Picture: Fig 5. |
GFP expression was specifically localized to a few cells at the anterior and posterior regions of the worm. At the anterior region, the GFP expression was identified in two amphid neurons (ASG), the pharyngeal intestinal (PI) valve (six cells), one to two neurons in retrovesicular ganglion (RVG), and two neurons posterior to the PI valve. The GFP expression in the posterior region was localized to the two phasmid neurons (PHA, PHB) and the anal valve (four cells). The results indicated that the promoter of CEFT-1 is specifically activated in chemosensory neurons (amphids and phasmid neurons) and valve regions (PI valve and anal valve). Promoter expression was evident through all developmental stages with a highly restricted GFP expression. |
Other strains-- UL963, UL982, UL984 |
Strong expression is seen predominantly in the muscles of the pharynx, the pharyngeo-intestinal valve, and in cells surrounding the rectum, which appear to be the anal depressor muscle and the intestino-rectal valve. Other expression is occasionally seen in the vulval muscle cells (vm1 and vm2), bodywall muscle cell nuclei, and cells within the tail spike. Expression is seen from late embryo to adulthood. |
Picture: Fig 5J, 5K, 5L. |
The expression of nhr-208 GFP reporters started in embryos at the 1.5-fold stage within the pharynx, intestinal sphincter, and epidermal cells in the tail. By the 3-fold stage of embryogenesis, additional expression was observed in rectal gland and surrounding cells. During all larval stages, strong expression of the transgenes was visible in pharyngeal and unidentified head neurons, the pharyngeal-intestinal valve cell, the posterior part of the intestine, the intestinal sphincter, two rectal gland cells, the intestinal-rectal valve cell, and the epidermal hyp10 cell. In males, the expression was seen in several rays (6-8) and other male specific neurons. |
Clone: pUL#JRH/AG11 |
Expression is seen from late embryo to adult, in the intestinal-rectal valve and pharyngeal-intestinal valve. Expression is also seen in developing gonadal tissue, restricted to the spermathecae in adult hermaphrodites. |
Picture: Fig 5M, 5N, 5O, 5P. |
The expression of nhr-207 GFP reporters began in 1.5-fold embryos in pharyngeal and epidermal cells. In 3-fold stage embryos, expression was observed in pharyngeal neurons, intestinal cells, the intestinal-rectal valve, and the sphincter. This pattern of expression was present during all larval stages and in adults. In larvae and in adults, additional expression was observed in the pharyngeal-intestinal valve and spermathecae. In males, the expression was seen in male specific neurons, including rays. |
Other strain-- UL960 |
Expression is seen from late embryo to adulthood. It is seen in the following components-- the pharyngeal musculature, anal depressor muscle and anal sphincter, and diffuse expression along the length of the tail spike. Also observed is diffuse expression around the anterior portion of the pharynx, which is probably bodywall muscle. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). |
Expression is observed in newly hatched L1 larvae and late stage embryos. There is strong staining of the marginal cells (AB-derived) in the pharynx; also there is staining in the posterior gut near the anal region (cells may be sphincter cells, rectal intestinal valve or the posterior intestinal muscle cells). L1-L4 pharyngeal cells and cells in the posterior gut region (staining of posterior cells reduces in later stages). L1-L2 occasional staining in the gut lumen or posterior intestinal cells. Intensity of staining in intestinal lumen decreases gradually during L2, L3 and L4 BUT pharyngeal cells continue to stain. Adults: rare intestinal staining and strong pharyngeal staining is observed klp-3 gene may be expressed in sphincter muscle of the intestino-rectal valve and the intestinal muscles located anterior to the anus which are attached to the intestine and body wall. The stained cells in posterior intestinal region are descendants of AB founder cells. |
The functional mrp-1::GFP gene was expressed not only in the pharynx, pharynx-intestinal valve cells, anterior intestinal cells, intestinal-rectum valve cells and epithelial cells of the vulva, but also in some neurons, as well as other intestinal cells and hypodermal seam cells. Expression was detected already in the pharynx, intestine and neurons in L1 larvae. |
Localized in cell membrane. |
Expression begins in young larvae and is seen in a number of tissues i.e. pharynx, circumphanryngeal nerve ring, vulva and vulval muscle, tail hypodermis, pharyngeo-intestinal and intestino-rectal valves. |
Other strain-- UL785 |
