ser-1::gfp expression was observed in the pharyngeal muscles. In addition, ser-1::gfp expression was observed in the vulval muscles, as well as in many neurons. ser-1::gfp is not detectable in HSN or VC. |
Picture: Fig. 1, A and C; Table 1. |
Expression of SHL-1 was observed in posterior intestine, body wall muscle, vulval muscle, male-specific diagonal muscles, and a variety of motor neurons, interneurons, and sensory neurons. |
GLB-33 is exclusively expressed in the nervous system. The GLB-33 protein was present in a large number of neurons in the head and tail region, the nerve ring, the ventral and dorsal nerve cord, and several lateral nerve cords. However, despite its wide expression in the nervous system, GLB-33 did not seem to be expressed in any of the amphid, cephalic, labial, or phasmid sensory neurons; the typical expression pattern for these neurons was not observed, nor was any overlap seen between GFP-expression and DiI-staining, a compound that selectively stained several amphid and phasmid neurons. This indicates that GLB- 33 is expressed in motor- or interneurons, which are involved in locomotory behaviour or information processing, and not in neurons that sense environmental cues. |
The expression pattern of the reporter was in line with the membrane bound localization of the receptor. The membrane localization of GLB- 33 was confirmed by the transfection of glb-33-gfp in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. |
Expression from the nape-1 promoter is mainly observed in the nervous system including the ventral nerve cord, and head interneurons. |
From correspondence with author, clarifying text: ttbk-7 -> head interneurons? |
Expression of transcriptional ttbk-6-7 fusion genes was weak and variable, but was observed primarily in neurons, including subsets of sensory neurons in the amphid sense organs of the head. |
Weak expression, gut, spermatheca, 2-6 head neurons. pharynx: muscle and marginal cells, pharyngo-intestinal valve, gut: weak expression in mainly anterior-most and posterior-most cells, some arcade cells, rectal gland cells, occasionally very weak expression in hyp (adults), 2 pairs of interneurons axons projecting into ventral nerve cord, 1 pair very weak, no longer visible in older animals |
In adult C. elegans, nhr-66 is broadly expressed, including hypodermis, gut, muscle, and neuronal cells of the ventral nerve chord, head, and tail ganglia. In the head ganglion, several sensory and interneurons, including AVA, express NHR-66. Interestingly, global nhr-66 expression was not altered with age. |
Data modified according to Shawn Lockery's expression pattern curations. |
Expressed in URX, ALA, some sensory neurons, interneurons, pharyngeal neurons and muscle. |
The expression pattern of the predicted calcineurin B was similar to the pattern of tax-6::gfp in pAK43. See Expr1824: pAK43 drove TAX-6 expression in many sensory neurons, as well as interneurons including AIY and AIZ, and most, if not all, muscle cells. |
Scattered and distinct cytoplasmic signals of CNB-1 was observed surrounding the cellularized spermatids. Sub-cellular localization within the body wall muscle: Dense bodies, Thick filaments and/or M-line, SR/ER Wildtype male sperm was examined and immunostained with antiCNB-1 antibody. As expected, robust staining was observed in the wild-type sperm and the staining was distinctly cytoplasmic. |
Picture: Figure 2B and 2C. |
Motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord, and sensory- and interneurons in the nerve ring and in the tail, were labelled. Expression was also observed in muscles and hypodermal cells. |
In the embryo, the upstream promoter (ten-1a) is most active in the descendants of the C and EMS blastomers. During postembryonic development, GFP expression was detected in the pharynx, gut, coelomocytes, posterior body wall muscles, vulva muscles in hermaphrodites, and diagonal muscles in males. The ten-1a promoter is also active in some hypodermal cells including the hyp-11 cell, hypodermal seam cells, and rectal hypodermis. In the somatic gonad, it is active throughout its development starting with z1 and z4 cells in the embryo. During gonad development, it is expressed in the distal tip cells and the linker cell in males, in gonad and spermatheca sheath cells, and the utse cells of the uterus. In males, ten-1a is active in the vas deferens and spicule socket cells. Furthermore, GFP expression in DVB neurons and a few ring interneurons could be detected. |
cle-1AGFP expression was first detected in comma stage ( 390min) embryos in cephalic neurons. Expression in interneurons and rectal epithelial cells is seen by the 2-fold stage, 60 min later, and continues through larval and adult stages. cle-1BGFP expression was first observed at the 3-fold stage ( 520 min) of embryogenesis in four neurons of the lateral ganglia and in the DD dorsal motorneurons. The postembryonic VD dorsal motorneurons also express cle-1BGFP starting in the second larval stage, and this pattern persists through larval and adult stages. cle-1CGFP expression is first seen in comma stage embryos in pharynx and body wall muscles and later appears in the canal-associated neurons (CAN), head mesodermal cell, accessory muscles, and intestine. During larval development, expression is restricted to the ventral GLR glia like cells, the canal-associated neurons, and the head mesodermal cell. Beginning in the late fourth larval stage and continuing through adult, cle-1CGFP expression appears in somatic sheath cells of the gonad and reappears in body wall muscles. |
