nsy-5 = T16H5.1. |
A GFP reporter transgene with 5.8 kb of the nsy-5 promoter was expressed exclusively in sensory neurons and interneurons in the head and tail. The neurons that expressed nsy-5::GFP included AWC, ASH, AFD, ASI, ADL, ASK, BAG, AWB, and ADF (head sensory neurons); ADA, AIZ, RIC, AIY, and AIM (head interneurons); PHA and PHB (tail sensory neurons); and PVC and PVQ (tail interneurons). Expression began about halfway through embryogenesis, was strongest in late embryogenesis and the L1 larval stage, and faded thereafter. Adults maintained weak expression in several neurons, including ASH but not AWC. |
Strong and consistent expression was observed in a limited number of neurons in the head and tail and coelomocytes. Weaker and/or inconsistent expression of TTX-7::EGFP was detected in nerve cord motor neurons, intestine, and somatic gonad. The head neurons expressing ttx-7::EGFP include AFD and RIA neurons. Also expressed in ASH, ASE, ASJ, AWC, ADF, ADL, ASI, ASK, AWB, VNC motor neurons, etc. |
TTX-7::EGFP was diffusely expressed in the cytoplasm and was not localized to any specific subcellular compartment. |
Expressed in ASEL/R, AWCL/R, AVKL/R, AFDL/R, few variable other neurons (weak). |
Expressed in ASEL, AWCL/R (faint) excretory gland and canal cells. |
"ASEL biased" incorporates two categories of expression patterns in a given transgenic line: expression only in ASEL in some animals and stronger expression in ASEL than in ASER in other animals. |
ASEL biased, AWCL/R (faint), PVT. |
RGS-3::GFP expression is seen in seven pairs of head sensory neurons (ASH, ADL, AWB, AWC, ASI, ASJ and ASK) as well as PHA and PHB in the tail. |
srsx-3::gfp localizes to the characteristic forked cilia of the AWB neurons and in AWC. The construct was not expressed in the AFD neurons. |
Picture: Figure 3D. |
str-2::dsRed2 was used as marker for AWCON and srsx-3::GFP was used as marker for AWCOFF. |
Reporter fusion construct for the translational fusion not specified. |
Upstream regulatory sequences of cng-2 drove gfp expression exclusively in six pairs of head sensory neurons in the adult. AWC, ASE, ASG, ASI, ASJ, ASK (Fig. 2B). |
When expressed under an ASK-specific promoter the CNG-2 fusion protein was restricted to the ASK cell bodies. |
A promoter fusion to gfp, daf- 41p::gfp, revealed expression most prominently in anterior and posterior neurons including amphids (e.g. ASE, AWC, ASI, ADL) and phasmid sensory neurons, as well as peripheral neurons and ventral cord motorneurons. We also observed strong expression in body wall muscle and pharynx, as well as occasional expression in vulva, seam and intestine. |
Expressed in ADF, ADL, AFD, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWA, AWB, AWC, BAG, PHA, PHB, URX, intestine. |
Picture: Figure 1a. |
Expressed ASE and AWC neurons. |
Picture: Figure 5D. |
Pmgl-3::gfp was expressed in NSM, ADF, ASE, and AWC amphid sensory neurons, and the RIB and RIC interneurons. Occasional expression in BAG-ciliated neurons was also noted. |
A GFP fusion gene with 7.7 kb of nsy-4 upstream sequence was expressed beginning at the comma stage of embryogenesis and continuing until the adult. At the 2-fold stage of embryogenesis, expression was prominent in the excretory cell and in anterior epidermal cells. At the first larval stage, the nsy-4 reporter transgene was expressed in the excretory cell, in epidermal cells in the head (some or all of hyp 1-6) and tail (some or all of hyp 8-11), and in the P neuro-epidermoblasts, both before and after their ventral migration. Weak nsy-4::GFP expression was detectable in a few neurons. In three appropriate mosaic animals identified at the L1/L2 stage, nsy-4::GFP was observed in the AWC cell body. Expression was not detectable in AWC in older animals. |
Full-length NPHP-2::GFP localized to a short proximal region of amphid channel and phasmid cilia as well as IL, CEP, OLQ, amphid channel and phasmid cilia, and the AWC wing cilia. Native promoter driven NPHP-2::GFP was not visible in AWB cilia, as reported previously for AWB- specific promoter driven NPHP-2. We conclude that NPHP-2 marks a region of the cilium distinct from the doublet region, and propose that this region is analogous to the InvC of mammalian cilia. |
eat-4 is expressed in 78 of the 302 neurons of the adult hermaphrodite, which fall into 38 neuron classes (out of a total of 118 anatomically defined neuron classes in the hermaphrodite). Most of these neurons are either sensory- or interneurons. Only two motorneurons utilize glutamate; both are located in the pharynx. |
