Paakg-5::GFP is expressed in the female gonad sheath cells, vulva epithelium and neurons, ventral cord neurons and excretory cell. It is also seen in the spermatheca and epithelial seam cells. In addition to the excretory cell, Paakg-5::GFP displays strong expression levels in the pharyngeal epithelia, neurons, some ring neurons and sensory neuron termini. In the tail, Paakg- 5::GFP signal mostly localizes to the pre-anal ganglion, rectum epithelium, intestinal-rectal valve and phasmid support cells. For a summary of Paakg-5::GFP see table S10. |
Head Paak-2::GFP expression is mostly seen in the excretory cell but is also observed in pharyngeal neurons, epithelial cells, a subset of ring neurons, amphid socket cells and head body wall muscles. Paak-2::GFP is also expressed in the posterior intestine, rectal gland and epithelial cells, and in phasmids. Paak-2::GFP is detected in vulval muscles. For a summary of Paak-2::GFP see table S10. |
ASI (dim), BAG, (I4), 3 more head neuron pairs, DD, VD, Amso, PHsh or Phso |
Strong sta-2 expression was observed in the epidermis throughout development. There was also an expression in the seam cells, the intestine, the phasmid socket cells, and the excretory duct cell, as well as cells in the vulva and the dorsal rectal cells. |
Strong expression of bus-18 was observed in the rectal epithelial cells, but in addition wide-spread expression was observed in other epithelial cells. General expression in the hypodermis and vulva was observed, as well as in the labial support and arcade cells in the head, the excretory gland cell, the spermatheca, and the phasmid socket and sheath cells. |
Paakg-4::gfp is broadly expressed in C. elegans. Paakg-4::gfp is seen in tail sensory organs: phasmid sheath, socket cells and neurons, as well as in epithelial rectal cells, anal-depressor muscle, pre-anal ganglion rectal neurons, body wall muscles, posterior intestine and dorsal cord neuronal processes. Paakg-4::gfp is expressed in vulval, uterine muscles and ventral cord processes. Head expression mostly localizes to the ring ganglia plus 6 pharyngeal neurons. It is also seen in amphid sensory organs including sheath, socket cells and neurons. For a summary of Paakg-4::gfp see table S10. |
F25H8.21p::gfp was expressed in neuronal support cells (amphid sheath cells and phasmid socket cells) and the excretory duct cell. |
Strong snf-12 expression was observed in the epidermis of C. elegans throughout development. Expression is also seen in vulval cells, in the excretory cell, in the seam cells, and in the amphid and phasmid socket cells. |
R5::Deltapes-10::gfp was expressed in amphid sheath, phasmid socket and unidentified head cells. |
No expression from the transgene is seen in embryonic stages. GFP expression is detected in glial cells associated with amphid, phasmid, labial and posterior deirids (PDE) sensory neurons as early as the L1 stage and continuing throughout larval development. Expression is also seen in vulval tissue in L4 and adult animals. |
RCN-1::GFP is expressed in PHCL and PHCR, as well as in other more anterior neurons during tail tip morphogenesis. After morphogenesis, expression is intense in the phasmid socket cells. |
R2::Deltapes-10::gfp was expressed in vulval cells, rectal epithelial cells, amphid socket and phasmid socket cells. |