We were able to reproduce the NHR-85::GFP peak in expression in vulval precursor cells from L4.0 to L4.9. We also observed the reported expression in hypodermal cells as well as in seam cells. Interestingly, we did not observe NHR-85::GFP expression in the L4 or adult germline. |
We found a similar pulse of NHR-23::mScarlet in L4.3 vulval precursor cells as that reported by Kinney et al.. nhr-23::mScarlet was also detectable in seam and hypodermal cells at this stage, epithelial cells that synthesize cuticular components. NHR-23::mScarlet was detected in pachytene nuclei in L4 animals and its zone of expression became restricted in young adult animals. This expression pattern is again similar to NHR-23::GFP::AID*::3xFLAG (Ragle et al. 2020). However, we also observed some interesting differences compared to NHR-23::GFP::AID*::3xFLAG. In our previous work, we observed that NHR::23::GFP became undetectable in ovulating adults (Ragle et al. 2020). In contrast, NHR-23::mScarlet appears to be diffusely expressed in young adult residual bodies and spermatocytes. This diffuse expression persists into ovulating adults, and appears restricted to the spermatheca. The NHR-23::mScarlet signal is specific to nhr-23::mScarlet::3xMyc animals as no diffuse expression in the germline is observed in wild-type animals. One can observe the diffuse expression pattern in L4.5 germlines several rows of cells after NHR-23::mScarlet::3xMyc localization is lost from nuclei. |
Only reporter in this study where expression was obviously turned off during L4. |
The transmembrane eLRRon protein LET-4 marked all vulval apical membranes during the late L4.2-L4.7 period, and thereafter appeared intracellular. |
Expression in E variable in L4.3and L4.4, consistent in later substages; expression in F variable throughout. |
Variable expression in all substages; low level of expression in B2, C from L4.1 to L4.7. |
Variable expression in L4.1; consistent in later sub-stages. |
Variable expression possibly due to loss of extrachromosomal array. |