Prib-1::gfp is broadly expressed in ectodermal and mesodermal cells during embryogenesis. A salient feature of the rib-1 expression pattern is that it is very dynamic in hypodermal cells during development. In embryogenesis, Prib-1::gfp is detected along the entire layer of hypodermoblasts that surrounds the gastrulating embryo at about 200 minutes after fertilization. By the early comma stage of embryogenesis, Prib-1::gfp is expressed at high levels in hypodermal cells of the elongating embryo, including hypodermal cells extending ventrally during ventral closure and in the two rows of dorsal hypodermal cells undergoing dorsal intercalation. Following these embryonic morphogenetic events, expression of Prib-1::gfp in the hypodermal cells of the body wall is no longer visible during larval and adult stages, except for seam cells undergoing fusion during larval development. Also, hypodermal cells of the developing vulva express Prib-1::gfp, at a low expression level in L3 larvae and at a stronger level in L4 larvae and just molted young adults, and vanishing in vulval cells in the adult. The nervous and digestive systems express Prib-1::gfp stably and continuously from embryogenesis throughout adulthood. Strong and sustained expression is seen in motorneurons, interneurons, sensory neurons (including AVM), neurons in the head and tail ganglia, with the GFP signal filling axons running along the ventral and dorsal nerve cords, commissures, and sublaterals. Expression in neurons of the ventral nerve cord and of the head ganglia is visible in 1.5-, 2-, and 3-fold embryos, and persists into adulthood. Strong expression of Prib-1::gfp is also observed in the pharynx from the 2-fold stage of embryogenesis onwards and remained strong in adults (procorpus, metacorpus, terminal bulb, grinder, and pharyngeal-intestinal valve). The anal depressor, the anal sphincter, the two enteric muscles, the spermathecae and the uterine muscles maintain expression in adults. |
Construct contained 2375 bp upstream of the dyn-1 ATG and 214 amino acids of DYN-1. Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006). Construct rescued dyn-1(ky51) uncoordinated and low-fertility phenotypes. |
Expressed in motor neurons in head and ventral nerve cord; sensory neurons and sensory interneurons around nerve ring and tail; pharyngeal-intestinal valve, intestinal-rectal valve, and intestine; in m3 and m4. Expressed in all stages embryo through adult. |
The upstream and downstream regions of this gene drove GFP expression in a set of cells that did not overlap with those expressing osm-9::GFP fusions, including motor neurons, interneurons, vulval and intestinal muscles, and a single putative sensory neuron, BAG. |
Strong age-1 EGFP fluorescence was observed in two pairs of amphidial neurons and their dendritic processes, a pair of inter-neurons or support cells anterior to the nerve ring, and the sphincter connecting the pharynx to the intestine. Variable expression was also noted in the hypodermis and the intestine between lines, with some lines having moderate expression in these tissues and others having little or no expression. Weak expression in a phasmidial neuron was observed in a minority of worms in each line. Examination of transgenic C. elegans L1 and adult hermaphrodites revealed expression of Ce-age-1 in the AWC and ASJ amphidial neuron pairs. |
Ce-grk-2::gfp reporter expression was observed in embryos as early as the 20 to 30 cell stage and persisted throughout development and into adulthood. The Ce-grk-2::gfp reporter was expressed in many neurons of adult animals, including the ASH neurons and other sensory neurons, many interneurons, and motor neurons of the ventral nerve cord. Expression was also observed in vulval muscles. The GFP reporter and antisera expression patterns were nearly identical, but no immunoreactivity was observed in the vulval muscles. |
We found that ckr-1 is broadly expressed in the nervous system, showing expression in a subset of ventral nerve cord motor neurons, amphid and phasmid sensory neurons, premotor interneurons, and motor neurons in the nerve ring. We identified many of these neurons, largely from analysis of ckr-1 co-expression with previously characterized reporters. In the ventral nerve cord, we found that ckr-1 is expressed in cholinergic, but not GABAergic, ventral cord motor neurons. Amongst head neurons, the ckr-1 reporter is expressed in GABAergic RMEV, RMED, AVL and RIS neurons, cholinergic SMDV, SMDD, and RIV head motor neurons, the interneuron RIG, the serotonergic NSM neuron, and in the interneurons AIA and AIB. Additional studies using DiI uptake indicated that ckr-1 is also expressed in the amphid sensory neurons ASK and ASI and the phasmid sensory neurons PHA and PHB. With the exception of the ventral cord cholinergic neurons, the ckr-1 reporter almost exclusively labeled neurons that do not receive direct synaptic input from DVA, suggesting that NLP-12 acts at least partially through extrasynaptic mechanisms. |
