Strong and consistent expression was observed in a limited number of neurons in the head and tail and coelomocytes. Weaker and/or inconsistent expression of TTX-7::EGFP was detected in nerve cord motor neurons, intestine, and somatic gonad. The head neurons expressing ttx-7::EGFP include AFD and RIA neurons. Also expressed in ASH, ASE, ASJ, AWC, ADF, ADL, ASI, ASK, AWB, VNC motor neurons, etc. |
TTX-7::EGFP was diffusely expressed in the cytoplasm and was not localized to any specific subcellular compartment. |
INS-1::Venus, which was confirmed to be functional, was expressed in several amphid chemosensory neurons, ASE, ASI, and ASJ; AIA interneurons; and several other neurons. Of these expression patterns, the fluorescence signal in AIA was the strongest and most consistent between individual animals. |
In AIA neurons, punctate expression patterns in the cell bodies and processes were observed. |
Consistent with the previously described microinjections of the non-GFP constructs, only the full-length ssu-1::GFP fusion rescued the suppression of the locomotion defect of unc-1(null) by ssu-1(fc73). However, both constructs produced strong fluorescence in only two head neurons. Using the amphid stain DiI, these two head neurons were identified as the ASJ amphid neurons. |
A translational DYF-2::GFP fusion was found to be localized only in cilia of CSN, thus precluding a confirmation of the cellular expression pattern obtained with the transcriptional dyf-2::gfp fusion or any further cell identification. |
dyf-2::gfp expression was observed in only a subset of the ciliated sensory neuron (CSN) class in the worm. GFP signal was observed in seven out of twelve neurons of the amphids, including ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, ADL (ciliated neurons that fill with the fluorescent dye DiI) plus two hitherto unidentified amphid neurons. In addition, GFP expression was observed in the phasmid CSN and in neurons identified as AQR and PQR (asymmetric CSN in the head and tail, respectively). No or only very occasional GFP signal was detected in other CSN anterior to the nerve ring in the head of the worm. |
Expressed in ASKL/R, ASIL/R, ASJL/R. |
RGS-3::GFP expression is seen in seven pairs of head sensory neurons (ASH, ADL, AWB, AWC, ASI, ASJ and ASK) as well as PHA and PHB in the tail. |
Reporter fusion construct for the translational fusion not specified. |
Upstream regulatory sequences of cng-2 drove gfp expression exclusively in six pairs of head sensory neurons in the adult. AWC, ASE, ASG, ASI, ASJ, ASK (Fig. 2B). |
When expressed under an ASK-specific promoter the CNG-2 fusion protein was restricted to the ASK cell bodies. |
Expressed in ADF, ADL, AFD, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWA, AWB, AWC, BAG, PHA, PHB, URX, intestine. |
Picture: Fig 4E to 4H. npr-5 = Y58G8A.4 in this paper. |
The npr-5p::RFP transgene was expressed in a subset of amphid neurons (ADF, ASE, ASG, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWA, AWB) in the inner labial neuron IL2, in the interneurons AIA and AUA, and in the phasmids (PHA, PHB). Outside the nervous system, npr-5p::RFP was expressed in head, neck, and body muscles throughout larval and adult development. |
genomic |
Isoform 1b.1 |
Isoform 1b.2 |
Expressed in ADF, ADL, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, PHA, PHB. |
Expressed in ADF, ADL, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, PHA, PHB, URX, labial neurons. |
The cellular expression pattern for nlp-3 fragments was indistinguishable from the cellular expression pattern for nlp-3 subcloned constructs. Transgenic lines were generated by coinjection of the nlp::gfp construct (5070 ng/ul) and lin-15 rescue construct (pJM24,100 ng/ul) into lin-15(n765ts) animals. At least two independent transgenic lines were analyzed for each nlp gene; 5-10 animals were scored per line. 1,1'-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3 -tetramethylindodicarbocyanine perchlorate (Molecular Probes) was used to stain amphid and phasmid neurons to facilitate identification. |
Expressed in ADF, ASE, ASH, AWB, ASJ, BAG, HSN, I1, I2, I3, I4, MI, M3, NSMR, 3 head neurons, VNC, oocytes, I6, M2, pm1VL, intestine. |