A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (8.7) and larva (7.9). Neuronal expression include: I5, ASE, ASG, BAG, DD, M3, M5, head neurons. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (7.1). |
Picture: N.A. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expressed in anterior neurons, including AIY, AIZ, RID, M5, ASI, and labial sensory neurons, VNC motorneurons, midbody neurons HSN, CAN, and PVM, tail neurons DVB, DVC, and PDB, and the nonneuronal excretory cell, uterine muscles. -- according to pers. comm. from Oliver Hobert. |
F22A3.3 = glr-8 |
I1, I2, MC, NSM, M3 (left/right), I3, MI M4, M3 (left/right), I6, M5, BDU, ALM, PLM, URB (left/right) |
To determine where lite-1 is expressed and identify likely sites of lite-1 function, the authors generated and examined worms carrying one of four transgenes derived from the wild-type lite-1 locus: a genomic fragment (lite-1 genomic), a transcriptional fusion (lite-1prom::gfp), a C-terminal translational fusion (lite-1prom::lite-1::gfp), and an N-terminal translational fusion (lite-1prom::gfp::lite-1). GFP expression was observed in a total of 29 cells: pharyngeal neurons M1, M4, M5, and MI; non-pharyngeal neurons ASK, ADL, ASI, ASH, AVG, AVB, RIM, ADF, PHA, PHB, and PVT; and non-neuronal cells Hyp3 (hypoderm), AMso (amphid socket cells), and PHso (phasmid socket cells). AVB was observed only with the C-terminal fusion transgene, and RIM and ADF were observed only with the transcriptional fusion transgene. lite-1 expression in AVG and PVT was previously reported. |
Expression of ceh-34::gfp transgene began during embryogenesis. CEH-34::GFP was localized to the nuclei of expressing cells. During embryonic morphogenesis and larval development and throughout adulthood, expression of the ceh-34::gfp transgene was seen predominantly in pharyngeal cells. The ceh-34::gfp transgene was expressed in all pharyngeal neurons (M4, I1, MI, I3, M3, NSM, MC, I2, I4, I5, I6, M1, M2, and M5), some pharyngeal muscle cells (pm1 and pm2) and pharyngeal epithelial cells (e1 and e3), and some body wall muscles around the anterior pharynx. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Neuronal Expression: AVA, AVB, AVE, PVC, AIB, AUA, AVG, RIB, RIC, SAA, SIA, SIB, RIF, RIM, RMD, RME, SMD, DA, DB, VA, VB, M5, NSM, MC, I3, MI?. Non-neuronal Expression: rectal epithelium, body wall muscle, spermethecae, vulva muscle. |
Embryonic expression of exc-7 was first observed at the bean stage. By reverse lineaging with use of SIMI-Biocell software, we confirm the identity of one of the expressing cells at this stage as the excretory canal cell. In L1 animals, broad expression in the head, ventral nerve cord (VNC), and tail was observed. In young adults, expression is notably observed in vulva cells. In the nervous system specifically, expression is observed in many neurons throughout the body, but unlike Drosophila Elav, exc-7::gfp it is not panneuronally expressed. We confirmed previously reported expression in cholinergic VNC MNs, but absence of GABAergic VNC MNs, consistent with previous reports (Fujita et al., 1999; Loria et al., 2003) and consistent with exc-7 functioning in cholinergic, but not GABAergic neurons to control alternative splicing (Norris et al., 2014). exc-7::gfp is also expressed in some non-neuronal cell types, including muscle and hypodermis, but not in the gut. A previous report showed that exc-7 is only transiently and weakly expressed in the excretory cell, which, based on exc-7's excretory mutant phenotype, has puzzled researchers (Fujita et al., 2003). We find that the gfp tagged exc-7 locus is strongly and continuously expressed in the excretory canal cell. |
Transgenic animals bearing pFX1G1 had high levels of GFP fluorescence or immunoreactivity in embryonic and postembryonic neurons. fax-1::gfp expression was first detected in embryos prior to elongation (approximately 350 minutes of development). By approximately 400 minutes, there is strong fax-1::gfp expression in as many as 20 neurons in the embryonic head and 1-2 neurons in the embryonic tail. fax-1::gfp is expressed in 20 neurons postembryonically, through the adult stage. The position of these neurons indicates that most or all of them are among the 22 neurons that express fax-1::gfp embryonically. These cells include both AVKR and AVKL. fax-1::gfp was not observed in either of the HSN or PVQ neurons, or in the PVPR neuron at any stage of development. fax-1::gfp expression was observed in several other neurons and two non-neuronal cell types in transgenic animals carrying pFX1G1. These include the pairs of CEPD and URX sensory neurons, three pharyngeal neurons (M1, MI and probably M5), two pairs of ring interneurons (including the RIC pair), five neurons in the retrovesicular ganglion (including SABD and the pair of SABV neurons), a single neuron in the preanal ganglion (either PVPL or PVT) and a single neuron in the dorsorectal ganglion of the tail (probably DVA). There is incompletely penetrant fax-1::gfp expression in a few additional neurons that were not identified, and in the non neuronal dorsal rectal cell and distal tip cells of the somatic gonad. |
GFP immunoreactivity was present in the cytoplasm, axons and nuclei of cells. Axons of neurons that express fax-1::gfp embryonically were observed in the process of outgrowth. |
ser-7::gfp DNA injected into C. elegans at 0.5-0.05 ng/Ul produced lines that exhibited marked GFP fluorescence in a number of pharyngeal neurons, including the MCs, M4, I2s, I3, M5 and occasionally in the M3s, I4, I6 and M2s. Strong GFP fluorescence was also observed in the vulval muscles. |
The whole-mount in situ hybridization database by the Kohara Lab [NEXTDB Ver. 3.0 beta (July 07, 2001), yk112c4, shows that the gene is expressed transiently in the midembryonic stage. |
Expression was detected in some neurons in the head and pharynx of larvae and adult animals. The neurons expressing Ce-TBX-2 was identified in adult animals: they were amphid sensory neurons AWB, AWC, ASJ, and pharyngeal neurons I1, I3, I5, M1, M2, M5, NSM. |
Most Ce-TBX-2 protein molecules were localized in the cytoplasm and not in the nuclei of all the neurons that express this protein. The mutations ut180 and ut192 did not change the localization. |
Clone: pUL#JRH/AH7 |
Expression is seen in 2 nerve cells in the head and 5 in the tail. The expression is very specific, late embryo to adult. Expressing nerve cells may be AVG, M5, PVT and 4 of PVCL/R, PVNL/R, PVQL/R. |
Neuronal gene expression pattern from collation by Shawn Lockery of neuron-specific promotors posted 20/04/98 (http://chinook.uoregon.edu). Since cell AS is listed under 'body' in the pattern, it presumably means the AS.1-11 ventral cord neurons rather than the AS amphid neurons.[sdm-curator] |
head: IL2 URA URB SAA SAB SIA SIB SMB SMD RMD AIY, sev more; phar: M1 M2 M5 I1f I6f, others; body: VA VB VC DA DB AS SDQ HSNf; tail: ALN PLN others [J. Duerr (personal communication to Shawn Lockery)], antibody |