TCER-1::GFP was present in all germ cell nuclei, starting from the mitotic cells at the distal end to the oocytes at the proximal end of the gonad. TCER-1::mCherry showed an identical expression pattern (data not shown). Both of these transgenes were expressed in somatic nuclei as well (data not shown). TCER-1 reporter fusions were present at the inner periphery of the nucleus, often in a crescent-shaped fashion. However, we did not detect any fluorescence signal corresponding to either of the TCER-1 reporter fusions in the cytoplasm. |
TCER-1 reporter fusions were present at the inner periphery of the nucleus. |
In adult germ cells, chromosome squashes allowed us to see small puncta associated with chromosomes in the nucleus. |
Inspection of gcna-1 promoter-driven GFP expression confirmed that GCNA-1 is mainly expressed in germ cells and early embryonic, proliferating cells but not in post-mitotic tissues. |
Germ cells in pachytene stage of meiosis in nematode C. elegans express GCNA protein. |
We did not detect GFP fluorescence in sydn-1(ju1415) knock-in animals, probably reflecting the low endogenous expression levels of SYDN-1. By immunostaining with FLAG antibody, we detected weak signals in multiple tissues, including oocytes, germ cells, neurons and epidermis. |
The smut-1 promoter drives expression of mCherry predominantly in germ cells. Expression was also relatively strong in developing embryos. |
The GFP::GAP-3 fusion protein localizes predominantly to the cell membrane of germ cells. |
MICU-1::GFP was detected at low levels in germ cells, epidermis, and some muscles. MICU-1::GFP was detected at low levels in PLM neuron soma, colocalizing with a mitochondrial marker, but was below the limit of detection in axons. |
Functional, endogenously tagged isoforms A-C of a-catenin (HMP-1::GFP; n = 19/19) and b-catenin (GFP::HMP-2; n = 11/11), which associate with E-cadherin, were also expressed in the DTC and germ cells and localized to membrane contact sites. HMP-1::GFP only tags half of the HMP-1 isoforms, which may make it more difficult to see. However, single confocal slices clearly show that it is present in the DTC, muscle, and germline. |
XPF-1 is expressed ubiquitously in nuclei of different tissues, including neurons, muscles, hypodermis, and intestine, as well as germ cells and embryos. |
Green fluorescence expression was also prominent in the intestine, germ cells, body wall muscles, pharynx, and excretory cells. NOG-1 was expressed in the vulva and neurons as well. |
We found that DAF-16::GFP was expressed ubiquitously in most or all somatic tissues, such as neurons, intestine, BWM, and hypodermis, and also in the germ cells and oocytes. Germline expression of DAF-16::GFP was not detected by earlier transgene reporters.Temporally, ubiquitous expression of DAF-16::GFP from the endogenous locus was detected from the embryonic bean stage to adulthood. |
GFP was expressed broadly throughout embryogenesis and became restricted postembryonically to the pharynx, tail ganglia and ventral nerve cord. No germline signal was detected, possibly because of gene silencing. In situ hybridization, however, detected considerable amounts of abl-1 mRNA in germ cells of wild-type worms. |
KIN-10 is expressed in the vulva and pharynx. KIN-10 is expressed throughout the entire germ line and also in the somatic gonad, including the DTC and somatic sheath cells. |
KIN-10 is expressed throughout the entire germ line with strong expression in the cytoplasm and the nucleolus of the germ cells. Strong KIN-10 expression is also found on the centrosome during M-phase of mitotic cells. |
Immunofluorescence staining was performed on dissected gonads and intestines, which greatly improves antibody penetration over whole animals. Staining of other dissected parts of the worm confirmed expression in the pharynx, excretory canal, and seam cells, indicating that the tissue expression pattern of LNKN-1::YFP (Expr12030) is accurate. However, there was an important difference in subcellular localization between the native and YFP-tagged proteins: the antibodies showed stronger localization of LNKN-1 to the apical and lateral domain of the gonad and intestine, while YFP-tagged LNKN-1 is uniformly distributed in the plasma membrane. The antibodies also stain the plasma membrane in the germ cells, where YFP expression could not be determined because germ cells do not readily express transgenes. The two antibodies reveal the true localization of native LNKN-1 to be in the plasma membrane with a preference for apical and lateral domains. |
MATH-33 and Y57G11C.3 localize to the nucleus of germ cells. |
chd-1 gene is broadly expressed in the worm. We observed broad expression throughout worms including in the germ line and somatic tissues. Interestingly, while sfGFP was evenly diffuse in somatic cells and the distal germ line, it concentrated strongly in the nuclei of oocytes and early embryonic cells. |
