Around the mid L3 stage, GFP expression was also seen in two sex myoblasts located in the mid body region. Expression was highly penetrant and persisted in the sex myoblast descendants as they divided. GFP expression in these cells faded in the L4 stage and was not seen in differentiated vulval or uterine muscles. After the P cells divided in the L1, GFP expression can be observed in a subset of ventral cord neurons (VCNs). Expression in some neurons along the ventral cord persisted during the L2 stage, became more penetrant in the L3 stage, and remained throughout development even in the adult. Expression was also seen in a neuron in the head, which was reported previously. Authors did not examine GFP expression in the Q lineage, or in males. GFP expression was detected in P3/4 only when deIs4 was moved into a smg-1 mutant, in which nonsense-mediated RNA decay is compromised, suggesting that either there is less transcription of lin-39 in P3 and P4 (and their descendants), or more nonsense-mediated decay of the transcript from deIs4 in those cells. Once the P cells divided, GFP expression was observed in 50% of P3.p cells, 70% of P4.p cells, and 100% of P5.p to P8.p cells in smg-1; deIs4 (n>30) with similar levels of expression in P5.p to P8.p. Other lin-39 reporters also show this lower level of expression in P3.p and P4.p. This pattern of expression persisted throughout the L2 stage until the time of vulval induction in the L3 stage. At this time (29 h, post-hatching), GFP expression was stronger in P6.p than the other VPCs, showing that lin-39 upregulation occurred with these reporters. When the induced VPCs (P5.p to P7.p) start dividing, GFP expression remained in their daughters, with higher levels of GFP in P6.p descendants and lower levels in P5.p and P7.p descendants, even after the second and third divisions. In addition, increased GFP expression was seen during the late L3 stage in P5.paax and P7.pppx, the cells that fuse to form the VulA vulval cell, and this pattern remained until the late L4 stage. During vulval morphogenesis in the L4 stage, GFP was maintained in the 22 cells that form the vulval invagination only in the smg-1 background. GFP expression were detected in the P cells, VPCs, ventral cord neurons (VCNs), sex myoblasts and their descendants, and a head neuron shown to express lin-39. GFP expression were first detected early in the embryo in cells likely to be P5 to P8. This expression continued during embryogenesis and after hatching until the division of the P cells in the L1 stage. |