

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa Name  Z4.aaa
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0007688

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
  Z4.aaa nucleus   WBbt:0007978
post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in hermaphrodite. Z4.aaa hermaphrodite VU WBbt:0008294
post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z4.aaa in male. Z4.aaa male   WBbt:0008295

0 Expression Clusters

11 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr689 let-60 ras::lacZ. The Vulval lineage: First detected in L3 larvae (before vulval induction). Faint staining observed in P3.p-P8.p. Staining becomes stronger as VPCs begin dividing and fusion protein is expressed through adulthood. Faint staining observed in hyp7. Strong staining in vulA, vulB, vulC, vulD, vulE and vulF. Myoblast lineage: L1 (shortly after division of M) - Staining detected in M.d and M.v. Late L1, faint staining in progeny of M.v (body muscle) including SM (progeny of M.d (body muscle) ceases staining). L3: 8 progeny of SM (vulval muscle) stain before and after differentiation in muscle cells. Gonadal lineage: At hatching Z1 and Z4 gonadal cells stain. Progeny Z1 and Z4 that form distal tip cells (dtcs) and dtcs stain throughout larval development-adulthood. L4: Anchor cells (ac) of somatic gonad stains transiently at apex of invaginating vulva and continues until late L4 when ac nucleus fuses with uterine tissue. L4-adult expression (but not lacZ) Intense gfp near germline nuclei along border of distal arm of the gonad and in some places extended into the rachis. Muscle: L1-adult: All body wall muscle cells stain. Pharyngeal muscle pmp3-8 begin staining in L1 and continue until adulthood. Hypodermis: Begin staining in L2-3 larvae but consistent staining does not occur until the L4 stage and continues until adulthood. Hypodermal cells staining include V and H lineage-derived seam cells and V and H derived lateral hypodermal cells. Ventral hypodermal cells derived from P lineage also stain weakly but consistently in the adult. Intestine: Intestinal cells of late L1 larvae stain briefly during their terminal division. No staining after L2. Nervous system and excretory cells: extensive staining but not entirely at hatching throughout development. Beginning L1 - adulthood: Many ventral cord neurons stain positively identified include FLPL,R AVKL,R and either AIMR or AIYR based on co-staining with an anti-FMRF amide and an anti-galactosidase antibody. Nucleus of excretory cell stains in L1 to adulthood.  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr631 LacZ staining is first detected in both Z1.pp and Z4.aa and is seen in Z1.ppp, Z4.aaa, Z1.ppa and Z4.aap. All four cells continue to express until the middle of the L2 stage during AC/VU decision and then expression is restricted to either Z1.ppp or Z4.aaa, with expression observed in presumptive VU (Z1.ppa and Z4.aap) but not in presumptive AC. This is consistent with GFP fluorescence observed. lin-12::lacZ staining disappears in the VUs; staining reappears in their daughters just after division. The level of lin-12::lacZ expression from early L2 until the Vulva Precursor Cells (VPCs) divide in the L3 is uniform in all 6 VPCs. lin-12::lacZ reporter is also expressed in all twelve of the granddaughters of the VUs. There appears to be a time during the early L3 stage when the VUs no longer express the lin-12::lacZ reporter gene. During L3, beta-gal activity is detected in two sheath cells in each gonad arm: sheath cells No. 1 (Z1.paaa, Z1.apa, Z4.pap, and Z4.appp). During early L4 stage, eight more sheath cells express the transgene: sheath cells No. 2 (Z1.paapaaa, Z1.appaaa, Z4.paappp, and Z4.appappp) and sheath cells No. 3 (Z1.paapaap, Z1.appaap, Z4.paappa, and Z4.appappa). Staining is almost always observed in sheath cells No. 1 in the L3 and L4 stages as well as in the young adult. Only a subset of animals consistently express the reporter gene in sheath cells No. 2. Staining in sheath cells No. 3 are never detected once the nuclei have migrated for out along the arm. Staining is observed in 12 sheath cells during the late L3/early L4 stages soon after they are born. As the cells move out the gonad arm, staining is only detected in one member of pair No. 1 and one member of pair No. 2 in each arm. Staining is detected during L4 in up to eight spermathecal cells [Z1.papaa(a/p) (d/v), Z4.apaaa(a/p)(d/v), Z1.pappp(a/p)(d/v) and Z4.apapp(a/p)(d/v)] in each arm. The progenitors of these cells [Z1.papaa(a/p), Z4.apaaa(a/p), Z1.pappp(a/p) and Z4.apapp(a/p)] also express the reporter gene. During the L2 and early L3 stages, lin-12::lacZ is expressed in all six VPCs. LacZ staining is detected in all 12 daughters of the VPCs (Pn.px stage), and is then restricted to P5.ppa, P5.ppp, P7.paa and P7.pap. High level of GFP expression is seen in the daughters of P5.p and P7.p but not in the daughters of