Expression is seen in young larvae and through to the adult stage. Expression is generally diffuse and is seen in the pharynx, the intestine, the pharyngo-intestinal valve and the intestino-rectal valve. Membranes lining the lumen of the intestine and pharynx show distinct expression. This gene has homology to calcium independent phospholipases. |
Picture: Fig 5D, 5E, 5F. |
The expression of nhr-153 GFP reporter transgenes was first detected in the 2-fold stage embryo in pharyngeal and intestinal cells. In all larval stages, the reporter gene expression was very strong in the posterior bulb of pharynx and in all intestinal cells as well as the intestinal-rectal valve or rectal gland cells. Expression was also seen in several unidentified neurons near the posterior pharyngeal bulb and in the tail. In males, very strong reporter expression was observed in some of the ray-associated neurons. |
Picture: Fig 5A, 5B, 5C. |
The expression of nhr-154 GFP reporter transgenes was first detected in the 2-fold stage embryo within the developing pharynx and in precursors of several unidentified head neurons. By the 3-fold stage of embryogenesis, expression was seen in the pharynx and throughout the intestine, a pattern reminiscent of the developmental transcription factor pha-4. In L1 and L2 stages, the reporter gene expression was strong in the pharyngeal muscles (anterior and posterior bulbs, predominantly), in unidentified head neurons, the intestine, and in the intestinal-rectal valve or sphincter cell. GFP reporter gene expression decreased in subsequent larval stages (L3, L4) so that by the adult stage only pharyngeal expression persistence is reproducibly observed. This suggested that the peak of expression in adults detected by RT-qPCR might be due to the embryos inside gravid adults in these samples. No obvious differences in pattern were seen between the two promoter lengths tested. The expression of nhr-154 GFP reporter was not observed in male specific structures. |
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). |
beta-gal staining detected in all developmental stages including embryos and is most intense in early larval stages. Although NLS was present in the construct between the promoter sequences and lacZ gene, beta-gal staining was found in the cytoplasm and at the membrane. mrp-1 expression is observed in cells of the pharynx, the pharynx-intestinal valve cells and the anterior intestinal cells, the epithelial cells of the vulva and the rectum-intestinal valve cells. Similar tissue distribution is observed with mrp-1::gfp. In L3, staining seen in pharynx, pharynx-intestinal valve and first intestinal cells, intestinal-rectum valve cells. In young adults, staining is detected in epithelial cells of the vulva. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expression in the nervous system was extensive, possibly including all nerve cells in the head and tail ganglia and the nerve cord. Expression was also observed throughout the digestive system: in all cells of the pharynx, in the pharyngeal-intestinal valve, in all cells of the intestine and in the intestinal-rectal valve. Both neuronal and non-neuronal expression was observed through all larval stages and into the adult. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4, mc2. Weak or rare expression in pm6, vir. Expression in the nervous system: AVD, AVK, RIS, URB. Pharyngeal and neuronal expression of inx-6 start around threefold stage, and some of the expression in head and tail neurons disappears after L1 stage. |
Clone: pUL#JRH7F6 |
Expression observed from early embryo to adult. Early and mid embryo expression in outer cells. Dorsal nerve cord, ventral nerve cord, two other head nerves lateral to posterior pharyngeal bulb. Rectal valve. Expression in body muscle cells of L1 only. Possibly artifactual expression in head muscles and intestine. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, pharyngeal epithelium, pm4, pm8, g1, g2, vir, K.a/K' cells. inx-11 is more strongly expressed in the most posterior (int 9) intestinal cell. Weak or rare expression in pm1, pm2, pm3, pm5, pm6, pm7. Expression in the nervous system: CEPsh, DVC, LUA. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in utse. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, sperm (spermatocytes, spermatids). Expression of inx-11 appears in pharyngeal tissue around two-fold stage, and by three-fold stage, strong expression becomes restricted to g1, g2, pm4, and pm8. inx-11 is expressed in the hypodermal cells of the animal in postembryonic stages. |
Construct contained 2375 bp upstream of the dyn-1 ATG and 214 amino acids of DYN-1. Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006). Construct rescued dyn-1(ky51) uncoordinated and low-fertility phenotypes. |
