First, pKK52 expression begins at the 28-cell stage in all four granddaughters and 16 great-great granddaughters of the MS and AB founder cells, respectively; this expression continues in many, possibly all, of their descendants until around the time of hatching. Second, expression becomes more pronounced in seam cells about 1 hour after their birth. This seam expression remains strong throughout embryonic and larval development, but becomes slightly reduced in adults. Third, robust expression is also seen in several cells in the head region, at least some of which are cells in the nervous system (neurons and/or support cells), beginning at approximately the comma stage and continuing through adulthood. For simplicity, this component of the expression pattern was referred as nervous system expression, although the precise identity of these cells were not determined. |
See Expr1633 for pKK52 expression pattern. |
pKK41 is expressed in the same groups of cells as the elt-5 translational reporter (pKK52), but the relative expression levels are different. Whereas the elt-5 reporter is strongly expressed in both seam cells and the nervous system during the comma through pretzel stages, the elt-6 reporter is strongly expressed only in the nervous system. Only weak expression of the elt-6 reporter is apparent in seam cells and in the AB and MS descendants during embryogenesis, but the seam expression becomes stronger during larval development. Strong expression of the elt-6 reporter in the nervous system continues throughout larval development. |
Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/ |
Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/ |
Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/ |