to the first division in all VPCs, whereas after the first division the pattern became graded: highest in 1 P6.p daughters, lower in 2 P5.p and P7.p daughters, and lowest in 3 P(3,4,8).px. After the third round of cell divisions NHR-25::GFP expression continued in all 22 P(5-7).pxxx cells and remained high during early vulva morphogenesis until it temporarily disappeared by the ''Christmas tree stage''. In wild type animals, NHR-25::GFP was normally expressed in the anchor cell at the time of the first VPC divisions, and subsequently decreased. NHR-25::GFP is expressed in nuclei of seam cells and hyp7. |
With the expression of GFP::his-58 under the control of the putative endogenous timp-1 5'-cis regulatory region, we found green fluorescence in different types of cells, i.e., epidermal cells, seam cells (lateral epidermal cells), lateral region vulval cells, and a subpopulation of head neurons, which suggested that timp-1 had been transcribed in these cells; conversely, green fluorescence was not detected in muscle cells. We confirmed that the timp-1 promoter was inactive in muscle cells by showing that GFP::HIS-58 under the control of the timp-1 promoter was not co-expressed with the mCherry muscle marker oxIs322[myo-3p::mCherry::H2B]. Although TIMP-1::Venus was detected on the gonadal basement and plasma membrane of the germ cells, GFP::HIS-58 under the control of the timp-1 promoter was not detected in gonadal somatic cells or in germ cells. |
VAB-23::GFP was expressed in the AC, the vulval cells, in the ventral and dorsal uterine cells, the seam cells, the vulval muscle cells, a small cluster of unidentified tail cells, and some ventral cord neurons. Vulval expression of VAB-23::GFP was observed predominantly in the 1° lineage beginning at the time of induction and persisting until adulthood. Even thoughVAB-23::GFP was initially expressed at low levels in all VPCs, expression was downregulated in the 2° lineage during induction and persisted at low levels in the tertiary (3°) cells. VAB-23::GFP continued to be strongly expressed in the VulE and VulF cells of L4 larvae during vulval morphogenesis, although relatively weaker expression was also observed in VulC and VulD at this later stage. |