Cells expressing TAX-6 were visualized using several tax-6::gfp fusion genes. The expression of tax-6 is under diverse transcriptional controls. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. pAK43 is a larger transgene that should include all promoter regions for tax-6 transcription, since another gene is encoded just upstream of this region and tax-6 mRNA does not seem to be derived from a polycistronic transcript. |
When introduced into wildtype animals, pAK43 drove TAX-6 expression in many sensory neurons, as well as interneurons including AIY and AIZ, and most, if not all, muscle cells. pAK43 is expressed in muscle, AIB, AIY, AIZ, RIA, RIB, RIS, RIM, ASI, ADF, ASH, ASK, ADL, AUA, PHA, PHB, AVE. It is also expressed in AFD, ASE, AWA, AWC, AVK, AIM, RMDV, AVA. |
Both: The transgene constructs showed minimal expression in non-neuronal cells. However, transgene expression in intestinal, hypodermal, or muscle cells was observed in occasional transgenic lines in which 3.0-kb genomic DNA fragments extending just past the CePPEF start codon directed production of short N-terminal regions of CePPEF fused to GFP. As these expression patterns occurred sporadically, they likely reflect transgene effects rather than an expression pattern relevant to the endogenous CePPEF gene. FL-GFP: FL-GFP transgene directed GFP expression to the same set of neurons as the NLS-GFP-LacZ construct, and expression in a single posterior neuron was also more clearly observed. Within the expressing cells, the FL-GFP fusion protein localized efficiently to several structures beyond the cell soma, including axons that form the ventral nerve cord; dendrites that extend to the anterior tip of the animal; and the cilia of neurons AWB, AWC, and BAG. aa-(1)-NLS-GFP-LacZ: Injection of the aa-(1)-NLS-GFP-LacZ construct into C. elegans revealed reporter gene expression in several anterior neurons, including AWB, AWC, AVA, AVB, AVX, BAG, and URX. The ASE neuron showed inconsistent transgene expression. |
FL-GFP: Within the expressing cells, the FL-GFP fusion protein localized efficiently to several structures beyond the cell soma, including axons that form the ventral nerve cord; dendrites that extend to the anterior tip of the animal; and the cilia of neurons AWB, AWC, and BAG. aa-(1)-NLS-GFP-LacZ: GFP-LacZ fusion protein facilitates retention in the nucleus. |
Both gfp reporter transgenes showed strong expression in two bilaterally symmetric pairs of neurones in the head of the animal. These neurones was identified as the AWAL/R and AWCL/R chemosensory neurones. In addition to the four chemosensory neurones, the transcriptional fusion was expressed in muscle and hypodermal cells throughout the animal. The expression of SRA-13 in the chemosensory neurones suggested that, like the other SRA proteins, SRA-13 might be involved in sensing the environment. |
In the AWA and AWC neurones, the translational SRA-13::GFP fusion protein was present in the cell body, the axons and the dendrites. |
calf-1::GFP was detected in many or all neurons but not in other tissues. Coexpression with an odr-1::mCherry transgene confirmed that the calf-1 promoter drove expression in AWC neurons. |
CALF-1 is a neuron-specific endoplasmic reticulum protein. |
[Ppitp-1::venus] [PITP-1::Venus] transcriptional and translational fusions. The pitp-1 cDNA was obtained by PCR from C. elegans cDNA generated by reverse-transcription reaction using total RNA as a template and SuperScriptIII kit (Invitrogen) and ligated between KpnI and EcoRV in the pPD-DEST vector (pDEST- pitp-1). For C-terminal Venus tagging, venus::unc-54 3' UTR was PCR-amplified from pDEST-venus vector and fused to the C terminus of pitp-1 cDNA, amplified as described above by PCR. The fused PCR fragment was ligated between KpnI and SpeI in the pPD-DEST vector (pDEST-pitp-1::venus). |
Ppitp-1::venus transcriptional reporter displayed weak fluorescence in many, but not all, neurons throughout the nervous system. Coexpression with mCherry driven by various promoters confirmed that pitp-1 is expressed in sensory neurons ASE and AWC. Expression in ASH by using this reporter was not detected. The widespread but specific expression pattern in the nervous tissue is analogous to the expression pattern of RdgB in the Drosophila brain. |
A functional PITP-1::Venus fusion protein was specifically expressed in ASER to determine the subcellular localization of PITP-1. PITP-1::Venus was mainly localized in a punctate pattern along the axon and in the cell body, and colocalized with the synaptic vesicle marker mCherry::RAB-3 in the axon, indicating that PITP-1::Venus is localized to presynaptic sites. A few inconsistent puncta were often observed along the dendrites, but this might be mislocalization because of over-expression of the transgene. In addition to the presynaptic localizations, PITP-1::Venus was observed consistently at the ciliary transition zone. |
