GFP::MEG-3 was detected in the cytoplasm of immature germ cells and oocytes. In zygotes, cytoplasmic GFP::MEG-3 formed an anterior-to-posterior gradient with highest levels in the posterior. |
The fkb genes revealed different expression patterns. The highest levels were seen for fkb-1 and fkb-2 that were approximately two times those of the reference genes at the adult and egg stage respectively. The lowest levels were observed for fkb-4 and fkb-8 that were similar to those of pin-1 and pin-4. Genes fkb-3, fkb-5, fkb-6 and fkb-7 were expressed at high levels at the egg stage and fkb-3 and fkb- 6 were also expressed at high levels from the L4 stage onward. During the larval stages L1, L2, and L3 transcript accumulation was extremely low for all genes except fkb-2. |
The fkb genes revealed different expression patterns. The highest levels were seen for fkb-1 and fkb-2 that were approximately two times those of the reference genes at the adult and egg stage respectively. The lowest levels were observed for fkb-4 and fkb-8 that were similar to those of pin-1 and pin-4. Genes fkb-3, fkb-5, fkb-6 and fkb-7 were expressed at high levels at the egg stage and fkb-3 and fkb- 6 were also expressed at high levels from the L4 stage onward. During the larval stages L1, L2, and L3 transcript accumulation was extremely low for all genes except fkb-2. |
The fkb genes revealed different expression patterns. The highest levels were seen for fkb-1 and fkb-2 that were approximately two times those of the reference genes at the adult and egg stage respectively. The lowest levels were observed for fkb-4 and fkb-8 that were similar to those of pin-1 and pin-4. Genes fkb-3, fkb-5, fkb-6 and fkb-7 were expressed at high levels at the egg stage and fkb-3 and fkb- 6 were also expressed at high levels from the L4 stage onward. During the larval stages L1, L2, and L3 transcript accumulation was extremely low for all genes except fkb-2. |
The fkb genes revealed different expression patterns. The highest levels were seen for fkb-1 and fkb-2 that were approximately two times those of the reference genes at the adult and egg stage respectively. The lowest levels were observed for fkb-4 and fkb-8 that were similar to those of pin-1 and pin-4. Genes fkb-3, fkb-5, fkb-6 and fkb-7 were expressed at high levels at the egg stage and fkb-3 and fkb- 6 were also expressed at high levels from the L4 stage onward. During the larval stages L1, L2, and L3 transcript accumulation was extremely low for all genes except fkb-2. |
The fkb genes revealed different expression patterns. The highest levels were seen for fkb-1 and fkb-2 that were approximately two times those of the reference genes at the adult and egg stage respectively. The lowest levels were observed for fkb-4 and fkb-8 that were similar to those of pin-1 and pin-4. Genes fkb-3, fkb-5, fkb-6 and fkb-7 were expressed at high levels at the egg stage and fkb-3 and fkb- 6 were also expressed at high levels from the L4 stage onward. During the larval stages L1, L2, and L3 transcript accumulation was extremely low for all genes except fkb-2. |
LIN-41 is strongly expressed in adult hermaphrodite germ cells beginning in mid-pachytene. LIN-41 protein levels rise dramatically at this time, increasing several-fold over a distance corresponding to just a few cell diameters. The timing of this rise consistently occurs just before the peak of MPK-1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation in mid-pachytene, which may promote the progression of oogenic germ cells from early to late pachytene (Lee et al. 2007). LIN-41 is also abundantly expressed in diplotene and diakinesis-stage oocytes, but is generally reduced in abundance in the -1 oocyte as it undergoes meiotic maturation (14/17 oocytes identified), suggesting that LIN-41 may be eliminated at this time. Consistent with this interpretation, an N-terminal GFP::LIN-41 fusion protein, generated by CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of the endogenous locus, is expressed in oocytes, disappears during meiotic maturation, and is absent from early embryos. Most LIN-41 is diffusely cytoplasmic, with a small amount of punctate LIN-41 that is most evident during pachytene. LIN-41 was also not detected in the germ lines of males or mid-L4 stage larvae, both of which have late pachytene-stage germ cells undergoing spermatogenesis, suggesting that pachytene-stage LIN-41 expression is restricted to germ cells committed to oogenesis. The primary, and possibly exclusive, site of LIN-41 expression in adults appears to be the oogenic germ line. LIN-41 expression in the C. elegans germ line is strongly associated, both developmentally and spatially, with the oogenic fate. |
Our results indicate that hsf-1 expression steadily declines during development as hsf-1 mRNA transcripts were most abundant during embryonic development (in eggs), less in L2, even less in L4 larvae, while the least amount of hsf-1 mRNA was detected in young adults. |
In N2, scl-1 mRNA was expressed mainly in the egg stage and almost never in larvae or adult stages. |