Expressed in motor neurons in head and ventral nerve cord; sensory neurons and sensory interneurons around nerve ring and tail; pharyngeal-intestinal valve, intestinal-rectal valve, and intestine; in m3 and m4. Expressed in all stages embryo through adult. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pm1, pm2, pm8, vir. Weak or rare expression in pharyngeal epithelium. inx-20 appears in pm1, pm2, pm8, and intestinal rectal valve at threefold stage and continues to adulthood. |
PDF-2::GFP signals could be observed throughout post-embryonic life. The PDF-2::GFP-expressing cells were identified as the interneurons BDUL/R, AVG, AIML/R, RIS, AVD and PVT, the chemosensory neuron pairs PHA and PHB, the motor neurons RID and RIML/R, the sensory neurons AQR and PQR, and less frequently in the PVPL/R interneurons. Outside the nervous system, strong expression was observed in rectal gland cells rectD and rectVL/R, the intestino-rectal valve cells virL/R and three posterior arcade cells in the head. Weak GFP fluorescence could also be observed in four additional head neurons that could not be unequivocally identified. GFP fluorescence was visible in neuronal cell bodies, axons and dendrites. |
Picture: Fig 6. |
Apart from cells in the neuroblast lineage that generate ASE, nhr-67::mCherry was expressed in multiple other neuroblast lineages in the developing embryo. Expression was usually observed in the grandmother or mother of a neuron, but not earlier. Within the ASEL and ASER-generating lineage branches, nhr-67 was expressed in neuroblasts that generate closely or distantly related cousins of ASEL and ASER. For example, the sister neuroblast of the ASE-generating neuroblast creates the AUA and ASJ neurons and it expressed nhr-67. The cousin of the ASE-mother cell generates the AWB and ADF sensory neurons. nhr-67 was expressed in these cells. In late stage embryos, a few other, postmitotic neurons started to express nhr-67. Embryonic nhr-67 expression was not restricted to the nervous system, but was observed in a small subset of mesodermal and hypodermal cells. No expression was detected in endodermal cells or the germ line. nhr-67 was expressed in the excretory canal cell. Postembryonically, nhr-67 expression persisted only in a few neurons in the head ganglia until the first larval stage and faded shortly thereafter in most, but not all, of these neurons, with expression persisting through adulthood only in the CEPD/V, RMED/V, AVL and RIS neurons. During mid-larval development, nhr-67 was transiently and dynamically expressed in the AC cells of the vulva. Expression was also found in the VU cells and somatic gonad, but not in vulA, vulB or vulC. Within the ASEL/R generating lineages, nhr-67::mCherry was first observed in the grandmother cells of ASEL and ASER. Transgenic animals that co-express a functional nhr-67::mCherry reporter and a functional che-1::yfp reporter revealed that nhr-67 precedes che-1 expression. nhr-67 expression was maintained in the ASEL and ASER neurons until the first larval stage after which it became undetectable, whereas che-1 expression was maintained throughout the life of the animal. In spite of its genetically deduced role in asymmetric gene expression in ASEL and ASER, nhr-67 expression is bilaterally symmetric in ASEL and ASER. |
PDF-1::GFP signals could be observed throughout post-embryonic life. pdf-1 reporter expression was found consistently in the interneurons ADAL/R and PVT, the chemosensory neuron pairs ASI, ASK, PHA and PHB, the RMED, RMEV and RID motor neurons, the sensory neuron pair ADE, the PQR mechanosensory neuron and less frequently in the PVPL/R interneurons. Strong non-neuronal expression could be detected in rectal gland cells rectD and rectVL/R, and the intestino-rectal valve cells virL/R. Faint GFP fluorescence appeared to be present in a small number of unidentified head neurons. GFP fluorescence was visible in neuronal cell bodies, axons and dendrites. |
Expressed in intestine: Exxx (20 intestine cells). Onset time: <200 cells. Expressed in pharynx: ABalpaxxx, ABaraaxxx, ABarapaxxx (57 pharyngeal cells, 4 neurons, 4 hypodermal cells). MSaaxxx, MSpaxxx (37 pharyngeal cells, 2 neurons, 10 muscle cells). Onset time: <200 cells. Expressed in rectal precursors: ABprpapppxx, ABprpppppax, ABplpppppax, ABplpapppxx (7 rectal and digestive muscle cells, 2 neurons, 1 muscle cell.) Onset time: >350 cells. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in vir. Weak or rare expression in intestine. Expression in the nervous system: AIN, DVA (early larva), DVC (early larva), PVT (early larva). inx-17 is mainly expressed in head and tail neurons starting around threefold stage, and the expression of inx-17 in tail neurons disappears as the larval development continues. |
Picture: Fig 4A to 4D. |
LEC-8::EGFP was expressed predominantly in the pharyngeal-intestinal valve and in a small group of cells in the tail, which probably represent the intestinal-rectal valve, and only low-level expression was observed in some vesicles of the intestine. |