A shorter transcriptional GFP fusion gene with 5 kb of upstream sequence, and a translation fusion of GFP to the entire NSY-1 protein with 3.8 kb of upstream sequence, were expressed in many cells but not in the AWC neurons. |
Expressed in the intestine, hypodermis, rectal gland cells, and neurons, including both AWC neurons. |
Other strain: OH14340 |
(AWA), (AWC), 3 more neuron pairs (variable), males: CP5, CP6 |
ASI (dim), 1 neuron pair anterior to ASK (could be non-sensory), asymmetrically expressed in AWC??? |
The whole-mount in situ hybridization database by the Kohara Lab [NEXTDB Ver. 3.0 beta (July 07, 2001), yk112c4, shows that the gene is expressed transiently in the midembryonic stage. |
Expression was detected in some neurons in the head and pharynx of larvae and adult animals. The neurons expressing Ce-TBX-2 was identified in adult animals: they were amphid sensory neurons AWB, AWC, ASJ, and pharyngeal neurons I1, I3, I5, M1, M2, M5, NSM. |
Most Ce-TBX-2 protein molecules were localized in the cytoplasm and not in the nuclei of all the neurons that express this protein. The mutations ut180 and ut192 did not change the localization. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Epidermis: ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp was strongly expressed in the excretory cell and rectal epithelial cells from the early L1 larval stage and through all life stages. Seam cell expression was first observed in the late L1 stage, while expression in the lateral hypodermis increased during the L3 stage and peaked during the L4 stage. Seam cell and hypodermal expression gradually decreased in the adult stage and was hardly visible among older adults. ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp was not expressed in the hypodermis under normal growth conditions, though lateral hypodermal but not seam cell expression was dramatically upregulated in starved animals of all developmental stages. No increase in hypodermal expression was seen in starved ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp animals. Intestine: Both ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp and ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp were strongly expressed throughout the intestine, with posterior intestinal expression consistently stronger than anterior expression. Musculature: ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp was strongly expressed in pharyngeal muscles, but not in body wall muscles. Nervous system: ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp and ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp were expressed in the same set of head and tail neurons and a pair of neuron-like cells identified as the XXX cells. According to their location and cellular morphology, the head neurons were identified as the pharyngeal neuron I6, the inner labial sensory neurons IL2s and the amphid neurons ASE and ASG. The expression level in the amphid neurons was weaker than in the other head neurons. The tail neurons were identified as PHC, in which expression was first detected during the L2 stage, consistent with the time of birth of the neurons at the end of L1. In contrast to the widespread expression of ncr-1Ap::gfp, ncr-1Bp::gfp is expressed exclusively in 10-12 pairs of head and tail neurons. The tail neurons were identified as PHA, PHB and DVC. One pair of head neurons was identified as AWC. The other head neurons were very tentatively identified as RIC, RIM, FLP, ADA, ADE, RID and maybe AIY. We also occasionally observed expression in a pair of head cells anterior to the nerve ring. The position and morphology of these cells are similar to the XXX cells. With the exception of PHC neurons, expression in the tissues above was first observed during late embryogenesis and did not change during development. Somatic gonad: Both ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp and ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp were strongly expressed in the spermatheca and weakly in the gonadal sheath cells. The expression in the somatic gonad could be observed only in adults. Three reporter constructs, ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp, ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp and ncr-1Bp::gfp were made for ncr-1 because of its complex gene structure. The results indicate that ncr-1 expression is widespread and largely coincides with the reported distribution pattern of cholesterol in C. elegans, which includes the following tissues: intestine, pharynx, excretory gland cell, nerve ring, spermatheca and germ cells, including both oocytes and sperm. |
Picture: Fig. 4A. |
Expressed in AWC neurons. |
Picture: Fig. 4A. |
Expressed in AWC neurons. |