

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  neuron that senses and responds to mechanical stimuli, such as touch. Name  mechanosensory neuron
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0008431

6 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
neurons that sense body touch, have specialized microtubules in processes. touch receptor neuron microtubule cell WBbt:0005237
neuron type, set of six neurons in the outer labial sensillum. outer labial neuron OL neuron WBbt:0006801
Neuron class of six ciliated neurons with striated rootlets, each of which is one of two component neurons of the inner labial sensilla. IL1 neuron   WBbt:0005119
Neuron class of two neurons, which have ciliated endings situated immediately dorsal to the lateral inner labial sensilla in the head but have no associated sheath or socket cells; they have flattened processes in this region of the cilium. FLP   WBbt:0006828
neuron of anterior and post- deirid sensillum. deirid neuron   WBbt:0006928
Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally in the posterior body. PVD   WBbt:0006831

0 Expression Clusters

16 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr11819 Evidence of ASIC-1 expression was found in FLP neurons, but not in PVD neurons, because an asic-1 promoter drove expression of the fluorophore mCherry in this neuron pair. Pasic-1::mCherry expression was also found in other neurons, including the mechanosensitive dopaminergic sensory neurons previously reported to express asic-1.  
    Expr13357 Peel-1::GFP was observed in non-neuronal tissue (pharynx, intestine, and vulva) and was strongly expressed in neurons, including numerous neurons in the head, motor neurons, mechanosensory neurons, HSN neurons, and tail neurons. GFP was detected in cholinergic and GABAergic motor neurons. No expression was observed in muscle.  
    Expr11790 The ppm-2 promoter is active in many neurons including those of the nerve ring, the motor neurons, and the mechanosensory neurons. ppm-2 promoter activity was also detected in gut, muscle, and pharynx.  
    Expr16049 nmgp-1 expresses mostly in sensory neurons and in the egg-laying apparatus of adult hermaphrodites. GFP expression driven by the putative nmgp-1 promoter was detected in several cells, primarily neurons. Within the head, we saw GFP expression in pharyngeal neurons, as many somas and processes within the metacorpus and the posterior bulb ventral ganglia were observed. In addition, some of the processes next to the bulb might correspond to CEP sheath glial cells. In the midbody, we saw labeling of cells within the egg-laying apparatus. Posteriorly, we observed cells in the tail ganglia and possibly phasmid neurons. Neuronal processes along dorsal and ventral cords were also labeled. In addition, to identify specific neurons, we used the NeuroPAL strain (OH15500) developed by Hobert's Lab (Yemini et al., 2021). This strain has a stereotyped fluorescent color map to identify all neurons. We injected it with the same plasmid for GFP expression under the nmgp-1 promoter. The following neurons were identified as expressing GFP: ALA, CEPD, IL1 (head neurons from the nerve ring), the sensory amphid neurons ASK, neurons from the anterior ventral nerve cord (VA6, VB7, DB5, AS5, VD6, DD3, DA4) and posterior ventral cord (VA11, VD11, AS10, DA7, DB7, CB11, VA11), neurons from the preanal ganglion (PVP, PVT, DD6, AS11, VA12, DA8, DA9) dorso-rectal ganglion (DVB, DVA, DVC) and lumbar ganglion (PVQ, PHC). The neurons identified include sensory neurons (amphid and mechanosensory), motor neurons and interneurons.  
    Expr13319 Expression is observed in the nerve ring, ventral cord, vulva, mechanosensory neurons, and tail ganglia.  
    Expr15501 Though the tag-63 reporter occasionally reveals faint expression in gonads and intestines, we mostly detected strong expression in neurons such as body, head and tail neurons. In detail, we identified significant expression in sublateral neurons, CANL/ CANR neurons, nerve ring and amphid neurons, ventral cord neurons, tail neurons, and mechanosensory neurons such as ALM. In many of these neurons TAG-63 colocalizes with (neuron-specific kinesin-3) UNC-104 and (synaptic precursor) SNB-1 proteins.  
Temporal description   Expr11568 Isoform gei-16A had a distribution characteristic of epidermal fibrous organelles. Specifically, PAT-12A colocalized with cytoplasmic intermediate filaments (cIFs) in the epidermis.  
    Expr2765 SNAP-25 appears to be expressed solely in the nervous system, including the nerve ring, commissures, and ventral and dorsal nerve cords. The previously characterized C. elegans synaptotagmin protein, which is expressed in neurons as well as other secretory cells, colocalizes with SNAP-25 at the presumable synapses in the nervous system but, unlike synaptotagmin, SNAP-25 is not present in the vas deferens or somatic gonad cells. SNAP-25 was not mislocalized in unc-104 mutant animals in which synaptic vesicle transport is impaired, supporting the notion that it is associated with the plasma membrane.
    Expr13981 Expression of a dip-2 transcriptional reporter or a translational fusion protein was observed in multiple tissues in different developmental stages. In larvae and adults, dip-2 was expressed in most neurons including VNC motor neurons, HSN, PVD, and mechanosensory neurons as well as a subset of epidermal cells.  
    Expr13982 Expression of a dip-2 transcriptional reporter or a translational fusion protein was observed in multiple tissues in different developmental stages. In larvae and adults, dip-2 was expressed in most neurons including VNC motor neurons, HSN, PVD, and mechanosensory neurons as well as a subset of epidermal cells.  
    Expr13983 Expression of a dip-2 transcriptional reporter or a translational fusion protein was observed in multiple tissues in different developmental stages. In larvae and adults, dip-2 was expressed in most neurons including VNC motor neurons, HSN, PVD, and mechanosensory neurons as well as a subset of epidermal cells.  
  Two-color splicing reporter. Expr11972 The neuronal serine/threonine protein kinase gene sad-1 encodes two isoforms that are coexpressed in most neurons in the head and ventral nerve cord, but only one isoform is expressed in a cluster of oxygen-sensing cells, while only the other isoform is expressed in a nearby cluster of lateral mechanosensory neurons.  
    Expr14846 To determine in which cell(s) tiar-2 functions, we constructed a GFP-TIAR-2 mini-gene translational reporter and observed broad expression in many cell types, including mechanosensory neurons.  
    Expr12663   FKH-9-GFP localized to nuclei.
    Expr14848 A knockin reporter for TIAR-1 (TIAR-1-GFP[tn1545]) is expressed in mechanosensory neurons.  
    Expr12619   UEV-3::GFP showed ubiquitous expression in the cytosol and nucleus.

0 Life Stages

1 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
neuron that senses external stimuli and transduce them to signals internal to the organism. sensory neuron   WBbt:0005759