sem-4::GFP is expressed throughout the M lineage from the 1-M stage to the 18-M stage, and in the SM sub-lineage from the 2-SM stage to the 16-SM stage, before the cells differentiate. When these cells terminally differentiate, sem-4::GFP becomes undetectable in the differentiated coelomocytes and vulval muscles, but remains expressed in the differentiated BWMs.
Consistent with previously reported bed-3::gfp reporter expression, bed-3 mRNA (smFISH) was predominantly expressed in hypodermal cells and vulval cells. We next examined whether bed-3 is expressed earlier in the M lineage using ayIs6[hlh-8::gfp]. We found that bed-3 is expressed in M daughters and descendants as well as SM cells. In L1 and L2 stages, the bed-3 smFISH signal appeared stronger in 2 M and 4 M stages compared to 8 M, 16 M and 18 M stages. In the L3 stage, bed-3 is expressed in SM cells near the vulval region of the animal.