ztf-6::gfp expression is first observed in late embryogenesis (threefold stage). In early larval stages, the ztf-6::gfp-expressing cells include head hypodermal cells, head muscle cells, neurons, and ectodermal blast cells along the body (all P and all V cells) and in the tail. Starting in the L2 stage, additional neurons in P cell-derived ventral cord motor neurons express ztf-6::gfp. Because of the postdeirid loss phenotype of ztf-6 mutants, we examined the postdeirid lineage in more detail. We observe ztf-6 expression in the V5 cell of freshly hatched L1 animals. Upon division of the V5 cell into a posterior and anterior daughter, we observe expression in both the anterior and posterior daughters of the V5 cell. The descendent of the posterior V5.p daughter, V5.pa (the founder of the postdeirid lineage), and V5.pp also continue to express ztf-6::gfp. Within the V5.pa lineage, expression of ztf-6::gfp is retained in the blast cells that generate the glial cells and the PDE and PVD neurons (v5.paaa, V5.papa, V5.paap, V5.papp). No expression is detected at later stages in this lineage. |
Feature : "ceh-13/lin-39_temp_I0" |
Region I0 drove expression in the ventral posterior coelomocytes and the two anterior inner longitudinal muscles of the male tail. |
Feature : "ceh-13/lin-39_temp_N3" |
Region N3 was expressed in the hypodermal hyp7 cells in the late embryo and early L1 larvae as well as in the V cells, P cells, and ventral nerve cord of the early L1 through L3 larvae. |
nhr-25 was expressed in V seam cells, in the posterior seam-cell T and its daughters (T.a, T.p), and in the hyp cells of wild-type animals. |
lin-17p::LIN-17::GFP is also expressed in all V cells. |