p6.p. Variable level of GFP is detected in the daughters of P3,p, P4.p and P8.p. In the VPC granddaughters GFP is detected in P5.ppa, P5.ppp, P7.paa and P7.pap. Weak staining is detected in two of the granddaughters of P5.p and P7.p, the L cells, but is undetected in their progeny. Expression is always detected in the other two granddaughters of P5.p and P7.p, the N and T cells. There is no staining in the T descendants of P6.p cells. The N cells do not divide and staining is detected in both N cells throughout vulval morphogenesis in the L4 stage and in young adults. Staining can be detected in the T daughters in the L4 stage and in young adults. The parents of the SM/bm precursor cells; M.vlp and M.vrp and their dorsal equivalents, M.dlp and M.drp all express lin-12 reporter gene. After division of the parent cells, the SM/bm precursor cells and their dorsal equivalents also express the reporter gene as do the sisters of these cells. Expression is detected in both the SM and bm cells on the left and right sides of the animal. Staining persists in these cells on the ventral side even after it is no longer detectable in the cells of the dorsal side. [M.vrpa, M.vlpa, M.vrpp, M.vlpp, M.drpa, M.dla, M.drpp and M.dlpp]. Expression is detected in a discrete subset of cells during embryogenesis. Staining was only observed in pairs or groups of cells from the 28-cell stage to about the 400-cell stage. Two of the cells that express the gene in the >300-cell embryo may be the intestinal valve cells. Expression is seen in a discrete subset of cells in the ventral nerve cord of L1 larvae. There are three small nuclei that stain in the head region that may be G2, W, the excretory duct cell, G1 or the neuroblast that is the equipotent equivalent of the excretory cell. Staining was observed in the excretory cell.  
    Expr10737 lin-12(1in_1408) displayed a highly differentiated, characteristic expression pattern in the VPC lineages. The expression was already evident in comma-stage embryos. Several glowing cells of different types were seen along the anteroposterior body axis at the twofold embryonic stage. At the L1 stage, lin-12(1in_1408) was expressed in all Pn.p cells. Some unidentified cells in the head and tail regions were also gfp-positive at this stage. By the early L2 stage, lin-12(1in_1408) expression remained strong only in the P(3-8).p cells. Unlike the other Pn.p cells, they remain unfused with the hypodermal syncytium, thereby retaining their competence to differentiate into a vulval cell type. After vulval induction at the early L3 stage, lin-12(1in_1408) was strongly expressed in P5.p and P7.p, the two VPCs that adopt 2nd vulval fates, but weakly detectable in the other VPCs, P(3-4,6,8).p. As shown earlier (Wilkinson and Greenwald, 1995; 276 Levitan and Greenwald, 1998), lin-12 expression remained on in the P5.p and P7.p granddaughters by the late L3 stage. In addition to the P5.p and P7.p descendants, we found obvious fluorescence in the daughters of other VPCs, and even in the P6.p granddaughters [the daughters of P(3,4,8).p fuse with the hypodermis]. Nevertheless, expression of lin-12(1in_1408) was constantly intense in the P5.p and P7.p lineages, as compared with other VPC lineages. At the L2 and early L3 stages, lin-12(1in_1408) is also expressed in the two AC/VU precursors. Later, when lin-12(1in_1408) expression became increased in P5.p and P7.p relative to the other VPCs, transgene activity was seen in the presumptive VU cell, but not in the AC. During the L4 stage, expression of lin-12(1in_1408) was gradually lost from the P6.p lineage; only the P(5,7).p descendants retained GFP fluorescence in the developing vulval tissue. It is worth to note that lin-12(1in_1408) was also active in certain hypodermal and intestinal cells throughout larval development, presumably due to background expression of the vector. In adult hermaphrodites, lin-12(1in_1408) expression could not be detected. The only exception was presented by a few unidentified cells in the posterior body part, probably due to background expression.  
    Expr1109 SEL-8::GFP appears to accumulate in most, if not all, nuclei of embryos before morphogenesis. In larvae, SEL-8::GFP is visible throughout development in head, tail, and ventral cord neurons. In addition, there is a dynamic and complex expression pattern in other tissues. In the somatic gonad, SEL-8::GFP is expressed in Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa during the L2 stage, at the time that these cells are deciding between the anchor cell and ventral uterine precursor cell fates. SEL-8::GFP is also visible, albeit faintly, in the vulval precursor cells in the L3 stage, the time at which they undergo a LIN-12-mediated cell fate decision, and is expressed in a dynamic pattern during the vulval cell lineages. In all cells where fluorescence is visible, SEL-8::GFP is nuclear.
