psa-3 was expressed in the T cell, head neurons, posterior gut cells, hypodermal cells (hyp7, hyp9, and hyp10), and P blast cells. Of the seam cells, only the T cell expressed psa-3. During mitosis of the T cell, the PSA-3 protein was uniformly distributed in the T cell. Soon after the T cell division (before V6 cell division, which occurs about 30 min after T cell division), the psa-3 expression in the two daughter cells was almost the same. In the later stage, after V6 cell division, the psa-3 expression in T.a had decreased and that in T.p increased. After the next round of divisions, the psa-3 expression had greatly increased in the posterior (T.pa and T.pp), but not the anterior, granddaughters. |
mhIs9 rescued the lin-17 T and B cell polarity defects. |
mhIs9 males contain a lin-17::gfp construct that was expressed in the membranes of the T, B cells and their descendants as well as the F, P11, P12 and vuval precursor cells. |
membrane |
mom-2 expression was observed in the male blast cells B, F, Y as well as P12.p, T.a, T.p, hyp7, hyp8 and hyp10 in syEx664 males. |
This construct rescued the tcl-2 T cell and gonad defects, but only partially rescued the Pv1 defects. |
tcl-2::gfp is expressed strongly in the cytoplasm of the pharynx muscle cells and several head neurons, probably the IL1s or IL2s, throughout development. Several other unidentified neurons in the tail region expressed GFP throughout development. Although tcl-2 mutants display gonad, and P12.p cell fate defects, GFP expression was not observed in these cells or their descendants in L1 animals. |
In contrast to the cytoplasmic expression in head neurons, weak GFP expression was observed in the nuclei of the T cells and the T cell daughters, T.a and T.p. The level of GFP expression was equal in both T cell daughters. |
ceh-20 was expressed in nearly all of the cells, including the T cell. During T cell mitosis, CEH-20 was distributed uniformly. Soon after T cell division (before V6 division), the nuclear level of CEH-20 was equal in the daughter cells, while in the late stage, after V6 division, the nuclear level in T.a was slightly greater and that in T.p was slightly less, resulting in the differential subcellular localization of CEH-20 between the daughter cells (8/33 animals showed the asymmetric localization; i.e., strong nuclear localization in T.a and weak nuclear and cytoplasmic localization in T.p). |
Expressed in most cells during embryogenesis and in many if not all cells in developing larvae. Expressed in the T cell and the T-cell daughters. GFP fluorescence was observed in both of the daughter nuclei, indicating that there was no asymmetry in the expression pattern of let-19 during T-cell division. |
Expressed in most cells during embryogenesis and in many if not all cells in developing larvae. Expressed in the T cell and the T-cell daughters. GFP fluorescence was observed in both of the daughter nuclei, indicating that there was no asymmetry in the expression pattern of dpy-22 during T-cell division. |