Picture: Figures 1D and 1E. |
In the head, elt-3 GFP expression decreases with age in the hypodermal cells and the pharyngeal-intestinal valve cells, eventually showing little or no expression in old worms. In the trunk, elt-3 expression is mostly derived from the hypodermal cells and the intestinal cells, and expression in this region decreases quickly between day 3 and day 5 of adulthood. The elt-3 GFP reporter did not change expression in the intestinal-rectal valve cells located in the tail of the worm. In summary, these results show that age-related changes in elt-3 expression are complex, as different tissues show different kinetics of age regulation and some tissues show no age regulation at all. |
Both cgt-1 and cgt-3 showed additional, non-overlapping, expression in some non-identified head cells. With the possible exception of a few amphid neurons, authors could not detect any expression of cgt-1 or cgt-3 in the nervous system. Picture: Fig. 6. |
Both cgt-1::gfp and cgt-3::gfp were strongly expressed in pharyngeal muscles and in other pharyngeal cells, although their expression did not completely overlap. In addition, they showed strong expression in the pharyngeal intestinal valve (PIV), in the intestinal cells (particularly the most anterior and the most posterior), in the intestinal rectal valve (IRV), and in the three rectal gland cells (RGCs). Some cgt-3::gfp expression was also visible in head mesodermal cells. |
Both cgt-1 and cgt-3 showed additional, non-overlapping, expression in some non-identified head cells. With the possible exception of a few amphid neurons, authors could not detect any expression of cgt-1 or cgt-3 in the nervous system. Picture: Fig. 6. |
Both cgt-1::gfp and cgt-3::gfp were strongly expressed in pharyngeal muscles and in other pharyngeal cells, although their expression did not completely overlap. In addition, they showed strong expression in the pharyngeal intestinal valve (PIV), in the intestinal cells (particularly the most anterior and the most posterior), in the intestinal rectal valve (IRV), and in the three rectal gland cells (RGCs). cgt-1::gfp expressed in the excretory cell, excretory canals, duct cell and pore cell. |
Picture: Figure 2. This pattern appears identical with that reported for monoclonal antibody MH5, which labels fibrous organelles containing hemidesmosomes associated with the hypodermis, where it contacts the muscle cells. Similar patterns, but differing in some details, were noted with monoclonal antibodies MH4 and MH46. The specificity of the antiserum for HSP43 is demonstrated by the loss of signal when the antibody is pre-incubated with excess pure recombinant HSP43. |
At the same developmental stages, HSP43 staining was seen in desmosomes of cells which make up the spermathecal cage and the spermathecal valve. L2 larvae, which lack vulva and spermatheca, showed prominent HSP43 staining anteriorly in the pharyngealintestinal valve, a structure made up of six cells coupled by a system of desmosomes, and posteriorly in a discreet region probably corresponding to the intestinalrectal valve. In both control and heat-shocked adult and L4 larvae a low level of staining was seen throughout the body, together with very strong, specific, staining in the vulva and spermatheca. In the vulval region, HSP43 was localized in the adherens junctions of vulval epithelial cells, but absent from vulval muscle. Images taken in different focal planes of the vulval region revealed HSP43 staining in the utse cells and in the uv1 cells. |
In the vulval region, HSP43 was localized in the adherens junctions of vulval epithelial cells, In all post-embryonic stages, HSP43 staining was observed in a very regular punctate pattern over body-wall muscle, the columns of labelled spots running circumferentially along the muscle quadrant and the signal being more intense where the muscle cells contact each other. Individual bands could be resolved as doublets separated by a narrow space. |
Picture: Figure S7, Movie 1. |
Expression patterns of ipla-1 in the adult stage. ipla-1 is expressed in several unidentified cells in pharynx (probably gland cells of pharynx), pharyngeal-intestinal valve, spermatheca, hypodermal syncytium, seam cells, rectal grand cells and intestinal-rectal valve. Expression patterns of ipla-1 in the larval stages. ipla-1 is expressed in intestine, three rectal gland cells, hypodermal syncytium and seam cells in the L1, L2 and L3 larva. In the L1 stage, ipla-1 expression is also observed in several unidentified cells in the tail. |
While IPLA-1 localizes to cytosol in intestine, spermatheca and gland cells, IPLA-1 localizes to the nuclei of hypodermal syncytium and seam cells. |