nmgp-1 expresses mostly in sensory neurons and in the egg-laying apparatus of adult hermaphrodites. GFP expression driven by the putative nmgp-1 promoter was detected in several cells, primarily neurons. Within the head, we saw GFP expression in pharyngeal neurons, as many somas and processes within the metacorpus and the posterior bulb ventral ganglia were observed. In addition, some of the processes next to the bulb might correspond to CEP sheath glial cells. In the midbody, we saw labeling of cells within the egg-laying apparatus. Posteriorly, we observed cells in the tail ganglia and possibly phasmid neurons. Neuronal processes along dorsal and ventral cords were also labeled. In addition, to identify specific neurons, we used the NeuroPAL strain (OH15500) developed by Hobert's Lab (Yemini et al., 2021). This strain has a stereotyped fluorescent color map to identify all neurons. We injected it with the same plasmid for GFP expression under the nmgp-1 promoter. The following neurons were identified as expressing GFP: ALA, CEPD, IL1 (head neurons from the nerve ring), the sensory amphid neurons ASK, neurons from the anterior ventral nerve cord (VA6, VB7, DB5, AS5, VD6, DD3, DA4) and posterior ventral cord (VA11, VD11, AS10, DA7, DB7, CB11, VA11), neurons from the preanal ganglion (PVP, PVT, DD6, AS11, VA12, DA8, DA9) dorso-rectal ganglion (DVB, DVA, DVC) and lumbar ganglion (PVQ, PHC). The neurons identified include sensory neurons (amphid and mechanosensory), motor neurons and interneurons. |
ASK, another sensory neuron pair, another pair that could be inter/motorneuron, (PHC) |
acr-23 was expressed strongly in the six mechanosensory neurons (ALM, PLM, AVM and PVM), multiple interneurons and body muscles. ACR-23 expression in muscle was high in larvae and weak in adults. |
In the embryo, the downstream promoter (ten-1b) is most active in the descendants of the ABp cell and in the hypodermis. The dorsal hypodermal cells and the ventral leader cells were most prominently labeled. During postembryonic development, GFP fluorescence was visible in specialized epithelial cells including the arcade cells of the anterior end and the excretory duct. Ten-1b is also active in a subset of neurons including CAN and HSN neurons as well as neurons of the lumbar and retro-vesicular ganglion and some nerve ring interneurons. In males, GFP fluorescence is also visible in R8 and R9 ray neurons. |
Picture: Fig. 1B. |
The SHK-1::GFP fusion protein was expressed in a variety of interneurons and sensory neurons, as well as body wall muscle. |
Picture: Figure 2A to 2D . |
Driving a nuclear green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter, this presumptive itsn-1 promoter activated expression prominently in the nervous system of larvae and adults. The strongest expression was observed in interneurons and motor neurons as well as in some vulva cells and unidentified cells in the tail. |
Picture: Figure 1. |
APL-1::GFP fluorescence is detected in the cell bodies and processes of nerve ring interneurons and the ventral cord. apl-1::gfp is also expressed in ocket cells and amphids present in the head. Strong expression is seen in junctional cells such as the pharyngeal intestinal valve, which tethers the pharynx to the intestine, and the uterine seam junction in adults, which provides the structural connection between the epidermis and the uterus. APL-1 can be weakly detected in many epidermal epithelia including hyp7, the hypodermal syncitium surrounding the worm, as well as vulval cells, rectal valve cells, pharyngeal arcade cells, and tail hypodermis. Expression is prominent in the excretory cell, a long H-shaped cell implicated in fluid balance. APL-1 was notably absent from body wall muscle and intestine. |
APL-1::GFP fluorescence is detected in the cell bodies and processes of nerve ring interneurons and the ventral cord. |
The egl-36::gfp reporter is expressed in three types of muscles (the egg-laying, the anal depressor and sphincter, and the four most anterior head muscles), several classes of neurons (including sensory, motor, and interneurons), the spermatheca, and the distal tip cells of the somatic gonad. |
The SHK-1::GFP fusion protein was expressed in a variety of interneurons and sensory neurons, as well as body wall muscle. |
Sub-cellular localization within the body wall muscle: Muscle cell membrane +/- Muscle arms |
Pdrn-1::venus transcriptional reporter was expressed specifically in neuronal cells including nerve ring, dorsal cord, ventral nerve cord motor neurons, interneurons, and tail ganglia. |
Expressed in motor neurons and interneurons. |
Other Strain: OH14391 |
Few head neuron pairs (at least some are interneurons - AIY-like), quite dim and variable |