    Expr9638 nhr-67::gfp was expressed at all postembryonic stages in neurons of the head. nhr-67::gfp expression was not observed in uterine or vulval precursor in embryos or L1 larvae. In the L2 stage, nhr-67::gfp expression was observed in the 4 pre-VU precursor cells (Z1.ppa, Z1.ppp, Z4.aaa, Z4.aap) that become the AC and the three VU cells that give rise to the ventral uterus. Expression of nhr-67::gfp in the 4 pre-VU precursor cells appeared at or shortly after their birth. In the mid- to late-L2 stage, expression of nhr-67::gfp in the three VU cells decreased, while remaining at high levels (or possibly increasing) in the AC. During the L3 and early L4 stages, consistent and continual bright nhr-67::gfp expression was observed in the AC and more variable weak levels of expression were found in the six adjacent pi cells. nhr-67::gfp expression was very rarely detected in all 12 pi cells after their dorsal-ventral division. From early L4 through adulthood, weak expression of nhr-67::gfp was observed in all 8 UTSE cells or syncytium, suggesting that expression is turned off in all pi cells after their division and then re-expressed later in UTSE. Expression of nhr-67::gfp was observed in the UTSE before AC fusion. Bright expression of nhr-67::gfp in the AC nucleus was not observed after mid-L4, indicating that it is reduced after fusion of the AC with the UTSE syncytium.  
Starting plasmid pLB30 fully rescues lin-12(null) mutant. Integrated strain arIs41[lin-12::GFP] yields mostly wild-type hermaphrodites, with <5% showing weak lin-12 gain-of-function phenotype.   Expr544 LIN-12::GFP protein is initially detectable in both Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa, and later in development becomes detectable in the presumptive VU but not in the presumptive AC. The LIN-12:: GFP protein is initially detectable in all six VPCs. However, in the mid-L3 stage, at the time of VPC specification, LIN-12::GFP is reduced in P6.p relative to the other VPCs, notably with respect to P5.p and P7.p. High LIN-12::GFP accumulation is always seen in the daughters of P5.p and P7.p, but LIN-12::GFP accumulation is not seen in the daughters of P6.p. There is variable accumulation of LIN-12::GFP in the daughters of P3.p, P4.p and P8.p. In Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa, and in other gonadal cells, LIN-12::GFP is detectable over the entire surface of cells. However, in the VPCs, LIN-12::GFP is visible in the perinuclear region, which is probably endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi, and at the ventral (apical) surface and at the junctions between VPCs.
    Expr12521 'hlh-2prox', an element from the hlh- 2 5' flanking region, is necessary and sufficient to promote transcription only in the four alpha and beta cells of the developing ventral uterus.  
A translational reporter, HA-HLH-2, under the control of identical regulatory sequences as hlh-2::lacZ was examed for comparison. Transgenic lines were generated at the same concentrations and in a smg-1 background, as for hlh-2 lacZ. HA-HLH-2 showed the same pattern of accumulation as endogenous HLH-2 protein. There were two categories of animals, those with accumulation in neither Z1.ppp nor Z4.aaa (younger animals), and those with accumulation in one cell (older animals). The similar patterns of accumulation of HA-HLH-2 and endogenous HLH-2 indicate that the difference in expression between the hlh-2::lacZ transcriptional reporter and the endogenous HLH-2 protein is real. The observation that the transcriptional reporter is expressed in the presumptive VU, in which HLH-2 protein accumulation is not detected, suggests that HLH-2 protein accumulation may be post-transcriptionally regulated. No detailed description on expression patterns in other tissues.   Expr2824 hlh-2 appears to be transcribed in both Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa, even though HLH-2 protein is never detected in more than the presumptive AC (see Expr1470). HLH-2 does not accumulate in two other cells in which hlh-2 is transcribed, Z1.ppa and Z4.aap, the sisters of Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa. These cells have the potential to become ACs, but in wild-type hermaphrodites, invariably become VUs.  
    Expr16026 GFP::HLH-2 expression was higher in alpha cells, which are fated to be ACs.  
    Expr10711 lag-1::YFP is expressed in the pre-AC/pre-VU cells before specification. It is also expressed in VU cells, but not the AC, after specification.  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr632 The lag-2::lacZ gene is expressed in both Z1.ppp and Z4.aaa when they are born, however, as the gonad primordium is forming, expression in only observed in one of these two cells. Once the primordium has formed, it becomes clear that only the AC stains.  

0 Life Stages

1 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Post-embryonic cell of pedigree Z1.ppa, Z1.ppp, Z4.aaa, or Z4.aap. Z1.ppx/Z4.aax   WBbt:0007686