We imaged CHD-1::sfGFP (bs125) worms and found that CHD-1::sfGFP was enriched in nuclei throughout the worm. This included all germ-line nuclei and many somatic cells such as the intestinal cells and cells of the pharynx and somatic gonad. At a subcellular level, the only structure in which we detected CHD-1 enrichment was the nucleus. Importantly, we did not detect localization to centrosomes. While CHD-1::sfGFP expression was detected in oocyte nuclei, the levels were lower than other germ-line nuclei. |
The endogenous C-terminal TOP-2::GFP is expressed in nuclei throughout the worm soma, germ line, and in developing embryos. In the germ line, TOP-2 is expressed from the mitotic zone at the distal tip to the most proximal oocyte, which is preparing for fertilization. |
Immunofluorescence experiments using an antibody against the DSB-2 protein showed that DSB-2 localizes to chromatin in germ cell nuclei from meiotic entry to mid-pachytene. DSB-2 staining is first detected in the transition zone (TZ; corresponds to leptotene and zygotene stages, when pairing and SC assembly occur), and is strongest overall in early pachytene, where it localizes to chromatin in an uneven pattern, showing a few bright patches per nucleus as well as fainter stretches/foci associated with most of the chromatin. Towards mid-pachytene, the bright patches diminish and the chromatin signal fades and then disappears from most nuclei. However, in a subset of nuclei in the mid/late pachytene region, DSB-2 staining becomes brighter, with bright stretches/foci along most of the chromatin; a few of these 'outlier' brightly-staining nuclei are present in later pachytene and likely represent nuclei destined for apoptosis. |
HSF-1::GFP expression was observed in all cell types examined. In unstressed worms, HSF-1::GFP was predominantly localized diffusely in the nucleus and was visible in all cells examined including hypodermal cells, intestinal cells, pharyngeal muscle cells, amphid neurons, phasmid neurons, and germ cells. Interestingly, HSF-1::GFP was observed to form nuclear stress bodies throughout the germline including both the distal and proximal ends as well as the loop, even though the worms were not exposed to any external stressors. |
DLC-1 was expressed in numerous tissues including the intestine, body wall muscles, germ cells and oocytes, the rectal valve cell and unidentified cells in the head. DLC-1 was expressed at all developmental stages from the one-cell embryo. |
Expressed in intestinal cells, germ cells, somatic gonad, head neurons. |
Data from the TransgeneOme project |
Data from the TransgeneOme project |
Consistent with previous publications, GFP::NRDE-3 (bombardment) localizes to the nuclei of somatic cells beginning around 100-cell stage of embryogenesis. No expression can be detected in germ cells or early embryos [Expr16524]. In contrast, GFP::NRDE-3 (CRISPR) is visible in nuclei beginning in late pachytene of the germline and continues to be expressed in oocytes and in all stages of embryogenesis. This discrepancy in expression between the transgenic strain constructed by bombardment and the CRISPR strain suggests that GFP::NRDE-3 (bombardment) may be silenced in the germline and early embryos. In the CRISPR line, it is also expressed in somatic seam cells in L1 larvae. |
mom-2 has previously been reported to be widely expressed along the anteroposterior axis of developing larvae, with expression in body wall muscle cells, ventral cord neurons, intestinal cells and seam cells (Gleason et al., 2006). By contrast, we found that mom- 2 shows a restricted expression pattern, with mom-2 transcripts localizing only to the germ cell precursors Z2 and Z3, their descendants and a few unidentified cells in the tail. mom-2 expression in the germ cells continued throughout larval development, whereas the tail expression reached a maximum at the mid-L1 stage and disappeared before the L1 to L2 molt. In addition, one or two mom-2 transcripts were occasionally detected in posterior seam cells in early L1 larvae. Consistent with the early embryonic function of mom-2 (Thorpe et al., 1997), we found that mom-2 transcripts were already present in the zygote. At the four-cell stage, mom-2 transcripts were enriched in the P2 blastomere. During later stages of embryonic development, mom- 2 transcripts were restricted to the posterior, with expression remaining in the tail and in the region of the Z2 and Z3 germ line precursors in comma stage embryos. |
The ddx-23::gfp fusion gene was expressed in a variety of cell types, including seam cells and the hyp7 syncytium, uterine cells,ventral nerve cord and neurons in the head and tail. The DDX- 23::GFP protein was localized to the nucleus but excluded from the nucleolus. Extensive GFP expression was also detected in the distal tip cell (DTC) and germ cells in the proximal gonad at the late L3/L4 stages. |