Both ahr-1:GFP reporters are expressed during embryonic and larval development. Expression is first detected in two cells 260 min after the first cleavage. By midembryogenesis (pre-comma stage), 14 cells express the pJ360 ahr-1:GFP fusion gene. At the 2-fold stage of embryogenesis, two cells express ahr-1:GFP in the tail, and the remaining fluorescing cells are in the forming head. During the first larval stage. ahr-1:GFP is expressed in 28 neurons, several blast cells, and two phasmid socket cells. The neurons that express ahr-1:GFP include ALNR/ALNL, AQR/PQR, AVM/PVM, BDUR/BDUL, PLMR/PLML, PLNR/PLNL, PHCL/PHCR, PVWL/PVWR, RMEL/RMER, SDQR/SDQL, and URXR/URXL. The T.pa, T.ppa, and T.ppp blast cells in the tail express ahr-1:GFP, as do all of their descendents, including the PHso1 and PHso2 phasmid socket cells. ahr-1:GFP is also expressed in the MI and I3 neurons in the pharynx and the G2 and W blast cells. Four additional cells in the head express ahr-1:GFP, tentatively identified as the ASK and RIP neurons. |
The pJ360 construct includes the entire ahr-1 genomic sequence, and transgenic animals express this fusion protein in a subset of neuronal nuclei. The pHT102 transgene lacks most of the ahr-1 coding sequence and labels axons as well as nuclei. |