No detailed description on cellular expression pattern at hermaphrodites. |
LIN-29 accumulates in B cell progeny. In contrast to the LIN-29 accumulation pattern observed in wild-type hermaphrodites, LIN-29 is not detectable in the F, U, Y, or M blast cell nuclei, or in their progeny, in males. LIN-29 is detected in the progeny of B. LIN-29 is first detectable in B cell progeny during the L3 stage. Although all B.a and B.p progeny accumulate LIN-29, the LIN-29 accumulation signals appear weaker and transient in B.p progeny. The identification of these LIN-29-accumulating cells as B progeny is based on their size, shape, and relative position within the male tail and is further supported by laser microsurgery experiments and the examination of LIN-29-accumulation patterns in a mutant with defects in B cell specification. Elimination of the B cell by laser micro-surgery during the L1 stage reduced the number of LIN-29-accumulating nuclei in the male tail by 1015. LIN-29 appears to persist in B.a progeny in the adult stage. LIN-29 accumulates in the linker cell. The first male-specific LIN-29 accumulation is detected in the nucleus of the linker cell (LC) positioned at the tip of the growing end of the gonad. LIN-29 accumulates in the LC during the L3 stage, after the gonad arm has completed the 180 turn. LIN-29 remains detectable until the late L4 stage when its disappearance is presumably due to LC destruction. LIN-29 accumulates in the male tail seam. LIN-29 accumulates in the lateral body seam cell nuclei and in the SET nuclei in L4 stage wild-type males. LIN-29 accumulates in ventral cord nuclei. During the late L3 stage, five to seven nuclei that belong to the preanal ganglion accumulate LIN-29. Four preanal ganglion nuclei accumulates LIN-29 and were identified by position as the CA9, CP9, AS11, and VA11 neurons which are descended from P11.a. LIN-29 accumulation in the preanal ganglion cluster persists through adulthood. In late L4 stage and adult males, additional ventral cord nuclei anterior to the preanal ganglion accumulate LIN-29. The accumulation of LIN-29 in ventral cord neurons is not observed in hermaphrodites. Also in contrast to hermaphrodites, the ventral hypodermal nuclei positioned within the ventral cord do not contain detectable levels of LIN-29 in adult males. |
nuclei |
evl-20 is widely expressed throughout the animal, including in, B.alapaav and B.arapaav. |
The egl-1 reporter was expressed strongly in the cell fated to die and not at all or only weakly in the homolog, which is fated to live. All corpses in fourth larval stage wild-type animals were GFP- positive (n = 53), confirming that the GFP expression is associated with the secondary fate of cell death. |
We used single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH) to determine whether, like the Pegl-1::4xNLS::gfp reporter (Expr13314), endogenous cell-death genes are transcribed in the dying We usually detected egl-1 mRNA expression in and only rarely in the homolog, consistent with the expression pattern of Pegl-1::4xNLS::gfp. |
ced-3 transcripts were visible in only a subset of cells, usually including, and only rarely in the homolog. |